money2 3.2.0 copy "money2: ^3.2.0" to clipboard
money2: ^3.2.0 copied to clipboard


Money and Currency classes with fixed precision maths, parsing and formatting. (Money.parse('$2010.00') * 10).format('S CC#,##0') -> $ US20,100

3.2.0 #

  • updated to the latest version of decimal, fixed and meta.
  • BREAKING: The exchange rate formatter was incorrectly displaying the rate as a currency when its just a scalar value. The currency symbol prefix has now been removed. The exchange rate format was also performing rounding when the scale was larger than the no. of decimals the format included. This was not the intended behaviour. It now truncates the no. of decimals to reflect the format pattern. If you want rounding then you should scale the no. before formatting it.

3.1.4 #

  • Fixed: #69 - tryParse throws when Money empty - thanks to LewisHolliday
  • add failing tryParse tests
  • add tests for parse with invalid input
  • Money.parse now correctly throws MoneyParseException when an invalid amount is passed.

3.1.3 #

  • exported money_data.dart in the barrel file.
  • corrected spelling for Money.fromBigIntWitCurrency and ExchangeRate.fromFixedWitCurrency
  • updated links from to

3.1.2 #

Corrected the home page link

3.1.0 #

  • Merge pull request #59 from niklasbartsch/Upraded-to-the-latest-version-of-fixed
  • Fixes: error when using Money2 in a Flutter Web environment due to the reduced size of an int (53bits vs 64 bits).

3.0.0-beta2 #

  • added notes on v2-v3 conversion.
  • Changed ExchangePlatform to work with ExchangeRate changes.
  • Added ctors to ExchangeRate for the supported data types.
  • Added a method to apply an inverse rate. Added the from Currency so it could be used in the ExchangePlatform and is fully self desribing.
  • Fixed the # char for decimal patterns as it was acting like the 0 char.
  • Made the Code and Symbol patterns optional.
  • renamed Money.from to Money.fromNum.
  • Added Money.fromIntWithCurrency.
  • Added Money.fromDecimal
  • Added operators for Money and Fixed operations.
  • Change all exceptions to be derived from a common MoneyException.
  • Updated bitcoins pattern to make it consistent with other currencies.
  • Added the exchange_platform to the set of exported classes.
  • Added decimalPart to moneyData.
  • Added sign to Money.

2.3.0 #

  • In response to issue #53 we have modified how excess minorUnits (decimals) are parsed. Even if the parse pattern doesn't contain decimal places we will still parse decimal places in the Monetary Value. This ensures that we always retain the original parsed values precisions. However the api is currently quiet on how precision is treated when parsing decimals. We have now documented the api to state that we will parse upto the Currencies defined precisions.
    • This means: if you pass a monetary value with decimal digits in excess of the Currencies precision they will be ignored. If you pass a monetary value with decimal digits in excess of the passed pattern then they will be parsed upto the precision of the Currency.
  • Fixed a bug where parsing a no. of the form '.99' (i.e. no leading major digit) would thrown an exception.

2.2.2 #

  • Fix overflow issue when using high precision currencies - thanks to Bob Jackman for the contribution.

3.0.0-beta.6 #

  • Added additional tests for INR.
  • INR had invertseparator as true which isn't correct for INR. The pattern was also wrong.

3.0.0-beta.5 #

Change the common currency format for the inr currencies as it was inconsistent with all other default formats. This also sides steps bug #50.

3.0.0-beta.4 #

  • reverted meta to 1.3 as flutter_test isn't compatible with meta 1.7 Fixes: #47

3.0.0-beta.3 #

  • upgraded to latest meta.
  • moved to lints package.
  • added [] and []= operators to access Currencies.
  • cleaned up package imports.

3.0.0-beta.2 #

Revised the Money constructors to take a currency 'code' rather than a currency.

Money.from(100, CommonCurrency.usd);


Money.from(100, 'USD');

Old methods are still available as:

Money.fromWithCurrency(100, CommonCurrency.usd);

To support this CommonCurrencies are now automatically registered.

3.0.0-beta.1 #

Breaking changes

  • re-implemented each of the == operator to use 'covariant' rather than taking a dynamic as this moves the type check to a compile time error rather than a runtime error. You can nolonger pass a dynamic to the == operator.
  • Changed the Currencies class to a singleton as per #38. You will need to change calls such as:
Currencies.register() -> Currences().register();
Currencies.registerAll() -> Currences().registerAll();
Currencies.parse() -> Currences().parse();
  • restructured the unit test directory so it confirms to the recommended structure.

