rxdart 0.25.0-beta2
rxdart: ^0.25.0-beta2 copied to clipboard
RxDart is an implementation of the popular reactiveX api for asynchronous programming, leveraging the native Dart Streams api.
import 'package:rxdart/rxdart.dart';
/// generate n-amount of fibonacci numbers
/// for example: dart fibonacci.dart 10
/// outputs:
/// 1: 1
/// 2: 1
/// 3: 2
/// 4: 3
/// 5: 5
/// 6: 8
/// 7: 13
/// 8: 21
/// 9: 34
/// 10: 55
/// done!
void main(List<String> arguments) {
// read the command line argument, if none provided, default to 10
var n = (arguments.length == 1) ? int.parse(arguments.first) : 10;
// seed value: this value will be used as the
// starting value for the [scan] method
const seed = IndexedPair(1, 1, 0);
// amount of numbers to compute
.range(1, n)
// accumulator: computes a new accumulated
// value each time a [Stream] event occurs
// in this case, the accumulated value is always
// the latest Fibonacci number
.scan((IndexedPair seq, _, __) => IndexedPair.next(seq), seed)
// finally, print the output
.listen(print, onDone: () => print('done!'));
class IndexedPair {
final int n1, n2, index;
const IndexedPair(this.n1, this.n2, this.index);
factory IndexedPair.next(IndexedPair prev) => IndexedPair(
prev.n2, prev.index <= 1 ? prev.n1 : prev.n1 + prev.n2, prev.index + 1);
String toString() => '$index: $n2';