redis 0.3.0 redis: ^0.3.0 copied to clipboard
fast and simple redis-database client
redis-dart #
Redis protocol parser and client It is designed to be fast and simple to use.
Curretly supported features: #
- raw commands
- unicode
- transactions
fast #
It can perform 110K SET or GET operations per second. This is code that yields such result and can give you first impression
const int N = 200000;
int start;
RedisConnection conn = new RedisConnection();
conn.connect('localhost',6379).then((Command command){
print("test started, please wait ...");
start = new;
for(int i=1;i<N;i++){
command.set("test $i","$i")
//last command will be executed and then processed last
command.set("test $N","$N").then((v){
double diff = (new - start)/1000.0;
double perf = N/diff;
print("$N operations done in $diff s\nperformance $perf/s");
Simple #
Redis protocol is coposition of array, strings(and bulk) and integers.
For example executing command SET key value
is no more that serializing
array of strings ["SET","key","value"]. Cammands can be executed by
Future f = command.send_object(["SET","key","value"]);
This enables sending any command you need.
More examples #
Transactions #
Transactions are started by command MULTI and then complited with command EXEC.
and .exec()
and class Transaction
are implemeted as
additional helpers for checking result of each command executed during transation.
RedisConnection conn = new RedisConnection();
conn.connect('localhost',6379).then((Command command){
command.multi().then((Transation trans){
for(int i=0;i<100000;++i){
print("number is now $v");
Take note here, that Future returned by trans.send_object()
is executed after
so make sure you dont try to call .exec()
inside of such Future, becuase
command will never complete.