moor 4.6.1 copy "moor: ^4.6.1" to clipboard
moor: ^4.6.1 copied to clipboard

discontinuedreplaced by: drift

Moor is a safe and reactive persistence library for Dart applications

4.6.1 #

  • Fix the moor analyzer plugin not starting

4.6.0 #

  • Add DoUpdate.withExcluded to refer to the excluded row in an upsert clause.
  • Add optional where clause to DoUpdate constructors

Important notice #

Moor has been renamed to drift. This package will continue to be supported until the next major release (5.0.0), no immediate action is needed.

At the next breaking release, moor will be discontinued in favor of the drift package. Please consider migrating to drift at a suitable opportunity. Automated migration tooling exists! See for details.

4.5.0 #

  • Add moorRuntimeOptions.debugPrint option to control which print method is used by moor.
  • Add a rowId extension on generated tables.
  • Add NullAwareTypeConverter to simplify type converters that always map null from and to null.
  • Kill backing isolates after calling MoorIsolate.shutdownAll.

4.4.1 #

  • Include latest generator in analyzer plugin

4.4.0 #

  • Add Value.ofNullable constructor to easily wrap nullable values.
  • Support selecting views declared in a moor file in Dart (with select, join and similar methods)
  • Add the scoped_dart_components builder option to generate a function for Dart components in SQL. The function's parameters reflect tables that are in scope.
  • Add the UpsertMultiple class to run multiple upsert clauses in an insert. This requires sqlite3 version 3.35 or later.
  • Add the closeUnderlyingOnClose argument to VmDatabase.opened as an option to keep the underlying instance opened when closing the VmDatabase.
  • The tableUpdates stream now emits the relevant updates instead of null.
  • Reflect type converters in generated columns. The equalsValue method can be used as an equals with a value mapped by a type converter.
  • Improve nullability analysis for SQL queries.
  • Note: You have to re-generate sources with moor_generator version 4.4.0 after upgrading to this version. Apologies for the inconvenience.

4.3.2 #

  • Fix insertReturning not updating streams
  • Fix streams emitting stale data if a new subscriber attaches immediately after an update.

4.3.1 #

  • Fix encoding table updates without a kind over isolates
  • Fix deserializing some nullable types in the default value serializer

4.3.0 #

  • Support custom, existing classes for rows! See the @UseRowClass annotation for details.
  • Add CASE WHEN expressions with the caseMatch method on Expression
  • Add insertReturning which returns the generated row after an insert
  • Add min, max and avg functions for DateTime expressions
  • On supported platforms, cancel pending stream selects when the stream is disposed
    • moor_flutter is supported
    • moor/ffi is supported when used on a background isolate

4.2.1 #

  • Deprecate readBool, readString, readInt, readDouble, readDateTime and readBlob in QueryRow. Use read directly (which supports nullable types).

4.2.0 #

  • Fixed subqueries not affecting stream updates
  • Throw a CouldNotRollBackException when rolling back a transaction throws

4.1.0 #

  • Reverted the SelectableUtils extension, its members have been added back to the Selectable class.
  • Add trim(), trimLeft() and trimRight() extensions for text expressions
  • Initial support for sub-queries in the Dart api:
    • Expression.isInQuery and isNotInQuery for IS IN (SELECT ...) matching
    • subqueryExpression to use single-column, single-row selects as values
    • existsQuery and notExistsQuery for EXISTS expressions
  • New package:moor/remote.dart library to access databases over any StreamChannel. The isolate library has been rewritten on top of that api.

4.0.0-nullsafety.1 #

  • Breaking: getSingle() and watchSingle() are now non-nullable and throw for empty results. Use getSingleOrNull() and watchSingleOrNull() for the old behavior.
  • Breaking: Removed QueryEngine, its methods have been moved to DatabaseConnectionUser
  • Breaking: Changed the args parameter in QueryExecutor methods to List<Object?>
  • Breaking: Removed the second type parameter from
  • Breaking: and TypedResult.readTable now throw if the row does not contain the requested table or expression (they used to return null).
  • Breaking: MoorWebStorage.indexedDbIfSupported now returns a future
  • Breaking: getSingle and watchSingle (and their orNull() variants) are now an extension on Selectable. Import package:moor/moor.dart to files using those methods.
  • Support null safety
  • Changed the sql representation of text types from VARCHAR to TEXT
  • Added extensions for isNull and isNotNull
  • Support creating a VmDatabase from a raw sqlite3 Database via VmDatabase.opened
  • New named_parameters build option to generate named parameters for named variables in moor files
  • Added Migrator.renameTable to rename tables

