sass 1.54.7 copy "sass: ^1.54.7" to clipboard
sass: ^1.54.7 copied to clipboard


A Sass implementation in Dart.

1.54.7 #

  • Add support for 32-bit ARM releases on Linux.

1.54.6 #

  • Fix a bug where a @media query could be incorrectly omitted from a stylesheet if it had multiple levels of nested @media queries within it and the inner queries were mergeable but the outer query was not.

1.54.5 #

  • Properly consider a ~ c to be a superselector of a ~ b ~ c and a + b + c.

  • Properly consider b > c to be a superselector of a > b > c, and similarly for other combinators.

  • Properly calculate specificity for selector pseudoclasses.

  • Deprecate use of random() when $limit has units to make it explicit that random() currently ignores units. A future version will no longer ignore units.

  • Don't throw an error when the same module is @forwarded multiple times through a configured module.

Embedded Sass #

  • Rather than downloading the embedded compiler for the local platform on install, the sass-embedded npm package now declares optional dependencies on platform-specific embedded compiler packages.

1.54.4 #

  • Improve error messages when passing incorrect units that are also out-of-bounds to various color functions.

1.54.3 #

  • Release a native ARM64 executable for Mac OS.

1.54.2 #

  • No user-visible changes.

1.54.1 #

  • When unifying selectors for @extend and selector.unify(), ensure that :root, :scope, :host, and :host-context only appear at the beginning of complex selectors.

1.54.0 #

  • Deprecate selectors with leading or trailing combinators, or with multiple combinators in a row. If they're included in style rules after nesting is resolved, Sass will now produce a deprecation warning and, in most cases, omit the selector. Leading and trailing combinators can still be freely used for nesting purposes.

    See for more details.

  • Add partial support for new media query syntax from Media Queries Level 4. The only exception are logical operations nested within parentheses, as these were previously interpreted differently as SassScript expressions.

    A parenthesized media condition that begins with not or an opening parenthesis now produces a deprecation warning. In a future release, these will be interpreted as plain CSS instead.

  • Deprecate passing non-deg units to color.hwb()'s $hue argument.

  • Fix a number of bugs when determining whether selectors with pseudo-elements are superselectors.

  • Treat * as a superselector of all selectors.

Dart API #

  • Add a top-level fakeFromImport() function for testing custom importers that use AsyncImporter.fromImport.


  • Add a charset option that controls whether or not Sass emits a @charset/BOM for non-ASCII stylesheets.

  • Fix Sass npm package types for TS 4.7+ Node16 and NodeNext module resolution.

1.53.0 #

  • Add support for calling var() with an empty second argument, such as var(--side, ).


  • Fix a bug where meta.load-css() would sometimes resolve relative URLs incorrectly when called from a mixin using the legacy JS API.

Embedded Sass #

  • Respect npm's proxy settings when downloading the embedded Sass compiler.

1.52.3 #

  • Fix crash when trailing loud comments (/* ... */) appear twice in a row across two different imports which themselves imported the same file each.

1.52.2 #

  • Preserve location of trailing loud comments (/* ... */) instead of pushing the comment to the next line.

1.52.1 #

Command Line Interface #

  • Fix a bug where --watch mode would close immediately in TTY mode. This was caused by our change to close --watch when stdin was closed outside of TTY mode, which has been reverted for now while we work on a fix.

1.52.0 #

  • Add support for arbitrary modifiers at the end of plain CSS imports, in addition to the existing supports() and media queries. Sass now allows any sequence of identifiers of functions after the URL of an import for forwards compatibility with future additions to the CSS spec.

  • Fix an issue where source locations tracked through variable references could potentially become incorrect.

  • Fix a bug where a loud comment in the source can break the source map when embedding the sources, when using the command-line interface or the legacy JS API.


  • SassNumber.assertUnit() and SassNumber.assertNoUnits() now correctly return the number called on when it passes the assertion.

1.51.0 #

  • Potentially breaking change: Change the order of maps returned by map.deep-merge() to match those returned by map.merge(). All keys that appeared in the first map will now be listed first in the same order they appeared in that map, followed by any new keys added from the second map.

  • Improve the string output of some AST nodes in error messages.

1.50.1 #

Embedded Sass #

  • The JS embedded host and the embedded compiler will now properly avoid resolving imports relative to the current working directory unless '.' is passed as a load path.

  • Fix a bug in the JS embedded host's implementation of the legacy JS API where imports that began with / could crash on Windows.

1.50.0 #

  • @extend now treats :where() the same as :is().

Command Line Interface #

  • Closing the standard input stream will now cause the --watch command to stop running.

Embedded Sass #

  • Fix a bug where the JS embedded host crashed when invoking a legacy importer after resolving a relative filesystem import.

  • Improve error messages when returning non-Object values from legacy importers.

1.49.11 #

  • Add support for 64-bit ARM releases on Linux.

Embedded Sass #

  • The embedded compiler now correctly sets the id field for all OutboundMessages.

1.49.10 #

  • Quiet deps mode now silences compiler warnings in mixins and functions that are defined in dependencies even if they're invoked from application stylesheets.

  • In expanded mode, Sass will now emit colors using rgb(), rbga(), hsl(), and hsla() function notation if they were defined using the corresponding notation. As per our browser support policy, this change was only done once 95% of browsers were confirmed to support this output format, and so is not considered a breaking change.

    Note that this output format is intended for human readability and not for interoperability with other tools. As always, Sass targets the CSS specification, and any tool that consumes Sass's output should parse all colors that are supported by the CSS spec.

  • Fix a bug in which a color written using the four- or eight-digit hex format could be emitted as a hex color rather than a format with higher browser compatibility.

  • Calculations are no longer simplified within supports declarations

1.49.9 #

Embedded Sass #

  • Fixed a bug where the legacy API could crash when passed an empty importer list.

1.49.8 #

  • Fixed a bug where some plain CSS imports would not be emitted.


  • Fix a bug where inspecting the Sass module in the Node.js console crashed on Node 17.

Embedded Sass #

  • Fix a bug where source map URLs were incorrectly generated when passing importers to the legacy API.

1.49.7 #

Embedded Sass #

  • First stable release the sass-embedded npm package that contains the Node.js Embedded Host.

  • First stable release of the sass_embedded pub package that contains the Embedded Dart Sass compiler.

1.49.6 #

  • No user-visible changes.

1.49.5 #

  • No user-visible changes.

1.49.4 #

  • No user-visible changes.

1.49.3 #

  • No user-visible changes.

1.49.2 #

  • No user-visible changes.

1.49.1 #

  • Stop supporting non-LTS Node.js versions.

1.49.0 #

  • Fix a bug in string.insert with certain negative indices.


  • Add support for the sourceMapIncludeSources option in the new JS API.

TypeScript Declarations

  • Fix a bug where LegacyPluginThis.options.linefeed was typed to return abbreviations when it actually returned literal linefeed characters.

1.48.0 #


  • Potentially breaking bug fix: Match the specification of the new JS API by setting to undefined rather than null.

TypeScript Declarations

  • Add a declaration for the NULL constant.

1.47.0 #


TypeScript Declarations

  • Add declarations for the TRUE and FALSE constants.

1.46.0 #


  • Potentially breaking bug fix: Match the specification of the new JS API by passing undefined rather than null to Logger.warn() for an unset span.

TypeScript Declarations

  • Add a declaration for the LegacyPluginThis.options.context field.

  • Update the definition of LegacyAsyncFunction to include explicit definitions with zero through six arguments before the done parameter. This makes it possible for TypeScript users to pass in callbacks that take a specific number of arguments, rather than having to declare a callback that takes an arbitrary number.

  • Add a declaration for types.Error, a legacy API class that can be returned by asynchronous functions to signal asynchronous errors.

  • Add a LegacyAsyncFunctionDone type for the done callback that's passed to LegacyAsyncFunction.

1.45.2 #


  • Potentially breaking bug fix: Change the default value of the separator parameter for new SassArgumentList() to ',' rather than null. This matches the API specification.