2.2.1 #

Improved documentation around the Currencies class.

2.2.0 #

  • Add API to access currently registered currencies
Iterator<Currency> Currencies.getRegistered()

2.1.4 #

replaced @deprecated with @Deprecated.

2.1.3 #

Updated links in readme.

2.1.2 #

Corrected the documentation link.

2.1.1 #

Updated homepage.

2.1.0 #

Added zloty and Czech koruna Default Euro pattern fixed - the symbol is now at the end of the value removed support for the beta of 2.12.

2.0.3 #

un deprecated Money.fromBigInt as it is more memory efficient that Money.from

2.0.2 #

Rreleased null safety preview. fixes: #15 fixes: #29 - lost digits using exchangeTo fixes: #28 - support more precision for exchange rates fixes #24 - support mutli-character symbols. fixes #22 - document inversion of , and . in format. Rounding was wrong for -ve no. Changed to rounding based on sign. moved doco to gitbooks. Corrected the BRL pattern. Corrected the decimal separator for brl. Added tests for rounding. Added tests for exchange rate precision. Added bitcoin, sorted entries. Fixed #26 rounding issue - Money.from rounds incorrectly. Fixed a bug in exchangeTo that had hard coded the number of decimal places.

2.0.1-nullsafety.6 #

Added Money.dividedBy with a double as the result.

2.0.1 #

released 2.0.1-nullsafety.5 to fix the description formatting.

2.0.1-nullsafety.5 #

Fixed the incorrect example output to be correct.

2.0.1-nullsafety.4 #

3rd attemp to fix formatting.

2.0.1-nullsafety.3 #

2nd attempt to fix the description formatting ;<

2.0.1-nullsafety.2 #

attempt to fix the escaping of the description.

2.0.1-nullsafety.1 #

Bug fixes for currences by with high precision and parsing amounts with less than the expected decimal places. Merge pull request #21 from comigor/precision-0 Merge pull request #19 from comigor/master moved to lint. Exposed the encoders as part of the public api. Correctly parse currencies with 0 minor digits Fix a formatting issue where only currencies with precision=2 were being considered

2.0.0-nonnullable.1 #

Migrated the library to use the dart non-nulllable options.

1.4.3 #

add support for parsing negative money values

1.4.2 #

Merge pull request #9 from ibobo/master replaced " with ' quotes. removed all $ replaced with r'$ Fix formatting of negative numbers below minorDigitsFactor

1.4.1 #

fixed lints to make happy. ignored settings.json. When formatting patterns now support spaces between code/symbol and the digits. Added support for a built in list of common currencies. Added support for whitespace between pattern characters when parsing. We do this by removing any whitespace in the pattern or the value. Allow space on minorPattern Add test cases with spaces after digits

version: 1.4.0 #

relase of beta features.

version: 1.4.0-beta-3 #

Merged in PR #7

When formatting patterns now support spaces between code/symbol and the digits.

Thanks to @comigor for the patch.

version: 1.4.0-beta-2 #

Forgot to export the new CommonCurrencies class.

version: 1.4.0-beta-1 #

Added support for whitespace around the symbol and the currency code. Added support for a builtin list of common currency codes as requested in #8

version: 1.3.0 #

Fixes from oysterpack dealing with: money values with single digit cents do not format correctly


Currently minor units and currency are used to construct Money, but they are not exposed as properties.

version: 1.2.3 #

Updated code style to meet latest requirements of dartanalyzer.

version: 1.2.2 #

Documented creation of top 20 currencies.

version: 1.2.1 #

Corrections and improvements to the documentation.

version: 1.2.0 #

Deprecated 'fromString' methods in favour of 'parse' method name. This was done to bring the library in line with the likes of BigInt.parse.

Added #

New 'Money.from(num)' method to support creating money from int's and doubles. New Unit tests for Money.from and the new parse methods.

Deprecated #

Money.fromString - use Money.parse Currency.fromString - use Currency.parse Currencies.fromString - use Currencies.parse

version: 1.1.1 #

Minor documenation cleanups.

version: 1.1.0 #

Change the API of Currencies. Its now a singleton so usage changes from: Currencies().register() to Currencies.register().

Added #

New methods to parse a monetary value from a String including: Money.frommString Currency.fromString Currencies.fromString

New method to convert a [Money] of one currency to another currency via the [Money.exchangeTo] method.