3.4.0 #

  • New TableMigration api to make complex table migrations easier. See the updated documentation for details on how to use this feature.
  • New DatabaseConnection.delayed constructor to synchronously obtain a database connection that requires an async setup. This can be useful when connecting to a MoorIsolate.
  • VmDatabase: Create directory of database file to avoid misuse errors from sqlite3.
  • New feature in moor files: You can now set the default value for Dart templates: filter ($predicate = TRUE): SELECT * FROM my_table WHERE $predicate. This generates an optional named parameter in Dart.
  • New generate_values_in_copy_with build option . It wraps nullable columns in a Value in copyWith methods so that they can be set to null.
  • Added groupConcat, cast and coalesce functions to the Dart query builder.
  • Added renameColumn to Migrator to generate ALTER TABLE RENAME COLUMN statements.
  • Added VmDatabase.closeExistingInstances() to close zombie database connections after hot restarts on some OSes.

3.3.1 #

  • Support changing onData handlers for query streams. This fixes a bug occurring when using queryStream.first multiple times.

3.3.0 #

  • New package:moor/ffi.dart library to replace the moor_ffi package. When migrating, Flutter users need to depend on the sqlite3_flutter_libs package as well. The changelog of moor_ffi contains further information about this
  • New (in generator): apply_converters_on_variables build option . When enabled, type converter will be enabled on variables for analyzed queries. This will be the default option in the future.

3.2.0 #

  • It's now possible to change the name of a class generated for moor-file queries. See the documentation for details.
  • Added the multiLine, caseSensitive, unicode and doAll flags to the regex sql extension method. They require moor_ffi version 0.7.0 or later.

3.1.0 #

  • Update companions now implement == and hashCode
  • New containsCase method for text in package:moor/extensions/moor_ffi.dart
  • The toCompanion method is back for data classes, but its generation can be disabled with a build option
  • New feature: Implicit enum converters
  • Added the destructiveFallback extension to databases. It can be used in migrationStrategy to delete and then re-create all tables, indices and triggers.

3.0.2 #

  • Fix update statements not escaping column names (#539)

3.0.1 #

  • Fix mapFromRowOrNull not working without a prefix (#534)

3.0.0 #

  • Breaking: package:moor/moor_web.dart no longer exports package:moor/moor.dart. If you've relied on this, you'll now need to import package:moor/moor.dart as well.
  • Breaking: Remove deprecated members:
    • top-level and, or and not methods. Use &, | and .not() instead.
    • top-level year, month, day, hour, minute, second methods. Use the extension member on Expression<DateTime> instead.
    • InsertStatement.insertAll (use batches instead)
    • the orReplace boolean parameter on inserts (use mode: InsertMode.orReplace instead)
    • remove the top-level isIn and isNotIn functions (use the .isIn and .isNotIn instance methods instead)
    • CustomSelectStatement.execute and constructFetcher - use get() or watch(), respectively
  • Breaking: Remove the second type variable on Expression and subclasses.
  • Breaking: Remove customSelectStream from QueryEngine. The customSelect method now returns an Selectable (like customSelectQuery, which in turn has been deprecated).
  • Breaking: Columns that are aliases to sqlite's rowid column are no longer considered required for inserts
  • Breaking: Changes the way data classes and companions are inserted:
    • Removed Insertable.toCompanion
    • Added Insertable.toColumns to obtain a map from column names to values that should be inserted
    • Removed TableInfo.entityToSql - use Insertable.toColumns instead
  • Breaking: Renamed the db field in daos to attachedDatabase. The old field is available through an extension.
  • Breaking: The compact_query_methods and use_column_name_as_json_key_when_defined_in_moor_file build options are now enabled by default. This means that queries in moor files now generate a Selectable method by default ( instead of two methods for get and watch). Columns defined in moor files will have their sql name as json key ( moor used to transform their name to camelCase). You can still disable both options to keep the old behavior.
  • Breaking: The last statement in a moor file must now end with a semicolon as well
  • Batches now run statements in the order they were issued. This required a breaking change for engine implementers.
  • Experimentally support IndexedDB to store sqlite data on the web
  • Moor will no longer wait for query stream listeners to receive a done event when closing a database or transaction.
  • Updated stream queries: They now take triggers into account and more accurately detect when an update is necessary.
  • New tableUpdates method that can be used to listen for a subset of table updates outside of a query.
  • New feature: Nested results for compiled queries (#288) See the documentation for details on how and when to use this feature.
  • New feature: Use sql expressions for inserts or updates with the new custom factory on companions
  • New feature: Upserts in the Dart api! Read everything you need to know here.
  • Support using MoorIsolates in scenarios where only primitive messages can be passed between isolates.