1.45.1 #

  • Potentially breaking bug fix: Properly parse custom properties in @supports conditions. Note that this means that SassScript expressions on the right-hand side of custom property @supports queries now need to be interpolated, as per

  • Potentially breaking bug fix: Fix a bug where inspect() was not properly printing nested, empty, bracketed lists.

1.45.0 #


This release includes an entirely new JavaScript API, designed to be more idiomatic, performant, and usable. The old API will continue to be supported until Dart Sass 2.0.0, but it is now considered deprecated and should be avoided for new code.

The new API includes:

  • compile() and compileAsync() functions that take Sass file paths and return the result of compiling them to CSS. The async function returns a Promise rather than using a callback-based API.

  • compileString() and compileStringAsync() functions that take a string of Sass source and compiles it to CSS. As above, the async function returns a Promise.

  • A new importer API that more closely matches the Sass specification's logic for resolving loads. This makes it much easier for Sass to cache information across @import and @use rules, which substantially improves performance for applications that rely heavily on repeated @imports.

  • A new custom function API, including much more usable JS representations of Sass value types complete with type-assertion functions, easy map and list lookups, and compatibility with the immutable package. Unlike in the legacy API, function callbacks now take one argument which contains an array of Sass values (rather than taking a separate JS argument for each Sass argument).

For full documentation of this API, please see the Sass website.

This release also adds TypeScript type definitions.

1.44.0 #

  • Suggest calc() as an alternative in /-as-division deprecation messages.

Dart API #

  • Add SassNumber.convert() and SassNumber.convertValue(). These work like SassNumber.coerce() and SassNumber.coerceValue(), except they don't treat unitless numbers as universally compatible.

  • Fix a bug where SassNumber.coerceToMatch() and SassNumber.coerceValueToMatch() wouldn't coerce single-unit numbers to match unitless numbers.

1.43.5 #

  • Fix a bug where calculations with different operators were incorrectly considered equal.

  • Properly parse attribute selectors with empty namespaces.


  • Print more detailed JS stack traces. This is mostly useful for the Sass team's own debugging purposes.

1.43.4 #


  • Fix a bug where the logger option was ignored for the render() function.

1.43.3 #

  • Improve performance.

1.43.2 #

  • Improve the error message when the default namespace of a @use rule is not a valid identifier.

1.43.1 #

  • No user-visible changes.

1.43.0 #


  • Add support for the logger option. This takes an object that can define warn or debug methods to add custom handling for messages emitted by the Sass compiler. See the JS API docs for details.

  • Add a Logger.silent object that can be passed to the logger option to silence all messages from the Sass compiler.

1.42.1 #

  • Fix a bug where Sass variables and function calls in calculations weren't being resolved correctly if there was a parenthesized interpolation elsewhere in the file.

1.42.0 #

  • min() and max() expressions are once again parsed as calculations as long as they contain only syntax that's allowed in calculation expressions. To avoid the backwards-compatibility issues that were present in 1.40.0, they now allow unitless numbers to be mixed with numbers with units just like the global min() and max() functions. Similarly, + and - operations within min() and max() functions allow unitless numbers to be mixed with numbers with units.

1.41.1 #

  • Preserve parentheses around var() functions in calculations, because they could potentially be replaced with sub-expressions that might need to be parenthesized.

1.41.0 #

  • Calculation values can now be combined with strings using the + operator. This was an error in 1.40.0, but this broke stylesheets that were relying on $value + "" expressions to generically convert values to strings. (Note that the Sass team recommends the use of "#{$value}" or inspect($value) for that use-case.)

  • The selector.unify() function now correctly returns null when one selector is a :host or :host-context and the other is a selector that's guaranteed to be within the current shadow DOM. The @extend logic has been updated accordingly as well.

  • Fix a bug where extra whitespace in min(), max(), clamp(), and calc() expressions could cause bogus parse errors.

  • Fix a bug where the right-hand operand of a - in a calculation could incorrectly be stripped of parentheses.

Dart API #

  • now allows SassString arguments.

1.40.1 #

  • Potentially breaking bug fix: min() and max() expressions outside of calculations now behave the same way they did in 1.39.2, returning unquoted strings if they contain no Sass-specific features and calling the global min() and max() functions otherwise. Within calculations, they continue to behave how they did in 1.40.0.

    This fixes an unintended breaking change added in 1.40.0, wherein passing a unitless number and a number without units to min() or max() now produces an error. Since this breakage affects a major Sass library, we're temporarily reverting support for min() and max() calculations while we work on designing a longer-term fix.

1.40.0 #

  • Add support for first-class calc() expressions (as well as clamp() and plain-CSS min() and max()). This means:

    • calc() expressions will be parsed more thoroughly, and errors will be highlighted where they weren't before. This may break your stylesheets, but only if they were already producing broken CSS.

    • calc() expressions will be simplified where possible, and may even return numbers if they can be simplified away entirely.

    • calc() expressions that can't be simplified to numbers return a new data type known as "calculations".

    • Sass variables and functions can now be used in calc() expressions.

    • New functions meta.calc-name() and meta.calc-args() can now inspect calculations.

Dart API #

  • Add a new value type, SassCalculation, that represents calculations.

  • Add new CalculationOperation, CalculationOperator, and CalculationInterpolation types to represent types of arguments that may exist as part of a calculation.

  • Add a new Value.assertCalculation() method.

  • Add a new Number.hasCompatibleUnits() method.

1.39.2 #

  • Fix a bug where configuring with @use ... with would throw an error when that variable was defined in a module that also contained @forward ... with.

1.39.1 #

  • Partial fix for a bug where @at-root does not work properly in nested imports that contain @use rules. If the only @use rules in the nested import are for built-in modules, @at-root should now work properly.

1.39.0 #


  • Add a charset option that controls whether or not Sass emits a @charset/BOM for non-ASCII stylesheets.

1.38.2 #

  • No user-visible changes

1.38.1 #

  • No user-visible changes

1.38.0 #

  • In expanded mode, emit characters in Unicode private-use areas as escape sequences rather than literal characters.

  • Fix a bug where quotes would be omitted for an attribute selector whose value was a single backslash.

  • Properly consider numbers that begin with . as "plain CSS" for the purposes of parsing plain-CSS min() and max() functions.

  • Allow if to be used as an unquoted string.

  • Properly parse backslash escapes within url() expressions.

  • Fix a couple bugs where @extends could be marked as unsatisfied when multiple identical @extends extended selectors across @use rules.

Command Line Interface #

  • Strip CRLF newlines from snippets of the original stylesheet that are included in the output when an error occurs.


  • Don't crash when a Windows path is returned by a custom Node importer at the same time as file contents.

  • Don't crash when an error occurs in a stylesheet loaded via a custom importer with a custom URL scheme.

Dart API #

  • Add a SassArgumentList.keywordsWithoutMarking getter to access the keyword arguments of an argument list without marking them accessed.

1.37.5 #

  • No user-visible changes.

1.37.4 #

  • No user-visible changes.

1.37.3 #

  • No user-visible changes.

1.37.2 #

  • No user-visible changes.

1.37.1 #

  • No user-visible changes.

1.37.0 #

Dart API #

  • Potentially breaking bug fix: SassNumber.asSlash, SassNumber.withSlash(), and SassNumber.withoutSlash() have been marked as @internal. They were never intended to be used outside the sass package.

  • Potentially breaking bug fix: SassException has been marked as @sealed to formally indicate that it's not intended to be extended outside of the sass package.

  • Add a Value.withListContents() method that returns a new Sass list with the same list separator and brackets as the current value, interpreted as a list.

1.36.0 #

Dart API #

  • Added compileToResult(), compileStringToResult(), compileToResultAsync(), and compileStringToResultAsync() methods. These are intended to replace the existing compile*() methods, which are now deprecated. Rather than returning a simple string, these return a CompileResult object, which will allow us to add additional information about the compilation without having to introduce further deprecations.

    • Instead of passing a sourceMaps callback to compile*(), pass sourceMaps: true to compile*ToResult() and access CompileResult.sourceMap.

    • The CompileResult object exposes a loadedUrls object which lists the canonical URLs accessed during a compilation. This information was previously unavailable except through the JS API.