New examples and unit tests for the above methods.

version: 1.0.7 #

2nd Attempt to improve the description displayed on

version: 1.0.6 #

Attempt to improve the description displayed on

version: 1.0.5 #

Formatting of examples as the site clips wide lines.

version: 1.0.4 #

Improved the examples.

version: 1.0.3 #

Changed readme sample to the more familar usd.

Added #

Examples of registry usage.
Additional unit tests.

version: 1.0.2 #

tweaks to the doco, some additional unit tests. Improved the trailing zero logic.

version: 1.0.1 #

Improvemenst to the dartdoc.

version: 1.0.0 #

First release version

Updated #

Readme to document invertedSeparators and general improvments corrections.

Added #

Added a couple additional examples. InvertedSeparator argument to Currency.create Additional unit test for the InvertedSeparator option.

version: 1.0.0-beta.6 #

Minor cleanups of the

version: 1.0.0-beta.5 #

Updated the name of example.dart to please google package gods.

version: 1.0.0-beta.4 #

Update to please the google package gods.

Added #

  • longer description
  • fixed to broken annotations.

version: 1.0.0-beta.3 #

Updated the description.

Removed #

  • Dependency on meta ^1.1.7.

Updated #

  • Dependancy on intl: ^0.16.0.

1.0.0-beta.1 - 2019-9-26 #

Added #

  • Dependency on meta ^1.1.7.
  • Dependancy on intl: ^0.15.8.
  • Annotations @immutable and @sealed to Money, Currency, MoneyData.
  • Added new format method on Money class to allow simply formating of amounts.
  • Modified the API to make it easier to follow.
  • Change the Currencies class to a factory and renamed methods to 'register' and 'registerList'.
  • Chaneged ctor for Money from withBigInt to fromBigInt
  • Added ctor for Money 'fromInt'
  • Added strong mode to the analyzer.
  • Renamed a number of classes for clarity.
  • Added unit tests for the new formatter.
  • Updated the for clarity and the details on the new formatter.
  • Removed the aggregated currency interface as couldn't see that it added significant value.

1.0.0-alpha.1 - 2019-04-09 #

This release was made from scratch and provides API incompatible with 0.2.1.

Added #

  • Currency value-type.
  • The interface Currencies for representation of currency directories.
  • Implementation of currencies which can be initialized by any Iterable<Currency> (see the factory Currencies.from(Iterable<Currency>)).
  • Aggregating Currencies implementation (see the factory Currencies.aggregating(Iterable<Currencies>)).
  • Adds Money value-type:
    • amount predicates: .isZero, .isPositive, .isNegative;
    • currency predicates .isInCurrency(Currency), .isInSameCurrencyAs(Money);
    • comparison operators: ==, <, <=, >, >=;
    • conformance to Comparable<Money>;
    • arithmetic operators (+(Money), -(Money), *(num), /(num));
    • allocation according to ratios with .allocationAccordingTo(List<int>);
    • allocation to N targets with .allocationTo(int);
    • .encodedBy(MoneyDecoder);
    • Money.decoding(MoneyEncoder).
  • Interface MoneyEncoder.
  • Interface MoneyDecoder.
  • MoneyData — DTO for encoding/decoding.

0.2.1 - 2018-08-21 #

Fixed #

  • Fixes comparison of 0 and -0 amount in a browser.

0.2.0 - 2018-08-17 #

Changed #

  • Code was migrated to Dart 2.0. No API changes.

0.1.6 - 2017-02-24 #

Fixed #

  • Fixed wrong parsing from string when integer part of amount is 0.

0.1.5 - 2016-07-06 #

Changed #

  • Class Currency is not abstract from now on.

Fixed #

  • Money.hashCode now relates on amount and currency (Issue #1).

0.1.4 - 2016-06-03 #

Changed #

  • [BC] Money.==() now receives Object instead of Money and checks runtime type of the argument, closes #4.

0.1.3+2 - 2016-05-10 #

Fixed #

  • Fixed invalid rounding of amount in Money.toString(), closes #3.

0.1.3 - 2015-05-05 #

Added #

  • Added Money.fromDouble() constructor.

0.1.2 - 2015-05-05 #

Added #

  • Added getter Money.amountAsString.

0.1.1 - 2015-05-04 #

Added #

  • Added Money.fromString() constructor.
  • Added relational operators (<, <=, >, >=).

0.1.0+1 - 2015-05-01 #

Fixed #

  • Fixes

[0.1.0] - 2015-05-01 #

Initial version.

pub points



Money and Currency classes with fixed precision maths, parsing and formatting. (Money.parse('$2010.00') * 10).format('S CC#,##0') -> $ US20,100

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decimal, fixed, intl, meta


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