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Encodes and decodes keys to/from different text file formats.
ssh_key #
Encodes and decodes keys to/from different text file formats.
Introduction #
This package allows public keys and private keys to be decoded from different text file formats. And for them to be encoded into those formats.
The primary focus is on the file formats used by implementations of SSH. But some of these formats are also used by other programs; and there is no fundamental reason why other key file formats can't be supported.
SSH implementations use a number of different file formats to represent public-keys. While the SSH wire-protocol is standardized, the storage of keys was an implementation detail that was left undefined. Consequently, different implementations have used different (often proprietary) file formats to store their keys.
Formats #
These public key formats are supported:
OpenSSH Public Key (single-line format used by older versions of OpenSSH);
SSH Public Key (defined by RFC 4716 and used by newer versions of OpenSSH);
Textual encoding of PKCS #1 (OpenSSH calls this "PEM", which is an ambiguous term);
Textual encoding of subjectPublicKeyInfo from X.509 (OpenSSH incorrectly refers to this as "PKCS #8"; the real PKCS #8 is a format for representing a private key)
Examples of these can be found at the end of this page.
Public-key algorithms #
The RSA public-key algorithm is fully supported.
RSA public keys can be parsed from, and encoded to, any of the above formats.
Generic OpenSSH Public Keys format
Any public keys in the OpenSSH Public Key format (the single-line format) are also supported. But the information in them are treated as binary data. Only RSA public keys are fully parsed into the values represented by the public key.
These public keys can be parsed into a GenericPublicKey object, where the data is only available as a sequence of bytes. But the library is not able to extract the ed25519 parameters from those bytes.
Therefore, the library can be used to store these public key, and to perform some syntax checks on it. But the library cannot be used to perform cryptographic operations with the public key.
Example #
This example shows the decoding of a String into either a publc key or
a private key, using publicKeyDecode
and privateKeyDecode
It also shows the encoding of a public key and private key into a
String, using the encode
method on the key.
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:ssh_key/ssh_key.dart' as ssh_key;
void processPublic(String str, bool verbose, ssh_key.PubKeyEncoding? format) {
// Decode a public key
final pubKey = ssh_key.publicKeyDecode(str);
// Output the values in the public key
if (verbose) {
if (pubKey is ssh_key.RSAPublicKeyWithInfo) {
// Use the RSA public key
// This example just prints out the RSA parameters to stderr (so only
// encoded output goes to stdout).
stderr.write('''RSA public key:
modulus: ${pubKey.n}
public exponent: ${pubKey.publicExponent}
fingerprint: ${pubKey.fingerprint()}
} else {
stderr.writeln('Error: recognised public key, but not RSA');
// Encode the public key
if (format != null) {
final destEncoding = pubKey.encode(format);
void processPrivate(String str, bool verbose, ssh_key.PvtKeyEncoding? format) {
// Decode a private key
final privateKey = ssh_key.privateKeyDecode(str);
// Output the values in the private key
if (verbose) {
if (privateKey is ssh_key.RSAPrivateKeyWithInfo) {
// Use the RSA private key
// This example just prints out the RSA parameters to stderr (so only
// encoded output goes to stdout).
stderr.write('''RSA public key:
modulus: ${privateKey.modulus}
public exponent: ${privateKey.publicExponent}
private exponent: ${privateKey.privateExponent}
prime1 (p): ${privateKey.p}
prime2 (q): ${privateKey.q}
} else {
stderr.writeln('Error: recognised private key, but not RSA');
// Encode the private key
if (format != null) {
final destEncoding = privateKey.encode(format);
/// Command line options
class Options {
/// Parse the command line arguments.