2.4.2 #

  • Fix beforeOpen callback deadlocking when using the isolate executor (#431)
  • Fix limit clause not being applied when using .join afterwards (#433)

2.4.1 #

  • Don't generate double quoted string literals in date time functions

2.4.0 #

  • Support aggregate expressions and group by in the Dart api
  • Support type converters in moor files! The documentation has been updated to explain how to use them.
  • Support stream queries in transactions (#356)
  • Support table-valued functions (like json_each and json_tree) in moor files #260.
  • Fix a crash when opening a transaction without using it (#361)
  • New mapFromCompanion method in generated tables to convert a UpdateCompanion to a model.
  • Support generated moor classes in other builders (like built_value). Details in the docs

2.3.0 #

  • New clientDefault method for columns. It can be used for dynamic defaults that might be different for each row. For instance, you can generate a uuid for each row with text().clientDefault(() => Uuid().v4()();
  • New CLI tool to analyze moor files: Learn more at
  • Ability to override the default ValueSerializer globally by using moorRuntimeOptions.valueSerializer.
  • Moor files: You can now explicitly declare column types in those cases that the analyzer can't infer it:
    selectVariable(:variable AS TEXT): SELECT :variable;
  • Support for triggers and indices! You can declare them in a .moor file with a regular CREATE TRIGGER or CREATE INDEX statement. Both triggers and indices will be created in the default onCreate function. To create them in onUpgrade, use the new createIndex and createTrigger functions on a Migrator.
  • Support for moor-file queries that run on initialization (#280) Declare them like this @create: INSERT INTO users VALUES ('default', 'user')
  • Support deletes in batches (#325)
  • Reduce unnecessary queries when a stream is unsubscribed and then re-subscribed (#329)
  • Experimental new type inference for the sql analyzer. For details, check the use_experimental_inference build option
  • Web: New initializer parameter to create the database when it doesn't exist

2.2.0 #

  • Support custom expressions for selects in the Dart API:
    final currentBalance = accounts.income - accounts.expenses;
    select(accounts).addColumns([currentBalance]).map((row) {
      Account account = row.readTable(accounts);
      int balanceOfAccount =;
      return ...
  • Support the json1 and fts5 extensions! Using them also requires version 2.2 of moor_generator and they require moor_ffi. For details, see the documentation.
  • Standardized behavior of batches in transactions across backends
  • Introduced OrderingTerm.asc and OrderingTerm.desc factories to construct ordering terms more easily

2.1.1 #

  • Fix crash when closing a database with asserts disabled
  • Web: Save the database after migrations ran
  • Escape column names in insert statements, if necessary

2.1.0 #

  • New extension methods to simplify the Dart api!
    • Use &, or and .not() to combine boolean expressions.
      // OLD
      select(animals)..where((a) => and(not(a.isMammal), a.amountOfLegs.equals(4)))
      // NEW:
      select(animals)..where((a) => a.isMammal.not() & a.amountOfLegs.equals(4))
    • Arithmetic: New +, -, * and / operators for int and double sql expressions
    • New + operator for string concatenation
  • Fix crash when customStatement is the first operation used on a database (#199)
  • Allow transactions inside a beforeOpen callback
  • New batch method on generated databases to execute multiple queries in a single batch
  • Experimental support to run moor on a background isolate
  • Reduce use of parentheses in SQL code generated at runtime
  • Query streams now emit errors that happened while running the query
  • Upgraded the sql parser which now supports WITH clauses in moor files
  • Internal refactorings on the runtime query builder

2.0.1 #

  • Introduced isBetween and isBetweenValues methods for comparable expressions (int, double, datetime) to check values for both an upper and lower bound
  • Automatically map BOOLEAN and DATETIME columns declared in a sql file to the appropriate type (both used to be double before).
  • Fix streams not emitting cached data when listening multiple times
  • Breaking: Remove the type parameter from Insertable.createCompanion (it was declared as an internal method)

2.0.1+1: Fix crash when customStatement is the first operation used on a database (#199)

2.0.0 #

This is the first major update after the initial release and moor and we have a lot to cover: .moor files can now have their own imports and queries, you can embed Dart in sql queries using the new templates feature and we have a prototype of a pure-Dart SQL IDE ready. Finally, we also removed a variety of deprecated features. See the breaking changes section to learn what components are affected and what alternatives are available.