1.35.2 #

  • Potentially breaking bug fix: Properly throw an error for Unicode ranges that have too many ?s after hexadecimal digits, such as U+12345??.

  • Potentially breaking bug fix: Fixed a bug where certain local variable declarations nested within multiple @if statements would incorrectly override a global variable. It's unlikely that any real stylesheets were relying on this bug, but if so they can simply add !global to the variable declaration to preserve the old behavior.

  • Potentially breaking bug fix: Fix a bug where imports of root-relative URLs (those that begin with /) in @import rules would be passed to both Dart and JS importers as file: URLs.

  • Properly support selector lists for the $extendee argument to selector.extend() and selector.replace().

  • Fix an edge case where @extend wouldn't affect a selector within a pseudo-selector such as :is() that itself extended other selectors.

  • Fix a race condition where meta.load-css() could trigger an internal error when running in asynchronous mode.

Dart API #

  • Use the @internal annotation to indicate which Value APIs are available for public use.

1.35.1 #

  • Fix a bug where the quiet dependency flag didn't silence warnings in some stylesheets loaded using @import.

1.35.0 #

  • Fix a couple bugs that could prevent some members from being found in certain files that use a mix of imports and the module system.

  • Fix incorrect recommendation for migrating division expressions that reference namespaced variables.


  • Add a quietDeps option which silences compiler warnings from stylesheets loaded through importers and load paths.

  • Add a verbose option which causes the compiler to emit all deprecation warnings, not just 5 per feature.

1.34.1 #

  • Fix a bug where --update would always compile any file that depends on a built-in module.

  • Fix the URL for the @-moz-document deprecation message.

  • Fix a bug with @for loops nested inside property declarations.

1.34.0 #

  • Don't emit the same warning in the same location multiple times.

  • Cap deprecation warnings at 5 per feature by default.

Command Line Interface #

  • Add a --quiet-deps flag which silences compiler warnings from stylesheets loaded through --load-paths.

  • Add a --verbose flag which causes the compiler to emit all deprecation warnings, not just 5 per feature.

Dart API #

  • Add a quietDeps argument to compile(), compileString(), compileAsync(), and compileStringAsync() which silences compiler warnings from stylesheets loaded through importers, load paths, and package: URLs.

  • Add a verbose argument to compile(), compileString(), compileAsync(), and compileStringAsync() which causes the compiler to emit all deprecation warnings, not just 5 per feature.

1.33.0 #

  • Deprecate the use of / for division. The new math.div() function should be used instead. See this page for details.
  • Add a list.slash() function that returns a slash-separated list.

  • Potentially breaking bug fix: The heuristics around when potentially slash-separated numbers are converted to slash-free numbers—for example, when 1/2 will be printed as 0.5 rather than 1/2—have been slightly expanded. Previously, a number would be made slash-free if it was passed as an argument to a user-defined function, but not to a built-in function. Now it will be made slash-free in both cases. This is a behavioral change, but it's unlikely to affect any real-world stylesheets.

  • :is() now behaves identically to :matches().

  • Fix a bug where non-integer numbers that were very close to integer values would be incorrectly formatted in CSS.

  • Fix a bug where very small number and very large negative numbers would be incorrectly formatted in CSS.


  • The this context for importers now has a fromImport field, which is true if the importer is being invoked from an @import and false otherwise. Importers should only use this to determine whether to load import-only files.

Dart API #

  • Add an Importer.fromImport getter, which is true if the current Importer.canonicalize() call comes from an @import rule and false otherwise. Importers should only use this to determine whether to load import-only files.

1.32.13 #

  • Potentially breaking bug fix: Null values in @use and @forward configurations no longer override the !default variable, matching the behavior of the equivalent code using @import.

  • Use the proper parameter names in error messages about string.slice

1.32.12 #

  • Fix a bug that disallowed more than one module from extending the same selector from a module if that selector itself extended a selector from another upstream module.

1.32.11 #

  • Fix a bug where bogus indented syntax errors were reported for lines that contained only whitespace.

1.32.10 #

  • No user-visible changes.

1.32.9 #

  • Fix a typo in a deprecation warning.

JavaScript API #

  • Drop support for Chokidar 2.x. This version was incompatible with Node 14, but due to shortcomings in npm's version resolver sometimes still ended up installed anyway. Only declaring support for 3.0.0 should ensure compatibility going forward.

Dart API #

  • Allow the null safety release of args and watcher.

Command Line Interface #

  • Add a -w shorthand for the --watch flag.

1.32.8 #

  • Update chokidar version for Node API tests.

JavaScript API #

  • Allow a custom function to access the render() options object within its local context, as this.options.

1.32.7 #

  • Allow the null safety release of stream_transform.

  • Allow @forward...with to take arguments that have a !default flag without a trailing comma.

  • Improve the performance of unitless and single-unit numbers.

1.32.6 #

Node JS API #

  • Fix Electron support when nodeIntegration is disabled.

Dart API #

  • All range checks for SassColor constructors now throw RangeErrors with start and end set.

1.32.5 #

  • Potentially breaking bug fix: When using @for with numbers that have units, the iteration variable now matches the unit of the initial number. This matches the behavior of Ruby Sass and LibSass.

Node JS API #

  • Fix a few infrequent errors when calling render() with fiber multiple times simultaneously.

  • Avoid possible mangled error messages when custom functions or importers throw unexpected exceptions.

  • Fix Electron support when nodeIntegration is disabled.

1.32.4 #

  • No user-visible changes.

1.32.3 #

  • Optimize == for numbers that have different units.

1.32.2 #

  • Print the actual number that was received in unit deprecation warnings for color functions.

1.32.1 #

  • Don't emit permissions errors on Windows and OS X when trying to determine the real case of path names.

1.32.0 #

  • Deprecate passing non-% numbers as lightness and saturation to hsl(), hsla(), color.adjust(), and color.change(). This matches the CSS specification, which also requires % for all lightness and saturation parameters. See [the Sass website][color-units] for more details.

  • Deprecate passing numbers with units other than deg as the hue to hsl(), hsla(), adjust-hue(), color.adjust(), and color.change(). Unitless numbers are still allowed here, since they're allowed by CSS. See [the Sass website][color-units] for more details.

  • Improve error messages about incompatible units.

  • Properly mark some warnings emitted by sass:color functions as deprecation warnings.

Dart API #

  • Rename SassNumber.valueInUnits() to SassNumber.coerceValue(). The old name remains, but is now deprecated.

  • Rename SassNumber.coerceValueToUnit(), a shorthand for SassNumber.coerceValue() that takes a single numerator unit.

  • Add SassNumber.coerceToMatch() and SassNumber.coerceValueToMatch(), which work like SassNumber.coerce() and SassNumber.coerceValue() but take a SassNumber whose units should be matched rather than taking the units explicitly. These generate better error messages than SassNumber.coerce() and SassNumber.coerceValue().

  • Add SassNumber.convertToMatch() and SassNumber.convertValueToMatch(), which work like SassNumber.coerceToMatch() and SassNumber.coerceValueToMatch() except they throw exceptions when converting unitless values to or from units.

  • Add SassNumber.compatibleWithUnit(), which returns whether the number can be coerced to a single numerator unit.

1.31.0 #

  • Add support for parsing clamp() as a special math function, the same way calc() is parsed.

  • Properly load files in case-sensitive Windows directories with upper-case names.

1.30.0 #

  • Fix a bug where @at-root (without: all) wouldn't properly remove a @keyframes context when parsing selectors.

Node JS API #

  • The generated main() function in sass.js now returns a Promise that completes when the executable is finished running.

Dart API #

  • Fix a bug that prevented importers from returning null when loading from a URL that they had already canonicalized.

1.29.0 #

  • Support a broader syntax for @supports conditions, based on the latest Editor's Draft of CSS Conditional Rules 3. Almost all syntax will be allowed (with interpolation) in the conditions' parentheses, as well as function syntax such as @supports selector(...).

1.28.0 #

  • Add a color.hwb() function to sass:color that can express colors in HWB format.

