quiver 0.26.2 copy "quiver: ^0.26.2" to clipboard
quiver: ^0.26.2 copied to clipboard

outdatedDart 1 only

A set of utility libraries for Dart

0.26.2 - 2017-11-16

  • Fix: re-adding the most-recently-used entry to a LinkedLruHashMap previously introduced a loop in the internal linked list.
  • Fix: when removing an entry in the middle of the LinkedLruHashMap, the recency list was not correctly re-linked.

0.26.1 - 2017-11-16

  • Fix: when removing the last item, LinkedLruHashMap was put into a state such that the next cache eviction could cause a null-pointer exception. Issue #385.
  • Fix: strong mode fix when calling merge on the empty set of iterables. PR #384.

0.26.0 - 2017-11-01

  • BREAKING CHANGE: eliminated deprecated flip. Replaced by reverse in 0.25.0.
  • BREAKING CHANGE: eliminated deprecated repeat. Deprecated in 0.25.0. Callers should use String's * operator.
  • Deprecated: reverse in the strings library. No replacement is provided.
  • Deprecated: createTimer, createTimerPeriodic in the async library. These were originally written to support FakeTimer, which is superseded by FakeAsync.
  • New: Added isLeapYear, daysInMonth, clampDayOfMonth APIs in the time library.
  • Multimap is now backed by a LinkedHashMap rather than HashMap.
  • Multimap: added contains to know if an association key/value exists.

0.25.0 - 2017-03-28

  • BREAKING CHANGE: minimum SDK constraint increased to 1.21.0. This allows use of async-await and generic function in Quiver.
  • BREAKING CHANGE: eliminated deprecated FakeTimer.
  • BREAKING CHANGE: StreamBuffer<T> now implements StreamConsumer<T> as opposed to StreamConsumer<T|List<T>>.
  • Deprecated: FutureGroup. Use the replacement in package:async which requires a close() call to trigger auto-completion when the count of pending tasks drops to 0.
  • Deprecated: repeat in the strings library. Use the * operator on the String class.
  • Deprecated: in the strings library, flip has been renamed reverse. flip is deprecated and will be removed in the next release.
  • Iterables: enumerate is now generic.
  • Collection: added indexOf.

0.24.0 - 2016-10-31

  • BREAKING CHANGE: eliminated deprecated nullToEmpty, emptyToNull.
  • Fix: Strong mode: As of Dart SDK 1.21.0, Set.difference takes a Set<Object> parameter.

0.23.0 - 2016-09-21

  • Strings: nullToEmpty, emptyToNull deprecated. Removal in 0.24.0.
  • BREAKING CHANGE: eliminated deprecated multimap toMap.
  • BREAKING CHANGE: eliminated deprecated pad*, trim* string functions.

0.22.0 - 2015-04-21

  • BREAKING CHANGE: streams and async libraries have been merged into one async library
  • BREAKING CHANGE: Pre-1.8.0 SDKs are no longer supported.
  • Quiver is now strong mode compliant
  • New: Optional now implements Iterable and its methods are generic (using temporary syntax)
  • New: isNotEmpty and isDigit in strings.dart
  • New: Multimap.fromIterable
  • Fix: Change TreeSearch from class to enum.
  • Fix: fake_async.dart timers are now active while executing the callback

0.21.4 - 2015-05-15

  • Add stats reporting for fake async tests. You can query the number of pending microtasks and timers via microtaskCount, periodicTimerCount, nonPeriodicTimerCount.

0.21.3+1 - 2015-05-11

  • Switch from unittest to test.

0.21.3 - 2015-03-03

  • Bugfix: fixed return type on some methods (e.g. where of Iterables returned by Multimap.

0.21.2 - 2015-03-03

  • Bugfix: fix drifting times in Metronome.
  • Add LruMap to quiver/collection.
  • Un-deprecate Glob; feedback was that package:glob was not a suitable replacement in many cases. Key reasons: dependency on dart:io and significantly poorer performance.

0.21.1 - 2015-02-05

  • Add optional start param to Glob.allMatches() to match superclass method signature.
  • Add optional start param to Pattern returned by matchesAny() to match superclass method signature.
  • Deprecate Glob. Use package:glob. Will be removed in 0.22.0.

0.21.0+3 - 2015-02-04

  • Travis CI integration support added.
  • Document that the deprecated functions padLeft, padRight, trimLeft, trimRight will be removed in 0.22.0.

0.21.0+2 - 2015-02-04

  • Fix hanging FakeAsync unit test.

0.21.0+1 - 2015-02-03

  • Replace equalsTester dependency on unittest with finer-grained dependency on matcher.
  • path is now a dev dependency.

0.21.0 - 2015-02-02

  • Multimap: toMap() is deprecated and replaced with asMap(). toMap() will be removed in v0.22.0.
  • Cleanup method signatures that were inconsistent with the core library.
  • Added areEqualityGroups matcher for testing operator== and hashCode.
  • CONTRIBUTING.md added.

0.20.0 - 2014-12-10

  • Multimap: better toString() on returned collections.
  • Multimap: Bugfix: support edits on empty value collections.
  • Multimap: Added missing return statment in fold.
  • Added isEmpty() in strings.
  • Added max SDK constraint <2.0.0
  • Minor updates to README.md.
  • CHANGELOG.md added

0.19.0+1 - 2014-11-12

  • Corrected version constraint suggestion in README.md.
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verified publishergoogle.dev

A set of utility libraries for Dart

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