New features #

Updates to the sql parser

.moor files were introduced in moor 1.7 as an experimental way to declare tables by using CREATE TABLE statements. In this version, they become stable and support their own import and query system. This allows you to write queries in their own file:


FROM users
WHERE name LIKE :query;

When this file is included from a @UseMoor annotation, moor will generate methods to run the query. Of course, you can also write Dart queries for tables declared in sql:

Stream<User> loadUserById(int id) {
  return (select(users)
    ..where((u) =>;

Moor files can also import other moor files by using an import 'other.moor'; statement at the top. Then, all tables defined in other.moor will also be available to the current file.

Moor takes Dart and SQL interop even further with the new "Dart in SQL templates". You can define a query like this:

FROM users
WHERE $condition;

And moor will generate a method findDynamic(Expression<bool, BoolType> condition) for you. This allows you to bind the template with a predicate as complex as you'd like. At the moment, Dart templates are supported for expressions, OrderBy, OrderingTerm and Limit.

INSERT statements can now be used as a compiled statement - both in moor files and in a @UseMoor or @UseDao annotation. A new builtin linter will even warn you when you forget to provide a value for a non-nullable column - right at compile time!

And finally, we now generate better query code when queries only return a single column. Instead of generating a whole new class for that, we simply return the value directly.

Experimental ffi support

We released an experimental version of moor built on top of dart:ffi. It works cross-platform and is much, much faster than moor_flutter. It you want to try it out, read the docs here .

Minor changes #

  • a Constant<String> can now be written to SQL, it used to throw before. This is useful if you need default values for strings columns. This also works for BLOBS (Constant<Uint8List>).
  • new LazyDatabase for when you want to construct a database asynchronously (for instance, if you first need to find a file before you can open a database).

Breaking changes #

  • THIS LIKELY AFFECTS YOUR APP: Removed the transaction parameter for callbacks in transactions and beforeOpen callbacks. So, instead of writing

    transaction((t) async {
      await t.update(table)...;

    simply write

    transaction(() async {
      await update(table)...;

    Similarly, instead of using onOpen: (db, details) async {...}, use onOpen: (details) async {...}. You don't have to worry about calling methods on your database instead of a transaction objects. They will be delegated automatically.

    On a similar note, we also removed the operateOn parameter from compiled queries.

  • Compiled queries that return only a single column (e.g. SELECT COUNT(*) FROM users) will just return their value (in this case, an int) now. Moor no longer generates a new class in that case.

  • Removed MigrationStrategy.onFinished. Use beforeOpen instead.

  • Compiled sql queries starting with an underscore will now generate private match queries. Previously, the query _allUsers would generate a watchAllUsers method, that has been adopted to _watchAllUsers. The generate_private_watch_methods builder option, which backported this fix to older versions, has thus been removed.

  • Removed InsertStatement.insertOrReplace. Use insert(data, orReplace: true) instead.

  • Removed the diff util and MoorAnimatedList. Use a third party library for that.

1.7.2 #

  • Fixed a race condition that caused the database to be opened multiple times on slower devices. This problem was introduced in 1.7.0 and was causing problems during migrations.

1.7.1 #

  • Better documentation on getSingle and watchSingle for queries.
  • Fix INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY wrongly requiring a value during insert (this never affected AUTOINCREMENT columns, and only affects columns declared in a .moor file)

1.7.0 #

  • Support custom columns via type converters. See the docs for details on how to use this feature.
  • Transactions now roll back when not completed successfully, they also rethrow the exception to make debugging easier.
  • New backends api, making it easier to write database drivers that work with moor. Apart from moor_flutter, new experimental backends can be checked out from git:
    1. encrypted_moor: An encrypted moor database:
  • The compiled sql feature is no longer experimental and will stay stable until a major version bump
  • New, experimental support for .moor files! Instead of declaring your tables in Dart, you can choose to declare them with sql by writing the CREATE TABLE statement in a .moor file. You can then use these tables in the database and with daos by using the include parameter on @UseMoor and @UseDao. Again, please notice that this is an experimental api and there might be some hiccups. Please report any issues you run into.

