recase 4.1.0
recase: ^4.1.0 copied to clipboard
Changes the case of the input text to the desire case convention.
ReCase #
Changes the case of the input text to the desire case convention.
import 'package:recase/recase.dart';
void main() {
ReCase rc = new ReCase('Just_someSample-text');
print(rc.camelCase); // Prints 'justSomeSampleText'
print(rc.constantCase); // Prints 'JUST_SOME_SAMPLE_TEXT'
String extensions are also available.
import 'package:recase/recase.dart';
void main() {
String sample = 'Just_someSample-text';
print(sample.camelCase); // Prints 'justSomeSampleText'
print(sample.constantCase); // Prints 'JUST_SOME_SAMPLE_TEXT'
This feature is available in version 3.0.0, and requires at least Dart 2.6
- snake_case
- path/case
- param-case
- PascalCase
- Header-Case
- Title Case
- camelCase
- Sentence case