path_to_regexp 0.4.0
path_to_regexp: ^0.4.0 copied to clipboard
Converts a path such as '/user/:id' into a regular expression.
import 'package:path_to_regexp/path_to_regexp.dart';
void main() {
// Parse a path into tokens, and extract parameters names.
final parameters = <String>[];
final tokens = parse(r'/user/:id(\d+)', parameters: parameters);
print(parameters); // [id]
// Create a regular expression from tokens.
final regExp = tokensToRegExp(tokens);
print(regExp.hasMatch('/user/12')); // true
print(regExp.hasMatch('/user/alice')); // false
// Extract parameter arguments from a match.
final match = regExp.matchAsPrefix('/user/12');
print(extract(parameters, match!)); // {id: 12}
// Create a path function from tokens.
final toPath = tokensToFunction(tokens);
print(toPath({'id': '12'})); // /user/12