slugify 2.0.0
slugify: ^2.0.0 copied to clipboard
Converts a string into a slug. Useful for URLs, filenames, IDs, and more.
import 'package:slugify/slugify.dart';
void main() {
// Slugify with default config.
var slug1 = slugify('Hello, world!');
print(slug1); // 'hello-world'
// Set a custom delimiter.
var slug2 = slugify('Some prefer snake case', delimiter: '_');
print(slug2); // 'some_prefer_snake_case'
// Preserve the original case.
var slug3 = slugify('BREAKING NEWS! The world is ending!', lowercase: false);
print(slug3); // 'BREAKING-NEWS-The-world-is-ending'
// Normalize to latin characters.
var slug4 = slugify("C'est déjà l'été.");
print(slug4); // 'cest-deja-lete'