Dart API #

  • Add HWB support to the SassColor class, including a SassColor.hwb() constructor, whiteness and blackness getters, and a changeHwb() method.

1.27.2 #

  • No user-visible changes.

1.27.1 #

  • Potentially breaking bug fix: meta.load-css() now correctly uses the name $url for its first argument, rather than $module.

  • Don't crash when using Infinity or NaN as a key in a map.

  • Emit a proper parse error for a = with no right-hand side in a function.

  • Avoid going exponential on certain recursive @extend edge cases.

1.27.0 #

  • Adds an overload to map.merge() that supports merging a nested map.

    map.merge($map1, $keys..., $map2): The $keys form a path to the nested map in $map1, into which $map2 gets merged.

    See the Sass documentation for more details.

  • Adds an overloaded map.set() function.

    map.set($map, $key, $value): Adds to or updates $map with the specified $key and $value.

    map.set($map, $keys..., $value): Adds to or updates a map that is nested within $map. The $keys form a path to the nested map in $map, into which $value is inserted.

    See the Sass documentation for more details.

  • Add support for nested maps to map.get(). For example, map.get((a: (b: (c: d))), a, b, c) would return d. See the documentation for more details.

  • Add support for nested maps in map.has-key. For example, map.has-key((a: (b: (c: d))), a, b, c) would return true. See the documentation for more details.

  • Add a map.deep-merge() function. This works like map.merge(), except that nested map values are also recursively merged. For example:

      (color: (primary: red, secondary: blue),
      (color: (secondary: teal)
    ) // => (color: (primary: red, secondary: teal))

    See the Sass documentation for more details.

  • Add a map.deep-remove() function. This allows you to remove keys from nested maps by passing multiple keys. For example:

      (color: (primary: red, secondary: blue)),
      color, primary
    ) // => (color: (secondary: blue))

    See the Sass documentation for more details.

  • Fix a bug where custom property values in plain CSS were being parsed as normal property values.

Dart API #

  • Add a Value.tryMap() function which returns the Value as a SassMap if it's a valid map, or null otherwise. This allows function authors to safely retrieve maps even if they're internally stored as empty lists, without having to catch exceptions from Value.assertMap().

1.26.12 #

  • Fix a bug where nesting properties beneath a Sass-syntax custom property (written as #{--foo}: ...) would crash.

1.26.11 #

  • Potentially breaking bug fix: selector.nest() now throws an error if the first arguments contains the parent selector &.

  • Fixes a parsing bug with inline comments in selectors.

  • Improve some error messages for edge-case parse failures.

  • Throw a proper error when the same built-in module is @used twice.

  • Don't crash when writing Infinity in JS mode.

  • Produce a better error message for positional arguments following named arguments.

1.26.10 #

  • Fixes a bug where two adjacent combinators could cause an error.

1.26.9 #

  • Use an updated version of node_preamble when compiling to JS.

1.26.8 #

  • Fixes an error when emitting source maps to stdout.

1.26.7 #

  • No user-visible changes.

1.26.6 #

  • Fix a bug where escape sequences were improperly recognized in @else rules.

JavaScript API #

  • Add sass.NULL, sass.TRUE, and sass.FALSE constants to match Node Sass's API.

  • If a custom Node importer returns both file and contents, don't attempt to read the file. Instead, use the contents provided by the importer, with file as the canonical url.

1.26.5 #

  • No user-visible changes.

1.26.4 #

  • Be more memory-efficient when handling @forwards through @imports.

1.26.3 #

  • Fix a bug where --watch mode could go into an infinite loop compiling CSS files to themselves.

1.26.2 #

  • More aggressively eliminate redundant selectors in the selector.extend() and selector.replace() functions.

1.26.1 #

Command Line Interface #

  • Fix a longstanding bug where --watch mode could enter into a state where recompilation would not occur after a syntax error was introduced into a dependency and then fixed.

1.26.0 #

  • Potentially breaking bug fix: @use rules whose URLs' basenames begin with _ now correctly exclude that _ from the rules' namespaces.

  • Fix a bug where imported forwarded members weren't visible in mixins and functions that were defined before the @import.

  • Don't throw errors if the exact same member is loaded or forwarded from multiple modules at the same time.

1.25.2 #

  • Fix a bug where, under extremely rare circumstances, a valid variable could become unassigned.

1.25.0 #

  • Add functions to the built-in "sass:math" module.

    • clamp($min, $number, $max). Clamps $number in between $min and $max.

    • hypot($numbers...). Given n numbers, outputs the length of the n-dimensional vector that has components equal to each of the inputs.

    • Exponential. All inputs must be unitless.

      • log($number) or log($number, $base). If no base is provided, performs a natural log.
      • pow($base, $exponent)
      • sqrt($number)
    • Trigonometric. The input must be an angle. If no unit is given, the input is assumed to be in rad.

      • cos($number)
      • sin($number)
      • tan($number)
    • Inverse trigonometric. The output is in deg.

      • acos($number). Input must be unitless.
      • asin($number). Input must be unitless.
      • atan($number). Input must be unitless.
      • atan2($y, $x). $y and $x must have compatible units or be unitless.
  • Add the variables $pi and $e to the built-in "sass:math" module.

JavaScript API #

  • constructor.value fields on value objects now match their Node Sass equivalents.

1.24.5 #

  • Highlight contextually-relevant sections of the stylesheet in error messages, rather than only highlighting the section where the error was detected.

1.24.4 #

JavaScript API #

  • Fix a bug where source map generation would crash with an absolute source map path and a custom importer that returns string file contents.

1.24.3 #

Command Line Interface #

  • Fix a bug where sass --version would crash for certain executable distributions.

1.24.2 #

JavaScript API #

  • Fix a bug introduced in the previous release that prevented custom importers in Node.js from loading import-only files.

1.24.1 #

  • Fix a bug where the wrong file could be loaded when the same URL is used by both a @use rule and an @import rule.

1.24.0 #

  • Add an optional with clause to the @forward rule. This works like the @use rule's with clause, except that @forward ... with can declare variables as !default to allow downstream modules to reconfigure their values.

  • Support configuring modules through @import rules.

1.23.8 #

  • Potentially breaking bug fix: Members loaded through a nested @import are no longer ever accessible outside that nested context.

  • Don't throw an error when importing two modules that both forward members with the same name. The latter name now takes precedence over the former, as per the specification.

Dart API #

  • SassFormatException now implements SourceSpanFormatException (and thus FormatException).

1.23.7 #

  • No user-visible changes

1.23.6 #

  • No user-visible changes.

1.23.5 #

  • Support inline comments in the indented syntax.

  • When an overloaded function receives the wrong number of arguments, guess which overload the user actually meant to invoke, and display the invalid argument error for that overload.

  • When @error is used in a function or mixin, print the call site rather than the location of the @error itself to better match the behavior of calling a built-in function that throws an error.

1.23.4 #

Command-Line Interface #

  • Fix a bug where --watch wouldn't watch files referred to by @forward rules.

1.23.3 #

  • Fix a bug where selectors were being trimmed over-eagerly when @extend crossed module boundaries.

1.23.2 #

Command-Line Interface #

  • Fix a bug when compiling all Sass files in a directory where a CSS file could be compiled to its own location, creating an infinite loop in --watch mode.

  • Properly compile CSS entrypoints in directories outside of --watch mode.

1.23.1 #

  • Fix a bug preventing built-in modules from being loaded within a configured module.

  • Fix a bug preventing an unconfigured module from being loaded from within two different configured modules.

  • Fix a bug when meta.load-css() was used to load some files that included media queries.

  • Allow saturate() in plain CSS files, since it can be used as a plain CSS filter function.

  • Improve the error messages for trying to access functions like lighten() from the sass:color module.

1.23.0 #

  • Launch the new Sass module system! This adds:

    • The @use rule, which loads Sass files as modules and makes their members available only in the current file, with automatic namespacing.

    • The @forward rule, which makes members of another Sass file available to stylesheets that @use the current file.

    • Built-in modules named sass:color, sass:list, sass:map, sass:math, sass:meta, sass:selector, and sass:string that provide access to all the built-in Sass functions you know and love, with automatic module namespaces.

