random_string 2.3.1
random_string: ^2.3.1 copied to clipboard
Simple library for generating random ascii strings by default using Random from 'dart:math'.
import 'package:random_string/random_string.dart';
import 'dart:math' show Random;
main() {
print(randomBetween(10, 20)); // some integer between 10 and 20
print(randomNumeric(4)); // sequence of 4 random numbers i.e. 3259
print(randomString(10)); // random sequence of 10 characters i.e. e~f93(4l-
print(randomAlpha(5)); // random sequence of 5 alpha characters i.e. aRztC
10)); // random sequence of 10 alpha numeric i.e. aRztC1y32B
var r = Random.secure();
print(randomBetween(10, 20,
CoreRandomProvider.from(r))); // You can use a provider from Random.
print(randomBetween(10, 20,
provider: _Provider())); // Or you can implement your own.
class _Provider with AbstractRandomProvider {
double nextDouble() => 0.5;