video_viewer 1.2.7
video_viewer: ^1.2.7 copied to clipboard
Multiplatform minimalist video viewer with spectacular user experience.
[1.2.7] #
- Dependencies updated
[1.2.6] #
- Fatal controller error fixed
- Auto full screen video
[1.2.5] #
- Chat support added
[1.2.4] #
- Fixed some bugs
[1.2.3+1] #
- preview fixed
[1.2.3] #
- Ads
- Wakelock
- Auto Cached video
- New project example
- Control device volume
- Cut the video (It just will show a specific time of the video)
- Fixed a lot of bugs
[1.2.2] #
- Null-check operator error fixed
[1.2.1] #
- Dependencies updated
- Added
[1.2.0] #
- Subtitles bugs fixed
- Scale video gesture fixed.
- Sound Null Safety Migration.
- Double Tap ripple effect added.
- SerieExample improved (It longer need an InheritedWidget to works)
- m3u8 (HLS) multiplataform support added (It longer need path_provider and dart:io)
[1.1.0] #
- ProgressBarTextPosition follow the finger.
- Changed example's WEBVTT Files URL
- SettingsMenu bugs fixed.
- Improved:
- Performance
- Fullscreen UX
[1.0.9+1] #
- InkWell effects added.
- Improved FullScreen UX.
[1.0.9] #
- VideoViewerController added.
- SerieExample added.
[1.0.8] #
- Multi-captions (Subtitles) support added.
[1.0.7] #
- Performance boost.
- VideoViewerController added.
- Mono-captions (Subtitles) support added.
[1.0.6] #
- Custom SettingMenuItems added.
- VideoViewerLanguage on fullscreen bug fixed.
[1.0.5] #
- Arabic Lenguage added.
- HLS (m3u8) format support added.
[1.0.4] #
- Custom VideoViewerLanguage added.
- HeaderWidget added.
- Video Zoom on fullscreen and landscape mode added.
- Fixed Bugs
[1.0.3+1] #
- fixed.
[1.0.3] #
- Hide SystemUIOverlays on fullscreen.
- VolumeBar added: Change the video volume onVerticalDrag (Android and iOS) or on ArrowUp and ArrowDown (Web).
[1.0.2] #
- Web Support.
- Orientation bugs fixed.
[1.0.1] #
- iOS Support.
[1.0.0] #
- Initial Release on My Birthday.