talker 4.6.8
talker: ^4.6.8 copied to clipboard
Advanced error handler and logger package for flutter and dart. App monitoring, logs history, report sharing, custom logs, and etc.
import 'package:talker/talker.dart';
Future<void> main() async {
final talker = Talker(
settings: TalkerSettings(
colors: { AnsiPen()..magenta(),
YourCustomLog.logKey: AnsiPen(),
titles: {
TalkerLogType.exception.key: 'Whatever you want',
TalkerLogType.error.key: 'E', 'i',
YourCustomLog.logKey: 'Custom',
/// Logs with LogLevel
// talker.warning('The pizza is over 😥');
// talker.debug('Thinking about order new one 🤔');
talker.error('The restaurant is closed ❌');'Ordering from other restaurant...');
// talker.verbose('Payment started...');
//'Payment completed! Waiting for pizza 🍕');
/// [Exception]'s and [Error]'s handling
try {
throw Exception('Something went wrong');
} catch (e, st) {
talker.handle(e, st, 'Exception with');
/// Custom logs
talker.logCustom(YourCustomLog('Something like your own service message'));
class YourCustomLog extends TalkerLog {
YourCustomLog(String message) : super(message);
/// Your own log key (for color customization in settings)
static const logKey = 'custom_log_key';
String? get key => logKey;