test_api 0.7.4 copy "test_api: ^0.7.4" to clipboard
test_api: ^0.7.4 copied to clipboard

The user facing API for structuring Dart tests and checking expectations.

0.7.4 #

  • Allow analyzer: '>=6.0.0 <8.0.0'
  • Increase SDK constraint to ^3.5.0.
  • Support running Node.js tests compiled with dart2wasm.

0.7.3 #

  • Increase SDK constraint to ^3.4.0.

0.7.2 #

  • Update min SDK constraint to 3.2.0.

0.7.1 #

  • Added @doNotSubmit to test(solo: ...) and group(solo: ...). In practice, this means that code that was relying on ignoring deprecation warnings and using solo or group with a skip parameter will now fail if dart analyze --fatal-infos (or similar) is enabled.

0.7.0 #

  • Deprecate Runtime.internetExplorer.
  • Added dart2wasm as a supported compiler for the chrome runtime.
  • BREAKING: Removed the experimentalChromeWasm runtime.
  • BREAKING: Removed Runtime.isJS and Runtime.isWasm, as this is now based on the compiler and not the runtime.

0.6.1 #

  • Drop support for null unsafe Dart, bump SDK constraint to 3.0.0.
  • Make some implementation classes final. These classes were never intended to be extended or implemented. Metadata, PlatformSelector, RemoteListener, Runtime, StackTraceFormatter, SuitePlatform, RemoteException, TestHandle, OutstandingWork, OutsideTestException, OnPlatform, Retry, Skip, Tags, TestOn, Timeout.
  • Mark an implementation class interface: StackTraceMapper.
  • Change the Compiler class into an enum.
  • Make Fake a mixin class.
  • Allow the latest analyzer (6.x.x).

0.6.0 #

  • Remove the package:test_api/expect.dart' library. testwill export frompackage:matcher` directly.
  • Fix compatibility with wasm number semantics.

0.5.2 #

  • Remove deprecation for the scaffolding.dart and backend.dart libraries.
  • Export registerException from the scaffolding.dart library.

0.5.1 #

  • Handle a missing 'compiler' value when running a test compiled against a newer test_api than the runner back end is using. The expectation was that the json protocol is only used across packages compatible with the same major version of the test_api package, but flutter test does not check the version of packages in the pub solve for user test code.

0.5.0 #

  • Add Compiler class, exposed through backend.dart.
  • Support compiler identifiers in platform selectors.
  • Add compiler field to SuitePlatform. This will become required in the next major release.
  • BREAKING Add required defaultCompiler and supportedCompilers fields to Runtime.
  • Add package:test_api/hooks_testing.dart library for writing tests against code that uses package:test_api/hooks.dart.
  • BREAKING Remove ErrorFormatter, expectAsync, throws, and Throws from package:test_api/test_api.dart.

0.4.18 #

  • Don't run tearDown until the test body and outstanding work is complete, even if the test has already failed.

0.4.17 #

  • Deprecate throwsNullThrownError, use throwsA(isA<TypeError>()) instead. The implementation has been changed to ease migrations.
  • Deprecate throwsCyclicInitializationError and replace the implementation with Throws(TypeMatcher<Error>()). The specific exception no longer exists and there is no guarantee about what type of error will be thrown.

0.4.16 #

  • Add the experimental-chrome-wasm runtime. This is very unstable and will eventually be deleted, to be replaced by a --compiler flag. See https://github.com/dart-lang/test/issues/1776 for more information on future plans
  • Add isWasm field to Runtime (defaults to false).

0.4.15 #

  • Expand the pubspec description.
  • Support package:matcher version 0.12.13.

0.4.14 #

  • Require Dart >= 2.18.0
  • Support the latest package:analyzer.

0.4.13 #

  • Fix printOnFailure output to be associated with the correct test.

0.4.12 #

  • Internal cleanup.

0.4.11 #

  • Support the latest version of package:matcher.

0.4.10 #

  • Add Target to restrict TestOn annotation to library level.

0.4.9 #

  • Add ignoreTimeouts option to Suite, which disables all timeouts for all tests in that suite.

0.4.8 #

  • TestFailure implements Exception for compatibility with only_throw_exceptions.

0.4.7 #

  • Remove logging about enabling the chain-stack-traces flag from the invoker.

0.4.6 #

  • Give a better exception when using markTestSkipped outside of a test.
  • Format stack traces if a formatter is available when serializing tests and groups from the remote listener.

0.4.5 #

  • Add defaulting for older test backends that don't pass a configuration for the allow_duplicate_test_names parameter to the remote listener.

0.4.4 #

  • Allow disabling duplicate test or group names in the Declarer.

0.4.3 #

  • Use the latest package:matcher.

0.4.2 #

  • Update analyzer constraint to >=1.5.0 <3.0.0.

0.4.1 #

  • Give a better error when printOnFailure is called from outside a test zone.