1.6.0 #

  • Experimental web support! See the documentation for details.
  • Make transactions easier to use: Thanks to some Dart async magic, you no longer need to run queries on the transaction explicitly. This
    Future deleteCategory(Category category) {
      return transaction((t) async {
        await t.delete(categories).delete(category);
    is now the same as this (notice how we don't have to use the t. in front of the delete)
      Future deleteCategory(Category category) {
        return transaction((t) async {
          await delete(categories).delete(category);
    This makes it much easier to compose operations by extracting them into methods, as you don't have to worry about not using the t parameter.
  • Moor now provides syntax sugar for list parameters in compiled custom queries (SELECT * FROM entries WHERE id IN ?)
  • Support COLLATE expressions.
  • Date time columns are now comparable
  • The StringType now supports arbitrary data from sqlite (#70). Thanks, knaeckeKami!
  • Bugfixes related to stream queries and LIMIT clauses.

1.5.1 #

  • Fixed an issue where transformed streams would not always update
  • Emit a INSERT INTO table DEFAULT VALUES when appropriate. Moor used to generate invalid sql before.

1.5.0 #

This version introduces some new concepts and features, which are explained in more detail below. Here is a quick overview of the new features:

  • More consistent and reliable callbacks for migrations. You can now use MigrationStrategy.beforeOpen to run queries after migrations, but before fully opening the database. This is useful to initialize data.
  • Greatly expanded documentation, introduced additional checks to provide more helpful error messages
  • New getSingle and watchSingle methods on queries: Queries that you know will only return one row can now be instructed to return the value directly instead of wrapping it in a list.
  • New "update companion" classes to clearly separate between absent values and explicitly setting values back to null - explained below.
  • Experimental support for compiled sql queries: Moor can now generate typesafe APIs for written sql. Read on to get started.

Update companions #

Newly introduced "Update companions" allow you to insert or update data more precisely than before. Previously, there was no clear separation between "null" and absent values. For instance, let's say we had a table "users" that stores an id, a name, and an age. Now, let's say we wanted to set the age of a user to null without changing its name. Would we use User(age: null)? Here, the name column would implicitly be set to null, so we can't cleanly separate that. However, with UsersCompanion(age: Value(null)), we know the difference between Value(null) and the default Value.absent().

Don't worry, all your existing code will continue to work, this change is fully backwards compatible. You might get analyzer warnings about missing required fields. The migration to update companions will fix that. Replacing normal classes with their update companions is simple and the only thing needed to fix that. The documentation has been updated to reflect this. If you have additional questions, feel free to create an issue.

Compiled sql queries #

Experimental support for compile time custom statements. Sounds super boring, but it actually gives you a fluent way to write queries in pure sql. The moor generator will figure out what your queries return and automatically generate the boring mapping part. Head on to the documentation to find out how to use this new feature.

Please note that this feature is in an experimental state: Expect minor, but breaking changes in the API and in the generated code. Also, if you run into any issues with this feature, reporting them would be super appreciated.

1.4.0 #

  • Added the RealColumn, which stores floating point values
  • Better configuration for the serializer with the JsonKey annotation and the ability to use a custom ValueSerializer

1.3.0 #

  • Moor now supports table joins
    • Added table aliases
  • Default values for columns: Just use the withDefault method when declaring a column
    • added expressions that resolve to the current date or time
  • Fixed a crash that would occur if the first operation was a transaction
  • Better support for custom expressions as part of a regular query
  • Faster hashcode implementation in generated data classes

1.2.0 #

  • Breaking: Generated DAO classes are now called _$YourNameHere, it used to be just _YourNameHere (without the dollar sign)
  • Blob data type
  • insertOrReplace method for insert statements
  • DAOs can now operate on transactions
  • Custom constraints
  • Query streams are now cached so that equal queries yield identical streams. This can improve performance.

1.1.0 #

  • Transactions

1.0.0 #

  • Initial version of the Moor library
pub points



Moor is a safe and reactive persistence library for Dart applications

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MIT (license)


async, collection, convert, drift, meta, sqlite3, stream_channel


Packages that depend on moor