provider 4.1.0-dev+2 copy "provider: ^4.1.0-dev+2" to clipboard
provider: ^4.1.0-dev+2 copied to clipboard


A wrapper around InheritedWidget to make them easier to use and more reusable.

4.1.0 #

  • Added a select extension on BuildContext. It behaves similarly to Selector, but is a lot less verbose to write:

    With Selector:

    Widget build(BuildContext context) {
      return Selector<Person, String>(
        selector: (_, p) =>,
        builder: (_, name, __) {
          return Text(name);

    VS with the new select extension:

    Widget build(BuildContext context) {
      final name = p) =>;
      return Text(name);
  • Added builder on the different providers. This parameters simplifies situations where we need a BuildContext that can access the new provider.

    As such, instead of:

      create: (_) => Something(),
      child: Builder(
        builder: (context) {
          final name = s) =>;
          return Text(name);

    we can write:

      create: (_) => Something(),
      builder: (context, child) {
        final name = s) =>;
        return Text(name);

    The behavior is the same. This is only a small syntax sugar.

  • Added a two extensions on BuildContext, to slightly reduce the boilerplate:

    before after
    Provider.of<T>(context, listen: false)<T>()
  • Added a Locator typedef and an extension on BuildContext, to help with being able to read providers from a class that doesn't depend on Flutter.

    4.0.4 #

  • Update the ProviderNotFoundException to remove outdated solution. (thanks @augustinreille)

4.0.3 #

  • improved error message when Provider.of is called without specifying listen: false outside of the widget tree.

4.0.2 #

  • fix Provider.of returning the previous value instead of the new value if called inside didChangeDependencies.
  • fixed an issue where update was unnecessarily called.

4.0.1 #

  • stable release of 4.0.0-hotfix+1
  • fix some typos

4.0.0-hotfix.1 #

4.0.0 #

  • Selector now deeply compares collections by default, and offers a shouldRebuild to customize the rebuild behavior.
  • renamed ProviderNotFoundError to ProviderNotFoundException. This allows calling Provider.of inside a try/catch without triggering a warning.
  • update provider to work with Flutter 1.12.1
  • The creation and listening of objects using providers is now performed lazily. This means that objects are created the first time the value is read instead of the first time the provider is mounted.
  • The listen argument of Provider.of is now automatically inferred. It is no longer necessary to pass listen: false when calling Provider.of outside of the widget tree. removed by 4.0.0-hotfix. See
  • renamed initialBuilder & builder of *ProxyProvider to create & update
  • renamed builder of *Provider to create
  • added a *ProxyProvider0 variant

3.2.0 #

  • Deprecated "builder" of providers in favor to "create"
  • Deprecated "initialBuilder"/"builder" of proxy providers in favor of respectively "create" and "update"

3.1.0 #

  • Added Selector, similar to Consumer but can filter unneeded updates
  • improved the overall documentation
  • fixed a bug where ChangeNotifierProvider.value didn't update dependents when the ChangeNotifier instance changed.
  • Consumer can now be used inside MultiProvider
      providers: [
        Provider(builder: (_) => Foo()),
          builder: (context, foo, child) =>
            Provider.value(value:, child: child),

3.0.0 #

breaking (see the readme for migration steps): #

  • Provider now throws if used with a Listenable/Stream. This can be disabled by setting Provider.debugCheckInvalidValueType to null.
  • The default constructor of StreamProvider has now builds a Stream instead of StreamController. The previous behavior has been moved to StreamProvider.controller.
  • All XXProvider.value constructors now use value as parameter name.
  • Added FutureProvider, which takes a future and updates dependents when the future completes.
  • Providers can no longer be instantiated using const constructors.

non-breaking: #

  • Added ProxyProvider, ListenableProxyProvider, and ChangeNotifierProxyProvider. These providers allows building values that depends on other providers, without loosing reactivity or manually handling the state.
  • Added DelegateWidget and a few related classes to help building custom providers.
  • Exposed the internal generic InheritedWidget to help building custom providers.

2.0.1 #

  • fix a bug where ListenableProvider.value/ChangeNotifierProvider.value /StreamProvider.value/ValueListenableProvider.value subscribed/unsubscribed to their respective object too often
  • fix a bug where ListenableProvider.value/ChangeNotifierProvider.value may rebuild too often or skip some.

2.0.0 #

  • Consumer now takes an optional child argument for optimization purposes.
  • merged Provider and StatefulProvider
  • added a "builder" constructor to ValueListenableProvider
  • normalized providers constructors such that the default constructor is a "builder", and offer a value named constructor.

1.6.1 #

  • Provider.of<T> now crashes with a ProviderNotFoundException when no Provider<T> are found in the ancestors of the context used.

1.6.0 #

  • new: ChangeNotifierProvider, similar to scoped_model that exposes ChangeNotifer subclass and rebuilds dependents only when notifyListeners is called.
  • new: ValueListenableProvider, a provider that rebuilds whenever the value passed to a ValueNotifier change.

1.5.0 #

  • new: Add Consumer with up to 6 parameters.
  • new: MultiProvider, a provider that makes a tree of provider more readable
  • new: StreamProvider, a stream that exposes to its descendants the current value of a Stream.

1.4.0 #

  • Reintroduced StatefulProvider with a modified prototype. The second argument of valueBuilder and didChangeDependencies have been removed. And valueBuilder is now called only once for the whole life-cycle of StatefulProvider.

1.3.0 #

  • Added Consumer, useful when we need to both expose and consume a value simultaneously.

1.2.0 #

  • Added: HookProvider, a Provider that creates its value from a Hook.
  • Deprecated StatefulProvider. Either make a StatefulWidget or use HookProvider.
  • Integrated the widget inspector, so that Provider widget shows the current value.

1.1.1 #

  • add didChangeDependencies callback to allow updating the value based on an InheritedWidget
  • add updateShouldNotify method to both Provider and StatefulProvider

1.1.0 #

  • onDispose has been added to StatefulProvider
  • BuildContext is now passed to valueBuilder callback



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A wrapper around InheritedWidget to make them easier to use and more reusable.

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collection, flutter, nested


Packages that depend on provider