maybe_just_nothing 0.5.3
maybe_just_nothing: ^0.5.3 copied to clipboard
Yet another variation of the good old Maybe monad with eager execution written in Dart.
import 'package:maybe_just_nothing/maybe_just_nothing.dart';
Maybe<int> addTwoIntegers(dynamic a, dynamic b) =>
Just(a).type<int>().merge(Just(b).type<int>(), (int a, int b) => a + b);
void main() {
// Prints 42
addTwoIntegers(40, 2).ifPresent(print);
// Does nothing since one of the values is null.
addTwoIntegers(40, null).ifPresent(print);
// Does nothing since one of the values is not an integer.
addTwoIntegers('Oops', 2).ifPresent(print);