0.4.0 #

  • Add libraries scaffolding.dart, and expect.dart to allow importing as subset of the normal surface area.
  • Add new APIs in hooks.dart to allow writing custom expectation frameworks which integrate with the test runner.
  • Add examples to throwsA and make top-level throws... matchers refer to it.
  • Disable stack trace chaining by default.
  • Fix expectAsync function type checks.
  • Add RemoteException, RemoteListener, StackTraceFormatter, and StackTraceMapper to backend.dart.
  • Breaking remove Runtime.phantomJS
  • Breaking Add callback to get the suite channel in the beforeLoad callback of RemoteListener.start. This is now used in place of using zones to communicate the value.

0.3.0 #

  • Breaking TestException.message is now nullable.
    • Fixes handling of null messages in remote exceptions.

0.2.20 #

  • Fix some strong null safety mode errors in the original migration.

0.2.19 #

  • Stable release for null safety.

0.2.19-nullsafety.7 #

  • Expand upper bound constraints for some null safe migrated packages.

0.2.19-nullsafety.6 #

  • Fix spawnHybridUri to respect language versioning of the spawned uri.

0.2.19-nullsafety.5 #

  • Update SDK constraints to >=2.12.0-0 <3.0.0 based on beta release guidelines.

0.2.19-nullsafety.4 #

  • Allow prerelease versions of the 2.12 sdk.

0.2.19-nullsafety.3 #

  • Add capability to filter to a single exact test name in Declarer.
  • Add markTestSkipped API.

0.2.19-nullsafety.2 #

  • Allow 2.10 stable and 2.11.0-dev SDKs.
  • Annotate the classes used as annotations to restrict their usage to library level.

0.2.19-nullsafety #

  • Migrate to NNBD.
    • The vast majority of changes are intended to express the pre-existing behavior of the code regarding to handling of nulls.
    • Breaking Change: GroupEntry.name is no longer nullable, the root group now has the empty string as its name.
  • Add the Fake class, available through package:test_api/fake.dart. This was previously part of the Mockito package, but with null safety it is useful enough that we decided to make it available through package:test. In a future release it will be made available directly through package:test_api/test_api.dart (and hence through package:test_core/test_core.dart and package:test/test.dart).

0.2.18+1 (Backport) #

  • Fix spawnHybridUri to respect language versioning of the spawned uri.

0.2.18 #

  • Update to matcher version 0.12.9.

0.2.17 #

  • Add languageVersionComment on the MetaData class. This should only be present for test suites.

0.2.16 #

  • Deprecate LiveTestController.liveTest, the LiveTestController instance now implements LiveTest and can be used directly.

0.2.15 #

  • Cancel any StreamQueue that is created as a part of a stream matcher once it is done matching.
    • This fixes a bug where using a matcher on a custom stream controller and then awaiting the close() method on that controller would hang.
  • Avoid causing the test runner to hang if there is a timeout during a tearDown callback following a failing test case.

0.2.14 #

  • Bump minimum SDK to 2.4.0 for safer usage of for-loop elements.

0.2.13 #

  • Work around a bug in the 2.3.0 SDK by avoiding for-loop elements at the top level.

0.2.12 #

  • Link to docs on setting timeout when a test times out with the default duration.
  • No longer directly depend on package:pedantic.

0.2.11 #

  • Extend the timeout for synthetic tests, e.g. tearDownAll.

0.2.10 #

  • Update to latest package:matcher. Improves output for instances of private classes.

0.2.9 #

  • Treat non-solo tests as skipped so they are properly reported.

0.2.8 #

  • Remove logic which accounted for a race condition in state change. The logic was required because package:sse used to not guarantee order. This is no longer the case.

0.2.7 #

  • Prepare for upcoming Stream<List<int>> changes in the Dart SDK.
  • Mark package:test_api as deprecated to prevent accidental use.

0.2.6 #

  • Don't swallow exceptions from callbacks in expectAsync*.
  • Internal cleanup - fix lints.
  • Fixed a race condition that caused tests to occasionally fail during tearDownAll with the message (tearDownAll) - did not complete [E].

0.2.5 #

  • Expose the Metadata, PlatformSelector, Runtime, and SuitePlatform classes publicly through a new backend.dart import.

0.2.4 #

  • Allow stream_channel version 2.0.0.

0.2.3 #

  • Update to matcher version 0.12.5.

0.2.2 #

  • Require Dart SDK >=2.1.0.

0.2.1 #

  • Add remote_listener.dart and suite_channel_manager.dart.

0.2.0 #

  • Remove "runner" extensions.

0.1.1 #

  • Update stack_trace_formatter to fold test_api frames by default.

0.1.0 #

  • Initial release of test_api. Provides the basic API for writing tests and touch points for implementing a custom test runner.


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The user facing API for structuring Dart tests and checking expectations.

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async, boolean_selector, collection, meta, source_span, stack_trace, stream_channel, string_scanner, term_glyph


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