    • The meta.load-css() mixin, which includes the CSS contents of a module loaded from a (potentially dynamic) URL.

    • The meta.module-variables() function, which provides access to the variables defined in a given module.

    • The meta.module-functions() function, which provides access to the functions defined in a given module.

    Check out the Sass blog for more information on the new module system. You can also use the new Sass migrator to automatically migrate your stylesheets to the new module system!

1.22.12 #

  • Potentially breaking bug fix: character sequences consisting of two or more hyphens followed by a number (such as --123), or two or more hyphens on their own (such as --), are now parsed as identifiers in accordance with the CSS spec.

    The sequence -- was previously parsed as multiple applications of the - operator. Since this is unlikely to be used intentionally in practice, we consider this bug fix safe.

Command-Line Interface #

  • Fix a bug where changes in .css files would be ignored in --watch mode.

JavaScript API #

  • Allow underscore-separated custom functions to be defined.

  • Improve the performance of Node.js compilation involving many @imports.

1.22.11 #

  • Don't try to load unquoted plain-CSS indented-syntax imports.

  • Fix a couple edge cases in @extend logic and related selector functions:

    • Recognize :matches() and similar pseudo-selectors as superselectors of matching complex selectors.

    • Recognize ::slotted() as a superselector of other ::slotted() selectors.

    • Recognize :current() with a vendor prefix as a superselector.

1.22.10 #

  • Fix a bug in which get-function() would fail to find a dash-separated function when passed a function name with underscores.

1.22.9 #

  • Include argument names when reporting range errors and selector parse errors.

  • Avoid double Error: headers when reporting selector parse errors.

  • Clarify the error message when the wrong number of positional arguments are passed along with a named argument.

JavaScript API #

  • Re-add support for Node Carbon (8.x).

1.22.8 #

JavaScript API #

  • Don't crash when running in a directory whose name contains URL-sensitive characters.

  • Drop support for Node Carbon (8.x), which doesn't support url.pathToFileURL.

1.22.7 #

  • Restrict the supported versions of the Dart SDK to ^2.4.0.

1.22.6 #

  • Potentially breaking bug fix: The keywords() function now converts underscore-separated argument names to hyphen-separated names. This matches LibSass's behavior, but not Ruby Sass's.

  • Further improve performance for logic-heavy stylesheets.

  • Improve a few error messages.

1.22.5 #

JavaScript API #

  • Improve performance for logic-heavy stylesheets.

1.22.4 #

  • Fix a bug where at-rules imported from within a style rule would appear within that style rule rather than at the root of the document.

1.22.3 #

  • Potentially breaking bug fix: The argument name for the saturate() function is now $amount, to match the name in LibSass and originally in Ruby Sass.

  • Potentially breaking bug fix: The invert() function now properly returns #808080 when passed $weight: 50%. This matches the behavior in LibSass and originally in Ruby Sass, as well as being consistent with other nearby values of $weight.

  • Potentially breaking bug fix: The invert() function now throws an error if it's used as a plain CSS function and the Sass-only $weight parameter is passed. This never did anything useful, so it's considered a bug fix rather than a full breaking change.

  • Potentially breaking bug fix: The str-insert() function now properly inserts at the end of the string if the $index is -1. This matches the behavior in LibSass and originally in Ruby Sass.

  • Potentially breaking bug fix: An empty map returned by map-remove() is now treated as identical to the literal value (), rather than being treated as though it had a comma separator. This matches the original behavior in Ruby Sass.

  • The adjust-color() function no longer throws an error when a large $alpha value is combined with HSL adjustments.

  • The alpha() function now produces clearer error messages when the wrong number of arguments are passed.

  • Fix a bug where the str-slice() function could produce invalid output when passed a string that contains characters that aren't represented as a single byte in UTF-16.

  • Improve the error message for an unknown separator name passed to the join() or append() functions.

  • The zip() function no longer deadlocks if passed no arguments.

  • The map-remove() function can now take a $key named argument. This matches the signature in LibSass and originally in Ruby Sass.

1.22.2 #

JavaScript API #

  • Avoid re-assigning the require() function to make the code statically analyzable by Webpack.

1.22.1 #

JavaScript API #

  • Expand the dependency on chokidar to allow 3.x.

1.22.0 #

  • Produce better stack traces when importing a file that contains a syntax error.

  • Make deprecation warnings for !global variable declarations that create new variables clearer, especially in the case where the !global flag is unnecessary because the variables are at the top level of the stylesheet.

Dart API #

  • Add a Value.realNull getter, which returns Dart's null if the value is Sass's null.

1.21.0 #

Dart API #

  • Add a sass executable when installing the package through pub.

  • Add a top-level warn() function for custom functions and importers to print warning messages.

1.20.3 #

  • No user-visible changes.

1.20.2 #

  • Fix a bug where numbers could be written using exponential notation in Node.js.

  • Fix a crash that would appear when writing some very large integers to CSS.

Command-Line Interface #

  • Improve performance for stand-alone packages on Linux and Mac OS.

JavaScript API #

  • Pass imports to custom importers before resolving them using includePaths or the SASS_PATH environment variable. This matches Node Sass's behavior, so it's considered a bug fix.

1.20.1 #

  • No user-visible changes.

1.20.0 #

  • Support attribute selector modifiers, such as the i in [title="test" i].

Command-Line Interface #

  • When compilation fails, Sass will now write the error message to the CSS output as a comment and as the content property of a body::before rule so it will show up in the browser (unless compiling to standard output). This can be disabled with the --no-error-css flag, or forced even when compiling to standard output with the --error-css flag.

Dart API #

  • Added SassException.toCssString(), which returns the contents of a CSS stylesheet describing the error, as above.

1.19.0 #

  • Allow ! in url()s without quotes.

Dart API #

  • FilesystemImporter now doesn't change its effective directory if the working directory changes, even if it's passed a relative argument.

1.18.0 #

  • Avoid recursively listing directories when finding the canonical name of a file on case-insensitive filesystems.

  • Fix importing files relative to package:-imported files.

  • Don't claim that "package:" URLs aren't supported when they actually are.

Command-Line Interface #

  • Add a --no-charset flag. If this flag is set, Sass will never emit a @charset declaration or a byte-order mark, even if the CSS file contains non-ASCII characters.

Dart API #

  • Add a charset option to compile(), compileString(), compileAsync() and compileStringAsync(). If this option is set to false, Sass will never emit a @charset declaration or a byte-order mark, even if the CSS file contains non-ASCII characters.

  • Explicitly require that importers' canonicalize() methods be able to take paths relative to their outputs as valid inputs. This isn't considered a breaking change because the importer infrastructure already required this in practice.

1.17.4 #

  • Consistently parse U+000C FORM FEED, U+000D CARRIAGE RETURN, and sequences of U+000D CARRIAGE RETURN followed by U+000A LINE FEED as individual newlines.

JavaScript API #

  • Add a sass.types.Error constructor as an alias for Error. This makes our custom function API compatible with Node Sass's.

1.17.3 #

  • Fix an edge case where slash-separated numbers were written to the stylesheet with a slash even when they're used as part of another arithmetic operation, such as being concatenated with a string.

  • Don't put style rules inside empty @keyframes selectors.

1.17.2 #

  • Deprecate !global variable assignments to variables that aren't yet defined. This deprecation message can be avoided by assigning variables to null at the top level before globally assigning values to them.

Dart API #

  • Explicitly mark classes that were never intended to be subclassed or implemented as "sealed".

1.17.1 #

  • Properly quote attribute selector values that start with identifiers but end with a non-identifier character.

1.17.0 #

  • Improve error output, particularly for errors that cover multiple lines.

  • Improve source locations for some parse errors. Rather than pointing to the next token that wasn't what was expected, they point after the previous token. This should generally provide more context for the syntax error.

  • Produce a better error message for style rules that are missing the closing }.

  • Produce a better error message for style rules and property declarations within @function rules.

Command-Line Interface #

  • Passing a directory on the command line now compiles all Sass source files in the directory to CSS files in the same directory, as though dir:dir were passed instead of just dir.

