riverpod 0.6.0-dev+3
riverpod: ^0.6.0-dev+3 copied to clipboard
A simple way to access state from anywhere in your application while robust and testable.
/// A pure Dart script that fetches the list of comics from https://developer.marvel.com/
/// The process is split into two objects:
/// - [Configuration], which stores the API keys of a marvel account.
/// This object is loaded asynchronously by reading a JSON file.
/// - [Repository], a utility that depends on [Configuration] to
/// connect to https://developer.marvel.com/ and request the comics.
/// Both [Repository] and [Configuration] are created using `riverpod`.
/// This showcases how to use `riverpod` without Flutter.
/// It also shows how a provider can depend on another provider asynchronously loaded.
library main;
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:riverpod/riverpod.dart';
import 'models.dart';
/// A Provider that reads a json file and decodes it into a [Configuration].
final configurationProvider = FutureProvider((_) async {
final file = await File.fromUri(Uri.file('configuration.json')) //
final map = json.decode(file) as Map<String, dynamic>;
return Configuration.fromJson(map);
/// Creates a [Repository] from [configurationProvider].
/// This will correctly wait until the configurations are available.
final repositoryProvider = FutureProvider((ref) async {
/// Reads the configurations from [configurationProvider]. This is type-safe.
final configs = await ref.watch(configurationProvider.future);
final repository = Repository(configs);
// Releases the resources when the provider is destroyed.
// This will stop pending HTTP requests.
return repository;
Future<void> main() async {
// Where the state of our providers will be stored.
// Avoid making this a global variable, for testability purposes.
// If you are using Flutter, you do not need this.
final container = ProviderContainer();
/// Obtains the [Repository]. This will implicitly load [Configuration] too.
final repository = await container.read(repositoryProvider.future);
final comics = await repository.fetchComics();
for (final comic in comics) {
/// Disposes the providers associated to [container].