node_interop 0.0.2 copy "node_interop: ^0.0.2" to clipboard
node_interop: ^0.0.2 copied to clipboard

outdatedDart 1 only

Interop library for writing NodeJS apps and modules in Dart.

NodeJS interop library #

Build Status

Provides interface bindings for NodeJS APIs and allows writing Dart applications and libraries which can be compiled and used in NodeJS.

Unlock the full power of Dart static analysis, type system and built-in features like Futures, Streams and async/await for building NodeJS apps.

Philosophy #

Provided API interface is Dart-centric which means Node functionality is exposed in idiomatic Dart as much as possible. For instance:

  • File system API follows dart:io interface (thanks to the awesome file package)
  • Platform API also exposed via interface provided by platform package.
  • Dart's Futures and Streams are used whenever possible.

The intention is to provide familiar and productive environment for Dart developers when working with NodeJS.

Usage #

How to create a simple Node app written in Dart:

  1. Create a new Dart project. Stagehand is a great way to scaffold all the boilerplate.
$ pub global activate stagehand
$ mkdir my_node_app
$ cd my_node_app
$ stagehand package-simple # if you have .pub-cache in your PATH, or
$ pub global run stagehand package-simple # if you don't have it in your PATH
  1. Add dependency and transformers to the generated pubspec.yaml
  node_interop: ^0.0.1

  - $dart2js
  - node_interop
  1. Create bin/main.dart and write some code:
import 'package:node_interop/node_interop.dart';
import 'package:node_interop/fs.dart';

void main() async {
  var fs = new NodeFileSystem(); // access Node `fs` module
  print(fs.currentDirectory); // prints the path from `process.cwd()`
  var files = await fs.currentDirectory.list().toList();
  print(files); // lists current directory contents
  1. Compile. Pub by default assumes you are building for web so it looks for web folder. We need to explicitely tell it to look in bin/ where our main.dart is:
$ pub build bin
  1. Run the app. Compiled app is located in build/bin/main.dart.js:
$ # assuming you have NodeJS installed:
$ node build/bin/main.dart.js
$ # If everything worked well you should see your current 
$ # directory contents printed out.

Pub transformer #

This library provides Pub transformer which by default processes all .dart files in the bin/ folder. The only thing it does is it prepends Node preamble to JS generated by dart2js transformer.

NodeJS modules and exports #

It is possible to create a module which exposes some functionality via NodeJS exports.

Here is simple module example exporting a bang function:

// file:bin/bang.dart
import 'package:node_interop/node_interop.dart';

/// A module which exports a bang function.
void main() {
  exports.setProperty('bang', bang);

String bang(String value) {
  return value.toUpperCase() + '!';

After compiled with pub build it can be required from any JS file:

const bang = require('path/to/build/bin/bang.dart.js');
// prints out "HI!"

For such a small function the resulting bang.dart.js would be quite large (~1k lines of code). However creating Node modules like this can be considered an edge use case when you would want to mix in some functionality from Dart into an existing Node app.

Features and bugs #

Please file feature requests and bugs at the issue tracker

pub points


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Interop library for writing NodeJS apps and modules in Dart.

Repository (GitHub)
View/report issues


unknown (license)


barback, file, glob, js, node_preamble, platform


Packages that depend on node_interop