  • The new error output uses non-ASCII Unicode characters by default. Add a --no-unicode flag to disable this.

1.16.1 #

  • Fix a performance bug where stylesheet evaluation could take a very long time when many binary operators were used in sequence.

1.16.0 #

  • rgb() and hsl() now treat unquoted strings beginning with env(), min(), and max() as special number strings like calc().

1.15.3 #

  • Properly merge all and media queries. These queries were previously being merged as though all referred to a specific media type, rather than all media types.

  • Never remove units from 0 values in compressed mode. This wasn't safe in general, since some properties (such as line-height) interpret 0 as a <number> rather than a <length> which can break CSS transforms. It's better to do this optimization in a dedicated compressor that's aware of CSS property semantics.

  • Match Ruby Sass's behavior in some edge-cases involving numbers with many significant digits.

  • Emit escaped tab characters in identifiers as \9 rather than a backslash followed by a literal tab.

Command-Line Interface #

  • The source map generated for a stylesheet read from standard input now uses a data: URL to include that stylesheet's contents in the source map.

Node JS API #

  • this.includePaths for a running importer is now a ;-separated string on Windows, rather than :-separated. This matches Node Sass's behavior.

Dart API #

  • The URL used in a source map to refer to a stylesheet loaded from an importer is now ImportResult.sourceMapUrl as documented.

1.15.2 #

Node JS API #

  • When setValue() is called on a Sass string object, make it unquoted even if it was quoted originally, to match the behavior of Node Sass.

1.15.1 #

  • Always add quotes to attribute selector values that begin with --, since IE 11 doesn't consider them to be identifiers.

1.15.0 #

  • Add support for passing arguments to @content blocks. See the proposal for details.

  • Add support for the new rgb() and hsl() syntax introduced in CSS Colors Level 4, such as rgb(0% 100% 0% / 0.5). See the proposal for more details.

  • Add support for interpolation in at-rule names. See the proposal for details.

  • Add paths from the SASS_PATH environment variable to the load paths in the command-line interface, Dart API, and JS API. These load paths are checked just after the load paths explicitly passed by the user.

  • Allow saturation and lightness values outside of the 0% to 100% range in the hsl() and hsla() functions. They're now clamped to be within that range rather than producing an error if they're outside it.

  • Properly compile selectors that end in escaped whitespace.

JavaScript API #

  • Always include the error location in error messages.

1.14.4 #

  • Properly escape U+0009 CHARACTER TABULATION in unquoted strings.

1.14.3 #

  • Treat :before, :after, :first-line, and :first-letter as pseudo-elements for the purposes of @extend.

  • When running in compressed mode, remove spaces around combinators in complex selectors, so a selector like a > b is output as a>b.

  • Properly indicate the source span for errors involving binary operation expressions whose operands are parenthesized.

1.14.2 #

  • Fix a bug where loading the same stylesheet from two different import paths could cause its imports to fail to resolve.

  • Properly escape U+001F INFORMATION SEPARATOR ONE in unquoted strings.

Command-Line Interface #

  • Don't crash when using @debug in a stylesheet passed on standard input.

Dart API #

  • AsyncImporter.canonicalize() and Importer.canonicalize() must now return absolute URLs. Relative URLs are still supported, but are deprecated and will be removed in a future release.

1.14.1 #

  • Canonicalize escaped digits at the beginning of identifiers as hex escapes.

  • Properly parse property declarations that are both in content blocks and written after content blocks.

Command-Line Interface #

  • Print more readable paths in --watch mode.

1.14.0 #


In accordance with our compatibility policy, breaking changes made for CSS compatibility reasons are released as minor version revision after a three-month deprecation period.

  • Tokens such as #abcd that are now interpreted as hex colors with alpha channels, rather than unquoted ID strings.

1.13.4 #

Node JS #

  • Tweak JS compilation options to substantially improve performance.

1.13.3 #

  • Properly generate source maps for stylesheets that emit @charset declarations.

Command-Line Interface #

  • Don't error out when passing --embed-source-maps along with --embed-sources for stylesheets that contain non-ASCII characters.

1.13.2 #

  • Properly parse :nth-child() and :nth-last-child() selectors with whitespace around the argument.

  • Don't emit extra whitespace in the arguments for :nth-child() and :nth-last-child() selectors.

  • Fix support for CSS hacks in plain CSS mode.

1.13.1 #

  • Allow an IE-style single equals operator in plain CSS imports.

1.13.0 #

  • Allow @extend to be used with multiple comma-separated simple selectors. This is already supported by other implementations, but fell through the cracks for Dart Sass until now.

  • Don't crash when a media rule contains another media rule followed by a style rule.

1.12.0 #

Dart API #

  • Add a SassException type that provides information about Sass compilation failures.

Node JS API #

  • Remove the source map comment from the compiled JS. We don't ship with the source map, so this pointed to nothing.

1.11.0 #

  • Add support for importing plain CSS files. They can only be imported without an extension—for example, @import "style" will import style.css. Plain CSS files imported this way only support standard CSS features, not Sass extensions.

    See the proposal for details.

  • Add support for CSS's min() and max() math functions. A min() and max() call will continue to be parsed as a Sass function if it involves any Sass-specific features like variables or function calls, but if it's valid plain CSS (optionally with interpolation) it will be emitted as plain CSS instead.

    See the proposal for details.

  • Add support for range-format media features like (10px < width < 100px). See the proposal for details.

  • Normalize escape codes in identifiers so that, for example, éclair and \E9clair are parsed to the same value. See the proposal for details.

  • Don't choke on a byte-order mark at the beginning of a document when running in JavaScript.

Command-Line Interface #

  • The --watch command now continues to recompile a file after a syntax error has been detected.

Dart API #

  • Added a Syntax enum to indicate syntaxes for Sass source files.

  • The compile() and compileAsync() functions now parse files with the .css extension as plain CSS.

  • Added a syntax parameter to compileString() and compileStringAsync().

  • Deprecated the indented parameter to compileString() and compileStringAsync().

  • Added a syntax parameter to new ImporterResult() and a ImporterResult.syntax getter to set the syntax of the source file.

  • Deprecated the indented parameter to new ImporterResult() and the ImporterResult.indented getter in favor of syntax.

1.10.4 #

Command-Line Interface #

  • Fix a Homebrew installation failure.

1.10.3 #

Command-Line Interface #

  • Run the Chocolatey script with the correct arguments so it doesn't crash.

1.10.2 #

  • No user-visible changes.

1.10.1 #

Node JS API #

  • Don't crash when passing both includePaths and importer.

1.10.0 #

  • When two @media rules' queries can't be merged, leave nested rules in place for browsers that support them.

  • Fix a typo in an error message.

1.9.2 #

Node JS API #

  • Produce more readable filesystem errors, such as when a file doesn't exist.

1.9.1 #

Command-Line Interface #

  • Don't emit ANSI codes to Windows terminals that don't support them.

  • Fix a bug where --watch crashed on Mac OS.

1.9.0 #

Node API #

  • Add support for new sass.types.Color(argb) for creating colors from ARGB hex numbers. This was overlooked when initially adding support for Node Sass's JavaScript API.

1.8.0 #

Command-Line Interface #

  • Add a --poll flag to make --watch mode repeatedly check the filesystem for updates rather than relying on native filesystem notifications.

  • Add a --stop-on-error flag to stop compiling additional files once an error is encountered.

1.7.3 #

  • No user-visible changes.

1.7.2 #

  • Add a deprecation warning for @-moz-document, except for cases where only an empty url-prefix() is used. Support is being removed from Firefox and will eventually be removed from Sass as well.
  • Fix a bug where @-moz-document functions with string arguments weren't being parsed.

Command-Line Interface #

  • Don't crash when a syntax error is added to a watched file.

1.7.1 #

  • Fix crashes in released binaries.

1.7.0 #

  • Emit deprecation warnings for tokens such as #abcd that are ambiguous between ID strings and hex colors with alpha channels. These will be interpreted as colors in a release on or after 19 September 2018.

  • Parse unambiguous hex colors with alpha channels as colors.