Options(List<String> args) {
bool showHelp = false;
String? outputFormatArg;
final filenames = <String>[];
for (final arg in args) {
if (arg.startsWith('-')) {
switch (arg) {
case '--public':
isPublic = true;
case '--private':
case '--secret':
case '-s':
isPublic = false;
case '--verbose':
case '-v':
verbose = true;
case '--help':
case '-h':
showHelp = true;
case '--openssh':
case '--sshpublickey':
case '--pkcs1':
case '--x509spki':
case '--puttyprivatekey':
outputFormatArg = arg;
stderr.write('Usage error: unknown option: $arg (-h for help)\n');
} else {
if (filenames.isEmpty) {
stderr.write('Usage error: missing filename (-h for help)\n');
} else if (filenames.length == 1) {
filename = filenames.first;
} else {
stderr.write('Usage error: too many arguments (-h for help)\n');
// Set output format, if requested
if (isPublic) {
if (outputFormatArg != null) {
publicKeyOutFormat = {
'--openssh': ssh_key.PubKeyEncoding.openSsh,
'--sshpublickey': ssh_key.PubKeyEncoding.sshPublicKey,
'--pkcs1': ssh_key.PubKeyEncoding.pkcs1,
'--x509spki': ssh_key.PubKeyEncoding.x509spki,
if (publicKeyOutFormat == null) {
stderr.writeln('Error: $outputFormatArg not for a public key');
} else {
if (outputFormatArg != null) {
privateKeyOutFormat = {
'--openssh': ssh_key.PvtKeyEncoding.openSsh,
'--puttyprivatekey': ssh_key.PvtKeyEncoding.puttyPrivateKey,
'--pkcs1': ssh_key.PvtKeyEncoding.pkcs1,
if (privateKeyOutFormat == null) {
stderr.writeln('Error: $outputFormatArg not for a private key');
if (showHelp) {
Usage: example [options] filename
--public file contains a public key (default)
--private file contains a private key
--verbose show the key parameters
Output format for public keys:
--openssh old OpenSSH public key format (one line)
--sshpublickey new OpenSSH public key format (RFC 4716)
--pkcs1 PKCS#1 public key format
--x509spki X.509 SubjectPublicKeyInformation (incorrectly called PKCS#8)
Output format for private keys only:
--openssh OpenSSH format (old format)
--puttyprivatekey PuTTY Private Key (PPK) format
--pkcs1 PKCS#1 private key format
bool isPublic = true;
late String filename;
bool verbose = false;
ssh_key.PubKeyEncoding? publicKeyOutFormat;
ssh_key.PvtKeyEncoding? privateKeyOutFormat;
void main(List<String> args) {
// Parse command line arguments
final options = Options(args);
// Read the file contents
final srcEncoding = File(options.filename).readAsStringSync();
// Parse the contents and output the results
if (options.isPublic) {
processPublic(srcEncoding, options.verbose, options.publicKeyOutFormat);
} else {
processPrivate(srcEncoding, options.verbose, options.privateKeyOutFormat);
Know limitations #
Only RSA keys are fully supported.
Requires Dart 2.7.0 or later, because it uses Dart extension methods to make the encode method available on the Pointy Castle public and private key classes.
Private key support is very experimental at this stage. Interoperability is not guaranteed!
- OpenSSH private key format: medium
- PuTTY Private Key format: poor
- PKCS#1 private key format: good
Private keys protected by a passphrase are not supported.
This package uses the public-key classes from the Pointy Castle package. Mainly because it has classes to represent RSA keys, and implements symmetric encryption algorithms (which will be needed when support for encrypted private keys is added). In theory, this package could have been independent of any cryptographic package, but it would then have to implement its own classes for representing the keys.
Note: support for other formats is limited by the lack of documentation about the format (since they are often proprietary). Support for other types of keys is limited by the implementation of other cryptographic algorithms in Dart.
Format examples #
OpenSSH Public Key #
Single-line format used by older versions of OpenSSH.
This format is used in ~/.ssh/known_hosts and ~/.ssh/authorized_keys files.
RSA public key:
ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQDYwd6O4Z+STMxTlFCPcN8VAq9ZNKvaQRYbsEDKK0ydvTxdwt72xRo8supYX1vgDgRpYBhgDy8OPEMLDuk61sXRdbTITFW1B98rUsvvLEYHM4wJQnkWZvcyZz79id2H3r75ow+EL6SF4zxrSnJ9Ax09cKN2oM3nQUn0jkaqG4Hb/thbKbF8SzevBrcI0Ld4K64Mduc2XQbW2qMikT4xPBtu7bwPuP1XhipZOBcCBnXdrWCZk6pfYtA/aq5En7a2JAyglIpEsAIbtSVmj62BgstmSOy/4tQjVinh6IG8y8ixq59GbmC8KP9zUQ3hhLfT/nqreXpeh039cotUTWJHyVOB'
Ed25519 public key:
ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIHlm47YRgXlI/6nKEdV6RuXEBLDFdJTfvb/pPEgO6/FE
Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm:
ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 AAAAE2VjZHNhLXNoYTItbmlzdHAyNTYAAAAIbmlzdHAyNTYAAABBBLSZ2G4sjk7qtIVlgx9AZsl3XZtgci0kK54Nef6xxwqas5V3v37DkgIKbER+Yx6GQ7VL3qrfha1pSLmn04qUQg4=
SSH Public Key #
Defined by RFC 4716 and used by newer versions of OpenSSH.
Comment: ""
Note: the encapsulation boundary lines have four hyphens and spaces, unlike the textual encoding format which have five hyphens and no spaces.
Textual encoding of PKCS #1 #
OpenSSH calls this "PEM" (which is an ambiguous term, since PEM is a textual encoding that is used for many types of data: public keys, private keys, certificates, etc.).
Textual encoding of subjectPublicKeyInfo from X.509 #
OpenSSH incorrectly refers to this as "PKCS #8"; the real PKCS #8 is a format for representing a private key.
-----END PUBLIC KEY-----
Which library to use #
Three libraries are provided by this package.
Most programs should only need to use the ssh_key library. The other two libraries are for internal use by the ssh_key library.
import 'package:ssh_key/ssh_key.dart' as ssh_key;