sass_migrator 2.2.0 copy "sass_migrator: ^2.2.0" to clipboard
sass_migrator: ^2.2.0 copied to clipboard

A tool for running migrations on Sass files

2.2.0 #

Module Migrator #

  • Add a new --built-in-only flag, which migrates global functions to their sass: module equivalents, while leaving @import rules unchanged.

  • Fix bug where some functions (opacity, is-bracketed, and selector-extend) would not be migrated.

2.1.0 #

Color Function Migrator #

  • Adds a new color migrator that migrates off of legacy color functions that were deprecated in Dart Sass 1.79.0.

2.0.3 #

Module Migrator #

  • Fixes some crashes due to null pointer errors.

2.0.2 #

Calc Functions Interpolation Migrator #

  • Fix the interpretation of a dash in a variable name as a minus sign.

2.0.1 #

Calc Functions Interpolation Migrator #

  • Add parentheses in place of interpolation when necessary to preserve the evaluation order.
  • Keep interpolation in var() CSS functions.

2.0.0 #

  • Breaking change: The media-logic migrator has been removed as the corresponding breaking change has been completed in Dart Sass. If you still need to migrate legacy code, use migrator version 1.8.1.

  • Update to be compatible with the latest version of the Dart Sass AST.

Division Migrator #

  • / division should now be left untouched in all CSS calculation functions. This was already the case for calc, clamp, min, and max, but it now applies to the new functions that Dart Sass 1.67.0 added support for.

1.8.1 #

Calc Functions Interpolation Migrator #

  • Migration for more than one interpolation or expressions in a calc function parameter.

1.8.0 #

Calc Functions Interpolation Migrator #

1.7.3 #

  • Fixes a bug where path arguments on the command line were incorrectly treated as URLs, resulting in errors finding paths containing certain special characters.

1.7.2 #

Module Migrator #

  • Fixes a rare crash in certain cases involving reassignments of variables from another module.

1.7.1 #

  • Eliminates invalid warnings when running --migrate-deps on a file that uses a built-in module.

1.7.0 #

Media Logic Migrator #

1.6.0 #

Strict Unary Migrator #

  • Add a new migrator for eliminating ambiguous syntax for the + and - operators that will soon be deprecated.

1.5.6 #

  • No user-visible changes.

1.5.5 #

  • No user-visible changes.

1.5.4 #

Module Migrator #

  • Fix a bug where the built-in function keywords was incorrectly migrated.

1.5.3 #

Division Migrator #

  • Fix a bug where division inside calc expressions was unnecessarily migrated.

1.5.2 #

  • No user-visible changes.

1.5.1 #

Division Migrator #

  • Fix a bug where some division nested in a parenthesized expression would not be migrated.

1.5.0 #

Division Migrator #

  • When migrating division where the divisor is a common constant value, the migrator will now convert it to multiplication, rather than math.div.

    For example: $variable / 2 would be migrated to $variable * 0.5.

    To disable this and migrate all division to math.div, pass --no-multiplication.

1.4.5 #

  • Glob syntax will no longer be resolved if a file with that literal name exists.

1.4.4 #

Division Migrator #

  • Fix a bug where @use "sass:math" would sometimes be incorrectly inserted after other rules.

1.4.3 #

Division Migrator #

  • Fix a crash when encountering parentheses in an expression that's definitely not division.

1.4.2 #

Division Migrator #

  • Fix a bug where negated division could be migrated incorrectly.

1.4.1 #

  • Globs containing ** should now be properly resolved when running on Node.

1.4.0 #

Division Migrator #

  • The division migrator is now enabled, and will convert slash-as-division to the math.div function.

1.3.9 #

  • Fix crash when running on Node.

1.3.8 #

  • No user-visible changes.

1.3.7 #

Module Migrator #

  • Fix a crash in a rare edge case involving orphan import-only files and multiple load paths.

1.3.6 #

Module Migrator #

  • Fix a bug that could result in unnecessary import-only files being generated when running --forward=import-only on a file with no dependencies.

1.3.5 #

Module Migrator #

  • Fix a bug where @use rules could be duplicated if the same file is depended on via both an indirect @import and an existing @use rule.

  • Fix a bug where imports of orphan import-only files that only forward other import-only files would not be removed.

1.3.4 #

Module Migrator #

  • Fix a crash when resolving references to orphan import-only files in a different directory from the file depending on them.

1.3.3 #

  • No user-visible changes.

