talker_flutter 0.12.0 talker_flutter: ^0.12.0 copied to clipboard
Flutter implementation of talker (advanced error handler and logger package).
0.12.0 #
- INFO Update talker version to 0.12.0
0.11.0 #
- INFO Update talker version to 0.11.0
0.10.0 #
- FEAT Create extended example and base example
- FIX Make refactor in internal UI code
- FIX Fix examples
- INFO Update group_button version
0.9.0 #
- FEAT Add expand button for hiding or revealing logs
- FEAT Update TalkerScreen log UI
- FIX Saving selected filters after sheet closing
0.8.1 #
- talker_logger update to 0.8.0 version
- talker_logger changes:
- INFO: Create README with documentation and examples
- FIX: Rename and refactor internal code
- INFO: Add all public entities docs
- FIX: Remove lineSymbol and maxLineWidth field from LogDetails
0.8.0 #
- INFO Add all package documentation
- INFO Update talker package to 0.8.0 version
0.6.0 #
- Update internal packages
0.5.3 #
- Update talker version to 0.7.0
0.5.2 #
- Fix display message parsing
0.5.1 #
- Update display message UI
- Update talker version to 0.6.1
0.5.0 #
- Implement UI filter for convenient work with the console in the application
0.4.1 #
- Add Flutter Colors extended Talker models
to customize colors of your UI logs
0.4.0 #
- Update talker version to 0.5.0
0.3.0 #
- Update all packages to latest version
- Fix UI coloring
0.2.2 #
- Update Talker version
0.2.1 #
- Fix Talker to TalkerInterface
0.2.0 #
- Add logs list copy method
- Fix log colors
0.1.0 #
- Initial version