reflectable 0.3.3 copy "reflectable: ^0.3.3" to clipboard
reflectable: ^0.3.3 copied to clipboard

outdatedDart 1 only

This package allows programmers to reduce certain usages of dynamic reflection to a transformer generated specialization with the same behavior. The generated code does not use dynamic reflection and [...]

Changelog #

0.3.3 #

  • Update many DartDoc comments in 'capability.dart'.
  • Update the document The Design of Reflectable Capabilities to match the current selection of quantifiers and their semantics.
  • Add very limited support for private classes: They are preserved such that iteration over all superclasses will work even if some of them are private, and private class mirrors are included in declarations of library mirrors. However, it is not possible to reflect on an instance of a private class, to create new instances with newInstance, nor to call its static methods.
  • Fix bug where some private names were used in generated code (which makes subsequent compilation fail).
  • Add option to format the generated code (off by default).
  • Add correspondingSetterQuantifyCapability, which will add the corresponding setter for each already included explicitly declared getter.
  • Change generated code: Eliminate many invocations of new UnmodifiableListView.., replace many plain list literals by const list literals, for better startup time and more redundancy elimination.
  • Fix bug where an InvokingMetaCapability was treated as a NewInstanceMetaCapability.
  • Fix bugs in the publication support script.

0.3.2 #

  • Introduce reflectedTypeCapability which enables methods reflectedType on variable and parameter mirrors, and reflectedReturnType on method mirrors. This enables limited access to type annotations while avoiding the generation of many class mirrors.
  • Introduce Reflectable.getInstance which delivers the canonical instance of any given reflector class which is being used in the current program. An example shows how this enables "meta-reflection".
  • Fixed bugs in methods isAbstract, isSynthetic; fixed bug in selection of supported members of library mirrors; and implemented methods libraries and declarations for library mirrors; and fixed several other library related bugs.

0.3.1 #

  • Fix bug where metadata was searched the same way for invocation and for declarations with InstanceInvokeMetaCapability (invocation must traverse superclasses).
  • Fix bug where some libraries were imported into generated code, even though they cannot be imported (private to core).
  • Fix bugs in publication support script.

0.3.0 #

  • Add support for type annotation quantification (this is a breaking change: we used to do that implicitly, but that is expensive and now it is only available on request).
  • Change the way the set of supported classes are computed.
  • Fix crash when transforming certain dart:html classes.
  • Fix memory leak from the transformer.

0.2.1 #

  • Recognize private identifier constants as metadata in certain cases.
  • Bump required SDK version in pubspec.yaml.
  • Correct generation of imports of the original entry point.
  • Fix issues with the computation of static members.
  • Allows the metadata capabilities to recognize any subtype of the given type.

0.2.0 #

  • Enforces the use of a TypeCapability as specified in the design document, and makes it a supertype of several other capabilities such that it is automatically included with, e.g., declarationsCapability.
  • Fixed homepage link in pubspec
  • Fix several bug with mixins in the transformer.
  • Add excludeUpperBound flag to SuperClassQuantifyCapability.
  • Use a static initializer in the generated code which helps avoiding a stack overflow.

0.1.5 #

  • Support for return types of getters and setters.
  • Support for superTypeQuantifyCapability.
  • Fix bug in the mirror-based implementation's collection of classes that could lead to infinite loops.
  • Fix bug related to generating code for operator~ in the transformer.
  • Avoid crashing the transformer when an entry-point has no member named main

0.1.4 #

  • Support for subtype quantification in transformed code.
  • Code generation bugs fixed; metadata/library related bugs fixed.
  • Faster version of test procedure.

0.1.3 #

  • Non-transformed code supports subTypeQuantifyCapability
  • Transformer implements .superinterfaces
  • Transformer implements .mixin
  • Transformer implements reflection on libraries.
  • Better support for default values in transformed code.

0.1.2 #

  • Our tests started failing because of a version conflict introduced by an update to code_transformers. Changed pubspec.yaml to avoid the conflict.
  • Made changes to avoid deprecated features in the new version of analyzer.
  • Implemented support for implicit accessors (setters, getters).
  • Implemented support for staticMembers on ClassMirror.

0.1.1 #

  • Transformer implements .type of fields and parameters.
  • Transformer has support for main function that is not in the entry-point file.
  • Transformer supports async main returning a Future.
  • Other bug fixes...

0.1.0 #

  • First published release.

0.0.1 #

  • Initial project creation
pub points


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This package allows programmers to reduce certain usages of dynamic reflection to a transformer generated specialization with the same behavior. The generated code does not use dynamic reflection and thus improves the performance of (esp. dart2js) generated code.



unknown (license)


analyzer, barback, code_transformers, dart_style, logging


Packages that depend on reflectable