  • Fix a bug where relative imports from files on the load path could look in the incorrect location.

1.6.2 #

Command-Line Interface #

  • Fix a bug where the source map comment in the generated CSS could refer to the source map file using an incorrect URL.

1.6.1 #

  • No user-visible changes.

1.6.0 #

  • Produce better errors when expected tokens are missing before a closing brace.

  • Avoid crashing when compiling a non-partial stylesheet that exists on the filesystem next to a partial with the same name.

Command-Line Interface #

  • Add support for the --watch, which watches for changes in Sass files on the filesystem and ensures that the compiled CSS is up-to-date.

  • When using --update, surface errors when an import doesn't exist even if the file containing the import hasn't been modified.

  • When compilation fails, delete the output file rather than leaving an outdated version.

1.5.1 #

  • Fix a bug where an absolute Windows path would be considered an input:output pair.

  • Forbid custom properties that have no values, like --foo:;, since they're forbidden by the CSS spec.

1.5.0 #

  • Fix a bug where an importer would be passed an incorrectly-resolved URL when handling a relative import.

  • Throw an error when an import is ambiguous due to a partial and a non-partial with the same name, or multiple files with different extensions. This matches the standard Sass behavior.

Command-Line Interface #

  • Add an --interactive flag that supports interactively running Sass expressions (thanks to Jen Thakar!).

1.4.0 #

  • Improve the error message for invalid semicolons in the indented syntax.

  • Properly disallow semicolons after declarations in the indented syntax.

Command-Line Interface #

  • Add support for compiling multiple files at once by writing sass input.scss:output.css. Note that unlike Ruby Sass, this always compiles files by default regardless of when they were modified.

    This syntax also supports compiling entire directories at once. For example, sass templates/stylesheets:public/css compiles all non-partial Sass files in templates/stylesheets to CSS files in public/css.

  • Add an --update flag that tells Sass to compile only stylesheets that have been (transitively) modified since the CSS file was generated.

Dart API #

  • Add Importer.modificationTime() and AsyncImporter.modificationTime() which report the last time a stylesheet was modified.

Node API #

  • Generate source maps when the sourceMaps option is set to a string and the outFile option is not set.

1.3.2 #

  • Add support for @elseif as an alias of @else if. This is not an intentional feature, so using it will cause a deprecation warning. It will be removed at some point in the future.

1.3.1 #

Node API #

  • Fix loading imports relative to stylesheets that were themselves imported though relative include paths.

1.3.0 #

Command-Line Interface #

  • Generate source map files by default when writing to disk. This can be disabled by passing --no-source-map.

  • Add a --source-map-urls option to control whether the source file URLs in the generated source map are relative or absolute.

  • Add an --embed-sources option to embed the contents of all source files in the generated source map.

  • Add an --embed-source-map option to embed the generated source map as a data: URL in the generated CSS.

Dart API #

  • Add a sourceMap parameter to compile(), compileString(), compileAsync(), and compileStringAsync(). This takes a callback that's called with a SingleMapping that contains the source map information for the compiled CSS file.

Node API #

  • Added support for the sourceMap, omitSourceMapUrl, outFile, sourceMapContents, sourceMapEmbed, and sourceMapRoot options to render() and renderSync().

  • Fix a bug where passing a relative path to render() or renderSync() would cause relative imports to break.

  • Fix a crash when printing warnings in stylesheets compiled using render() or renderSync().

  • Fix a bug where format errors were reported badly on Windows.

1.2.1 #

  • Always emit units in compressed mode for 0 dimensions other than lengths and angles.

1.2.0 #

  • The command-line executable will now create the directory for the resulting CSS if that directory doesn't exist.

  • Properly parse #{$var} -#{$var} as two separate values in a list rather than one value being subtracted from another.

  • Improve the error message for extending compound selectors.

1.1.1 #

  • Add a commit that was accidentally left out of 1.1.0.

1.1.0 #

  • The command-line executable can now be used to write an output file to disk using sass input.scss output.css.

  • Use a POSIX-shell-compatible means of finding the location of the sass shell script.

1.0.0 #

Initial stable release.

Changes Since 1.0.0-rc.1 #

  • Allow ! in custom property values (#260).

Dart API

  • Remove the deprecated render() function.

Node API

  • Errors are now subtypes of the Error type.

  • Allow both the data and file options to be passed to render() and renderSync() at once. The data option will be used as the contents of the stylesheet, and the file option will be used as the path for error reporting and relative imports. This matches Node Sass's behavior.

1.0.0-rc.1 #

  • Add support for importing an _index.scss or _index.sass file when importing a directory.

  • Add a --load-path command-line option (alias -I) for passing additional paths to search for Sass files to import.

  • Add a --quiet command-line option (alias -q) for silencing warnings.

  • Add an --indented command-line option for using the indented syntax with a stylesheet from standard input.

  • Don't merge the media queries not type and (feature). We had previously been generating not type and (feature), but that's not actually the intersection of the two queries.

  • Don't crash on $x % 0.

  • The standalone executable distributed on GitHub is now named sass rather than dart-sass. The dart-sass executable will remain, with a deprecation message, until 1.0.0 is released.

Dart API #

  • Add a Logger class that allows users to control how messages are printed by stylesheets.

  • Add a logger parameter to compile(), compileAsync(), compileString(), and compileStringAsync().

Node JS API #

  • Import URLs passed to importers are no longer normalized. For example, if a stylesheet contains @import "./foo.scss", importers will now receive "./foo.scss" rather than "foo.scss".

1.0.0-beta.5.3 #

  • Support hard tabs in the indented syntax.

  • Improve the formatting of comments that don't start on the same line as the opening /*.

  • Preserve whitespace after and in media queries in compressed mode.

Indented Syntax #

  • Properly parse multi-line selectors.

  • Don't deadlock on /* comments.

  • Don't add an extra */ to comments that already have it.

  • Preserve empty lines in /* comments.

1.0.0-beta.5.2 #

  • Fix a bug where some colors would crash compressed mode.

1.0.0-beta.5.1 #

  • Add a compressed output style.

  • Emit a warning when && is used, since it's probably not what the user means.

  • round() now returns the correct results for negative numbers that should round down.

  • var() may now be passed in place of multiple arguments to rgb(), rgba(), hsl() and hsla().

  • Fix some cases where equivalent numbers wouldn't count as the same keys in maps.

  • Fix a bug where multiplication like (1/1px) * (1px/1) wouldn't properly cancel out units.

  • Fix a bug where dividing by a compatible unit would produce an invalid result.

  • Remove a non-sh-compatible idiom from the standalone shell script.

Dart API #

  • Add a functions parameter to compile(), compleString(), compileAsync(), and compileStringAsync(). This allows users to define custom functions in Dart that can be invoked from Sass stylesheets.

  • Expose the Callable and AsyncCallable types, which represent functions that can be invoked from Sass.

  • Expose the Value type and its subclasses, as well as the top-level sassTrue, sassFalse, and sassNull values, which represent Sass values that may be passed into or returned from custom functions.

  • Expose the OutputStyle enum, and add a style parameter to compile(), compleString(), compileAsync(), and compileStringAsync() that allows users to control the output style.

Node JS API #

  • Support the functions option.

  • Support the "compressed" value for the outputStyle option.

1.0.0-beta.4 #

  • Support unquoted imports in the indented syntax.

  • Fix a crash when :not(...) extends a selector that appears in :not(:not(...)).

Node JS API #

  • Add support for asynchronous importers to render() and renderSync().

Dart API #

  • Add compileAsync() and compileStringAsync() methods. These run asynchronously, which allows them to take asynchronous importers (see below).

  • Add an AsyncImporter class. This allows imports to be resolved asynchronously in case no synchronous APIs are available. AsyncImporters are only compatible with compileAysnc() and compileStringAsync().

1.0.0-beta.3 #

  • Properly parse numbers with exponents.

  • Don't crash when evaluating CSS variables whose names are entirely interpolated (for example, #{--foo}: ...).

Node JS API #

  • Add support for the importer option to render() and renderSync(). Only synchronous importers are currently supported.

