wechat_assets_picker 4.2.0 copy "wechat_assets_picker: ^4.2.0" to clipboard
wechat_assets_picker: ^4.2.0 copied to clipboard


An assets' picker written in pure Dart which looks like the one in WeChat, support multi asset pick from the device.

Flutter WeChat Assets Picker #

pub package pub package GitHub stars GitHub forks Build status CodeFactor GitHub license FlutterCandies

Language: English | 中文简体

An assets picker which looks like the one in WeChat, based on photo_manager for asset implementation, extended_image for image preview, provider to help controlling the state of the picker.

To take a photo or a video for assets, please check the detailed usage in the example, and head over to wechat_camera_picker .

Contributors ✨ #

Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):

Alex Li

💻 🎨 📖 💡 🤔 🚧 💬 👀


💡 🤔

Marcel Schneider

🐛 💻 🤔


🐛 🤔


🐛 💻

This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!

Category 🗂 #

Features ✨ #

  • ✅ 💚 99% simillar to WeChat style.
  • ✅ 📷 Image asset support
    • ✅ 🔬HEIC/HEIF Image type support
  • ✅ 🎥 Video asset support
  • ✅ 🎶 Audio asset support
  • ✅ 1️⃣ Single asset mode
  • ✅ 💱 i18n support
  • ✅ ➕ Custom item builder (prepend/append) support
  • ✅ 🗂 Custom sort path delegate support
  • ✅ 📝 Custom text delegate support
  • ✅ ⏳ Custom filter options support ( photo_manager )
  • ✅ 🎏 Custom theme entirely
  • ✅ 💻 MacOS support

Screenshots 📸 #

1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9


Althought the package provide selection for assets, it still require users build their own methods to handle display/upload, etc. If you have any question about how to build it, please run the example or refer to photo_manager for API usage.

Preparing for use 🍭 #

Version constraints #

Flutter SDK: >=1.17.0 .

If you got an error about resolve conflict when running flutter pub get , please use dependency_overrides to solve it. See here .

Flutter #

Add wechat_assets_picker to pubspec.yaml dependencies.

  wechat_assets_picker: ^latest_version

The latest stable version is: pub package

The latest dev version is: pub package

Then import the package in your code:

import 'package:wechat_assets_picker/wechat_assets_picker.dart';

Android #


If you found some warning logs with Glide appearing, then the main project needs an implementation of AppGlideModule. See Generated API.

iOS #

Define the minimum platform in ios/Podfile upper to 9.0.

platform :ios, '9.0'

Add following content to info.plist.

<string>Replace with your permission description.</string>

Usage 📖 #

Name Type Description Default
maxAssets int Maximum asset that the picker can pick. 9
pageSize int Assets amount when assets loaded with paging. Must be a multiple of gridCount. Nullable for non paging. 320 (80 * 4)
pathThumbSize int The size of thumb data in picker. 80
gridCount int Grid count in picker. 4
previewThumbSize List<int> Thumb size for the preview of images in the viewer. null
requestType RequestType Request type for picker. RequestType.image
specialPickerType SpacialPickerType Provide some special picker types to integrate un-common pick pattern. null
selectedAssets List<AssetEntity> Selected assets. Prevent duplicate selection. If you don't need to prevent duplicate selection, just don't pass it. null
themeColor Color Main theme color for the picker Color(0xff00bc56)
pickerTheme ThemeData Theme data provider for the picker and the viewer. null
sortPathDelegate SortPathDeleage Path entities sort delegate for the picker, sort paths as you want. CommonSortPathDelegate
textDelegate TextDelegate Text delegate for the picker, for customize the texts. DefaultTextDelegate()
filterOptions FilterOptionGroup Allow users to customize assets filter options. null
customItemBuilder WidgetBuilder The widget builder for the custom item. null
customItemPosition CustomItemPosition Allow users set custom item in the picker with several positions. CustomItemPosition.none
routeCurve Curve The curve which the picker use to build page route transition. Curves.easeIn
routeDuration Duration The duration which the picker use to build page route transition. const Duration(milliseconds: 500)

Simple usage #

final List<AssetEntity> assets = await AssetPicker.pickAssets(context);


AssetPicker.pickAsset(context).then((List<AssetEntity> assets) {

Complete param usage #

For various type of the picker, head over to the example and run it with no doubt.

