observable 0.20.1 copy "observable: ^0.20.1" to clipboard
observable: ^0.20.1 copied to clipboard

outdatedDart 1 only

Support for marking objects as observable

0.20.1 #

  • Add Observable<List|Set|Map>.unmodifiable for immutable collections
  • Add Observable<List|Set|Map>.EMPTY for empty immutable collections
    • This can be used as an optimization for libraries that always need to return an observable collection, but don't want to allocate a new instance to represent an empty immutable.

0.20.0 #

  • Add ObservableSet, SetChangeRecord, and SetDiffer

0.19.0 #

  • Refactor and deprecate ObservableMap-specific API
    • ObservableMap no longer emits #keys and #values change records
    • ObservableMap.spy is deprecated, becomes .delegate instead
  • Potentially breaking: ObservableMap may no longer be extended

It is also considered deprecated to be notified of length changes.

0.18.1 #

  • Bug fix: Do not throw when Observable<T>.notifyChange is used

0.18.0 #

  • Refactor and deprecate ObservableList-specific API
    • ObservableList.applyChangeRecords
    • ObservableList.calculateChangeRecords
    • ObservableList.withLength
    • ObservableList.deliverListChanges
    • ObservableList.discardListChanges
    • ObservableList.hasListChanges
    • ObservableList.listChanges
    • ObservableList.notifyListChange
  • Potentially breaking: ObservableList may no longer be extended

It is also considered deprecated to be notified of length, isEmpty and isNotEmpty PropertyChangeRecords on ObservableList - in a future release ObservableList.changes will be Stream<List<ListChangeRecord>>.

0.17.0+1 #

  • Revert PropertyChangeMixin, which does not work in dart2js

0.17.0 #

This is a larger change with a goal of no runtime changes for current customers, but in the future Observable will become a very lightweight interface, i.e.:

abstract class Observable<C extends ChangeRecord> {
  Stream<List<C>> get changes;
  • Started deprecating the wide Observable interface
    • ChangeNotifier should be used as a base class for these methods:
      • Observable.observed
      • Observable.unobserved
      • Observable.hasObservers
      • Observable.deliverChanges
      • Observable.notifyChange
    • PropertyChangeNotifier should be used for these methods:
      • Observable.notifyPropertyChange
    • Temporarily, Observable uses ChangeNotifier
      • Existing users of anything but implements Observable should move to implementing or extending ChangeNotifier. In a future release Observable will reduce API surface down to an abstract Stream<List<C>> get changes.
  • Added the ChangeNotifier and PropertyChangeNotifier classes
    • Can be used to implement Observable in a generic manner
  • Observable is now Observable<C extends ChangeRecord>
    • When passing a generic type C, notifyPropertyChange is illegal

0.16.0 #

  • Refactored MapChangeRecord
    • Added equality and hashCode checks
    • Added MapChangeRecord.apply to apply a change record
  • Added MapDiffer, which implements Differ for a Map

0.15.0+2 #

  • Fix a bug in ListDiffer that caused a RangeError

0.15.0+1 #

  • Fix analysis errors caused via missing /*<E>*/ syntax in 0.15.0

0.15.0 #

  • Added the Differ interface, as well as EqualityDiffer
  • Refactored list diffing into a ListDiffer
  • Added concept of ChangeRecord.ANY and ChangeRecord.NONE
    • Low-GC ways to expression "something/nothing" changed
  • Refactored ListChangeRecord
    • Added named constructors for common use cases
    • Added equality and hashCode checks
    • Added ListChangeRecord.apply to apply a change record
  • Added missing @override annotations to satisfy annotate_overrides

0.14.0+1 #

  • Add a missing dependency on pkg/meta.