money2 1.4.0-beta-1 money2: ^1.4.0-beta-1 copied to clipboard
Money and Currency classes with fixed precision maths, parsing and formating. (Money.parse("$2010.00") * 10).format("S CC#,##0") -> $ US20,100
import 'package:money2/money2.dart';
void main() {
/// Create a currency
/// USD currency uses 2 decimal places.
final usd = Currency.create('USD', 2);
final aud = Currency.create('AUD', 2);
/// Create a money which stores $USD 10.00
/// Note: we use the minor unit (e.g. cents) when passing in the
/// monetary value.
/// So $10.00 is 1000 cents.
var costPrice = Money.fromInt(1000, usd);
// > $10.00
/// Create a [Money] instance from a String
/// using [Currency.parse]
/// The [Currency] of salePrice is USD.
var salePrice = usd.parse('\$10.50');
print(salePrice.format('SCC 0.0'));
// > $US 10.50
/// Create a [Money] instance from a String
/// using [Money.parse]
var taxPrice = Money.parse('\$1.50', usd);
print(taxPrice.format('CC 0.0 S'));
// > US 1.50 $
/// Create a [Money] instance from a String
/// with an embedded Currency Code
/// using [Currencies.parse]
var cheapIPhone = Currencies.parse('\$USD1500.0', 'SCCC0.0');
// > $US1500.00
var expensiveIPhone = Currencies.parse('\$AUD2000.0', 'SCCC0.0');
// > $AUD2000.00
/// Do some maths
final taxInclusive = costPrice * 1.1;
/// Output the result using the default format.
// > $11.00
/// Do some custom formatting of the ouput
/// S - the symbol e.g. $
/// CC - first two digits of the currency code provided when creating
/// the currency.
/// # - a digit if required
/// 0 - a digit or the zero character as padding.
print(taxInclusive.format('SCC #.00'));
// > $US 11.00
/// Explicitly define the symbol and the default pattern to be used
/// when calling [Money.toString()]
/// JPY - code for japenese yen.
/// 0 - the number of minor units (e.g cents) used by the currency.
/// The yen has no minor units.
/// ¥ - currency symbol for the yen
/// S0 - the default pattern for [Money.toString()].
/// S output the symbol.
/// 0 - force at least a single digit in the output.
final jpy = Currency.create('JPY', 0, symbol: '¥', pattern: 'S0');
var jpyMoney = Money.fromInt(500, jpy);
// > ¥500
/// Define a currency that has inverted separators.
/// i.e. The USD uses '.' for the integer/fractional separator
/// and ',' for the thousands separator.
/// -> 1,000.00
/// The EURO use ',' for the integer/fractional separator
/// and '.' for the thousands separator.
/// -> 1.000,00
final euro = Currency.create('EUR', 2,
symbol: '€', invertSeparators: true, pattern: '#.##0,00 S');
var bmwPrice = Money.fromInt(10025090, euro);
// > 100.250,90 €
/// Formatting examples
// 100,345.30 usd
var teslaPrice = Money.fromInt(10034530, usd);
// > 100,345
// > $100,345.3
// > US100,345.30
// 100,345.30 EUR
var euroCostPrice = Money.fromInt(10034530, euro);
// > 100.345
print(euroCostPrice.format('###.###,## S'));
// > 100.345,3 €
print(euroCostPrice.format('###.###,#0 CC'));
// > 100.345,30 EU
/// Make the currencies available globally by registering them
/// with the [Currencies] singleton factory.
// use a registered currency by finding it in the registry using
// the currency code that the currency was created with.
var usDollar = Currencies.find('USD');
var invoicePrice = Money.fromInt(1000, usDollar);
print(invoicePrice.format('SCCC 0.00'));
// $USD 10.00
// Do some maths
var taxInclusivePrice = invoicePrice * 1.1;
// $11.00
print(taxInclusivePrice.format('SCC 0.00'));
// $US 11.00