1.3.2 #

Module Migrator #

  • Fix a bug on Windows where load paths would not be used in some cases.

1.3.1 #

Module Migrator #

  • Prefixes will now be removed from private members (e.g. a variable $_lib-variable will be renamed to $_variable when --remove-prefix=lib- is passed).

  • Fix a bug where private members would be incorrectly added to hide clauses in generated import-only files.

1.3.0 #

Namespace Migrator #

  • Add a new migrator for changing namespaces of @use rules.

    This migrator lets you change namespaces by matching regular expressions on existing namespaces or on @use rule URLs.

    You do this by passing expressions to the --rename in one of the following forms:

    • <old-namespace> to <new-namespace>: The <old-namespace> regular expression matches the entire existing namespace, and <new-namespace> is the replacement.

    • url <rule-url> to <new-namespace>: The <old-namespace> regular expression matches the entire URL in the @use rule, and <new-namespace> is the namespace that's chosen for it.

    The <new-namespace> patterns can include references to captured groups from the matching regular expression (e.g. \1).

    You can pass --rename multiple times and they will be checked in order until one matches (at which point subsequent renames will be ignored). You can also separate multiple rename expressions with semicolons or line breaks.

    By default, if the renaming results in a conflict between multiple @use rules, the migration will fail, but you can force it to resolve conflicts with numerical suffixes by passing --force.

1.2.6 #

Module Migrator #

  • Fix a bug where generated import-only files for index files would contain invalid forwards.

  • Better handling for import-only files without corresponding regular files, including fixing a crash when @import rules for two files like this are adjacent to each other.

  • Midstream files that both forward configurable variables and configure other variables themselves should now be properly migrated.

  • When an @import rule is migrated to both a @use rule and a @forward rule, both rules will now be migrated in-place (previously, the @use rule would replace the @import rule and the @forward rule would be added after all other dependencies).

1.2.5 #

Module Migrator #

  • The migrator now properly migrates built-in function calls with underscores (e.g. map_get).

1.2.4 #

Module Migrator #

  • The migrator no longer crashes when it encounters an import-only file without a corresponding regular file.
  • If an import-only file does not forward its corresponding regular file, the migrator no longer includes a @use rule for it.

1.2.3 #

  • Updates help text to use the correct binary name (sass-migrator).

1.2.2 #

  • No user-visible changes.

1.2.1 #

Module Migrator #

  • Fixes a bug where semicolons would be missing when migrating an @import rule with multiple imports.

1.2.0 #

Module Migrator #

  • The --remove-prefix flag can now take multiple prefixes.

  • Correctly migrate assignments to members in already-migrated modules.

1.1.5 #

Module Migrator #

  • Fix a few bugs when migrating files that imported members through multiple layers of import-only files.

1.1.4 #

Module Migrator #

  • When generating import-only files that for files that used to import import-only files, forward the upstream import-only files.

  • Don't double-prefix members imported from a prefixed @forward rule.

1.1.3 #

Module Migrator #

  • Don't remove prefixes from members that would become invalid identifiers afterwards.

1.1.2 #

Module Migrator #

  • Generate better @use rules for index files.

1.1.1 #

Module Migrator #

  • When using --forward=import-only, @forward rules in an import-only file are now sorted with the regular file last, allowing variables in indirect dependencies to be configured.

  • Fixes a bug where some references weren't renamed if a variable is declared twice when using --remove-prefix.

1.1.0 #

  • Add support for glob inputs on the command line.

Module Migrator #

  • Add --forward=import-only option, which will not forward any members through the regular entrypoint, but it will forward all members through the entrypoint's import-only file. --forward=prefixed,import-only is also supported, which will forward prefixed members through the regular entrypoint and all members through the import-only file.

  • Make --remove-prefix=<prefix> --forward=prefixed forward members that previously started with <prefix> and were unprefixed by a previous migrator run. This includes cases where the previously removed prefix is longer than the prefix for the current migrator run.

  • Better handling when migrating files whose dependencies have complex import-only files.

1.0.1 #

Module Migrator #

  • Improve ordering of @use and @forward rules.

  • Fix a bug in the migrating of configurable variables. Variables should now only be considered configured when the configuring declaration is upstream of the !default declaration.

  • When namespacing a negated variable, adds parentheses around it to prevent the - from being parsed as part of the namespace.

  • Fix a bug in the migrating of removed color functions when the amount is a variable being namespaced.

1.0.0 #

  • Initial release.