Dart API #

  • Added an Importer class. This can be extended by users to provide support for custom resolution for @import rules.

  • Added built-in FilesystemImporter and PackageImporter implementations that support resolving file: and package: URLs, respectively.

  • Added an importers argument to the compile() and compileString() functions that provides Importers to use when resolving @import rules.

  • Added a loadPaths argument to the compile() and compileString() functions that provides paths to search for stylesheets when resolving @import rules. This is a shorthand for passing FilesystemImporters to the importers argument.

1.0.0-beta.2 #

  • Add support for the ::slotted() pseudo-element.

  • Generated transparent colors will now be emitted as rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) rather than transparent. This works around a bug wherein IE incorrectly handles the latter format.

Command-Line Interface #

  • Improve the logic for whether to use terminal colors by default.

Node JS API #

  • Add support for data, includePaths, indentedSyntax, lineFeed, indentWidth, and indentType options to render() and renderSync().

  • The result object returned by render() and renderSync() now includes the stats object which provides metadata about the compilation process.

  • The error object thrown by render() and renderSync() now includes line, column, file, status, and formatted fields. The message field and toString() also provide more information.

Dart API #

  • Add a renderString() method for rendering Sass source that's not in a file on disk.

1.0.0-beta.1 #

  • Drop support for the reference combinator. This has been removed from the spec, and will be deprecated and eventually removed in other implementations.

  • Trust type annotations when compiling to JavaScript, which makes it substantially faster.

  • Compile to minified JavaScript, which decreases the code size substantially and makes startup a little faster.

  • Fix a crash when inspecting a string expression that ended in "\a".

  • Fix a bug where declarations and @extend were allowed outside of a style rule in certain circumstances.

  • Fix not in parentheses in @supports conditions.

  • Allow url as an identifier name.

  • Properly parse /***/ in selectors.

  • Properly parse unary operators immediately after commas.

  • Match Ruby Sass's rounding behavior for all functions.

  • Allow \ at the beginning of a selector in the indented syntax.

  • Fix a number of @extend bugs:

    • selector-extend() and selector-replace() now allow compound selector extendees.

    • Remove the universal selector * when unifying with other selectors.

    • Properly unify the result of multiple simple selectors in the same compound selector being extended.

    • Properly handle extensions being extended.

    • Properly follow the first law of @extend.

    • Fix selector specificity tracking to follow the second law of @extend.

    • Allow extensions that match selectors but fail to unify.

    • Partially-extended selectors are no longer used as parent selectors.

    • Fix an edge case where both the extender and the extended selector have invalid combinator sequences.

    • Don't crash with a "Bad state: no element" error in certain edge cases.

1.0.0-alpha.9 #

  • Elements without a namespace (such as div) are no longer unified with elements with the empty namespace (such as |div). This unification didn't match the results returned by is-superselector(), and was not guaranteed to be valid.

  • Support & within @at-root.

  • Properly error when a compound selector is followed immediately by &.

  • Properly handle variable scoping in @at-root and nested properties.

  • Properly handle placeholder selectors in selector pseudos.

  • Properly short-circuit the or and and operators.

  • Support --$variable.

  • Don't consider unitless numbers equal to numbers with units.

  • Warn about using named colors in interpolation.

  • Don't emit loud comments in functions.

  • Detect import loops.

  • Fix @import with a supports() clause.

  • Forbid functions named "and", "or", and "not".

  • Fix type-of() with a function.

  • Emit a nicer error for invalid tokens in a selector.

  • Fix invert() with a $weight parameter.

  • Fix a unit-parsing edge-cases.

  • Always parse imports with queries as plain CSS imports.

  • Support & followed by a non-identifier.

  • Properly handle split media queries.

  • Properly handle a placeholder selector that isn't at the beginning of a compound selector.

  • Fix more str-slice() bugs.

  • Fix the % operator.

  • Allow whitespace between = and the mixin name in the indented syntax.

  • Fix some slash division edge cases.

  • Fix not when used like a function.

  • Fix attribute selectors with single-character values.

  • Fix some bugs with the call() function.

  • Properly handle a backslash followed by a CRLF sequence in a quoted string.

  • Fix numbers divided by colors.

  • Support slash-separated numbers in arguments to plain CSS functions.

  • Error out if a function is passed an unknown named parameter.

  • Improve the speed of loading large files on Node.

  • Don't consider browser-prefixed selector pseudos to be superselectors of differently- or non-prefixed selector pseudos with the same base name.

  • Fix an @extend edge case involving multiple combinators in a row.

  • Fix a bug where a @content block could get incorrectly passed to a mixin.

  • Properly isolate the lexical environments of different calls to the same mixin and function.

1.0.0-alpha.8 #

  • Add the content-exists() function.

  • Support interpolation in loud comments.

  • Fix a bug where even valid semicolons and exclamation marks in custom property values were disallowed.

  • Disallow invalid function names.

  • Disallow extending across media queries.

  • Properly parse whitespace after ... in argument declaration lists.

  • Support terse mixin syntax in the indented syntax.

  • Fix @at-root query parsing.

  • Support special functions in @-moz-document.

  • Support ... after a digit.

  • Fix some bugs when treating a map as a list of pairs.

1.0.0-alpha.7 #

  • Fix function-exists(), variable-exists(), and mixin-exists() to use the lexical scope rather than always using the global scope.

  • str-index() now correctly inserts at negative indices.

  • Properly parse url()s that contain comment-like text.

  • Fix a few more small @extend bugs.

  • Fix a bug where interpolation in a quoted string was being dropped in some circumstances.

  • Properly handle @for rules where each bound has a different unit.

  • Forbid mixins and functions from being defined in control directives.

  • Fix a superselector-computation edge case involving :not().

  • Gracefully handle input files that are invalid UTF-8.

  • Print a Sass stack trace when a file fails to load.

1.0.0-alpha.6 #

  • Allow var() to be passed to rgb(), rgba(), hsl(), and hsla().

  • Fix conversions between numbers with dpi, dpcm, and dppx units. Previously these conversions were inverted.

  • Don't crash when calling str-slice() with an $end-at index lower than the $start-at index.

  • str-slice() now correctly returns "" when $end-at is negative and points before the beginning of the string.

  • Interpolation in quoted strings now properly preserves newlines.

  • Don't crash when passing only $hue or no keyword arguments to adjust-color(), scale-color(), or change-color().

  • Preserve escapes in identifiers. This used to only work for identifiers in SassScript.

  • Fix a few small @extend bugs.

1.0.0-alpha.5 #

  • Fix bounds-checking for opacify(), fade-in(), transparentize(), and fade-out().

  • Fix a bug with @extend superselector calculations.

  • Fix some cases where #{...}-- would fail to parse in selectors.

  • Allow a single number to be passed to saturate() for use in filter contexts.

  • Fix a bug where **/ would fail to close a loud comment.

  • Fix a bug where mixin and function calls could set variables incorrectly.

  • Move plain CSS @imports to the top of the document.

1.0.0-alpha.4 #

  • Add support for bracketed lists.

  • Add support for Unicode ranges.

  • Add support for the Microsoft-style = operator.

  • Print the filename for @debug rules.

  • Fix a bug where 1 + - 2 and similar constructs would crash the parser.

  • Fix a bug where @extend produced the wrong result when used with selector combinators.

  • Fix a bug where placeholder selectors were not allowed to be unified.

  • Fix the mixin-exists() function.

  • Fix :nth-child() and :nth-last-child() parsing when they contain of selector.

1.0.0-alpha.3 #

  • Fix a bug where color equality didn't take the alpha channel into account.

  • Fix a bug with converting some RGB colors to HSL.

  • Fix a parent selector resolution bug.

  • Properly declare the arguments for opacify() and related functions.

  • Add a missing dependency on the stack_trace package.

  • Fix broken Windows archives.

  • Emit colors using their original representation if possible.

  • Emit colors without an original representation as names if possible.

1.0.0-alpha.2 #

  • Fix a bug where variables, functions, and mixins were broken in imported files.

1.0.0-alpha.1 #

  • Initial alpha release.