vector_math 0.9.6
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A Vector Math library for 2D and 3D applications.
vector_math #
Introduction #
A Vector math library for 2D and 3D applications.
Features #
- 2D,3D, and 4D vector and matrix types.
- Quaternion type for animating rotations.
- Syntax that is practically identical to GLSL the WebGL shader language.
- Flexible getters and setters, for example,
position.xwz = color.grb;
.- All GLSL utility functions.
- Flexible construction
new vec3(new vec2(x,y), z);
- Flexible getters and setters, for example,
- Fully documented.
- Well tested.
- Heavily optimized.
Status: Beta #
Getting Started #
1. Add the following to your project's pubspec.yaml and run pub install
2. Add the correct import for your project.
import 'package:vector_math/vector_math.dart';
Documentation #
Read the docs
Examples #
1. Using the GLSL getter and setter syntax.
void main() {
vec3 x = new vec3(); // Zero vector
vec4 y = new vec4(4.0); // Vector with 4.0 in all lanes
x.zyx = y.xzz; // Sets z,y,x the values in x,z,z
2. Transforming a vector.
void main() {
// Rotation of pi/2 degrees around the Y axis followed by a
// translation of (5.0, 2.0, 3.0).
mat4 T = new mat4.rotationY(pi*0.5).translate(5.0, 2.0, 3.0);
// A point.
vec3 position = new vec3.raw(1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
// Transform position by T.
3. Invert a matrix
void main() {
// Rotation of 90 degrees around the Y axis followed by a
// translation of (5.0, 2.0, 3.0).
mat4 T = new mat4.rotationY(pi*0.5).translate(5.0, 2.0, 3.0);
// Invert T.
// Invert just the rotation in T.
4. Rotate a vector using a quaternion
void main() {
// The X axis.
vec3 axis = new vec3.raw(1.0, 0.0, 0.0);
// 90 degrees.
double angle = pi/2.0;
// Quaternion encoding a 90 degree rotation along the X axis.
quat q = new quat.axisAngle(axis, angle);
// A point.
vec3 point = new vec3.raw(1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
// Rotate point by q.