Register assets change observe callback #

AssetPicker.registerObserve(); // Register callback.
AssetPicker.unregisterObserve(); // Unregister callback.

Classes Introduction 💭 #

AssetEntity #

/// Android: Database _id column
/// iOS    : `PhotoKit > PHObject > localIdentifier`
String id;

/// Android: `MediaStore.MediaColumns.DISPLAY_NAME`
/// iOS    : `PHAssetResource.filename`. Nullable
/// If you must need it, See [FilterOption.needTitle] or use [titleAsync].
String title;

/// Android: title
/// iOS    : [PHAsset valueForKey:@"filename"]
Future<String> get titleAsync;

/// * 1: [AssetType.image]
/// * 2: [AssetType.video]
/// * 3: [AssetType.audio]
/// * default: [AssetType.other]
AssetType get type;

/// Asset type int value.
int typeInt;

/// Duration of video, the unit is second.
/// If [type] is [AssetType.image], then it's value is 0.
/// See also: [videoDuration].
int duration;

/// Width of the asset.
int width;

/// Height of the asset.
int height;

/// Location information when shooting. Nullable.
/// When the device is Android 10 or above, it's ALWAYS null.
/// See also: [longitude].
double get latitude => _latitude ?? 0;
/// Also with a setter.

/// Get lat/lng from `MediaStore`(Android) / `Photos`(iOS).
/// In Android Q, this comes from EXIF.
Future<LatLng> latlngAsync();

/// Get [File] object.
/// Notice that this is not the origin file, so when it comes to some
/// scene like reading a GIF's file, please use `originFile`, or you'll
/// get a JPG.
Future<File> get file async;

/// Get the original [File] object.
Future<File> get originFile async;

/// The raw data for the entity, it may be large.
/// This property is NOT RECOMMENDED for video assets.
Future<Uint8List> get originBytes;

/// The thumbnail data for the entity. Usually use for displaying a thumbnail image widget.
Future<Uint8List> get thumbData;

/// Get thumbnail data with specific size.
Future<Uint8List> thumbDataWithSize(
  int width,
  int height, {
  ThumbFormat format = ThumbFormat.jpeg,
  int quality = 100,

/// Get the asset's size. Nullable if the manager is null,
Size get size;

/// If the asset is deleted, return false.
Future<bool> get exists => PhotoManager._assetExistsWithId(id);

/// The url is provided to some video player. Such as [flutter_ijkplayer](https://pub.dev/packages/flutter_ijkplayer)
/// Android: `content://media/external/video/media/894857`
/// iOS    : `file:///var/mobile/Media/DCIM/118APPLE/IMG_8371.MOV` in iOS.
Future<String> getMediaUrl();

/// Refresh the properties for the entity.
Future<AssetEntity> refreshProperties() async;

Frequent asked question ❔ #

Version resolve conflict with xxx (e.g. dartx) #

For some reasons dartx or other packages may require a different version than yours. If you're facing this issue, and the error looks like:

Because dartx >=0.2.0 <0.5.0 depends on collection >=1.14.11 <1.15.0 and every version of flutter from sdk depends on collection 1.15.0-nullsafety, dartx >=0.2.0 <0.5.0 is incompatible with flutter from sdk.
So, because wechat_assets_picker_demo depends on both flutter any from sdk and dartx ^0.4.2, version solving failed.

Please add the code below to make it work.

  dartx: ^0.4.2

How can I get path from the AssetEntity to integrate with File object, upload or edit? #

You don't need it (might be).

You can always request the File object with entity.originFile, if Uint8List then entity.originBytes.

If you still needs path after requested the File, get it through file.absolutePath.

Create AssetEntity from File or Uint8List (rawData) #

In order to combine this package with camera shooting or something related, there's a solution about how to create an AssetEntity with File or Uint8List object.

final File file = your_file; // Your file object
final Uint8List byteData = await file.readAsBytes(); // Convert to Uint8List
final AssetEntity imageEntity = await PhotoManager.editor.saveImage(byteData); // Saved in the device then create an AssetEntity

If you don't want to keep the asset in your device, just delete it after you complete with your process (upload, editing, etc).

final List<String> result = await PhotoManager.editor.deleteWithIds([entity.id]);

ref: flutter_photo_manager#insert-new-item

Glide warning 'Failed to find GeneratedAppGlideModule' #

W/Glide   (21133): Failed to find GeneratedAppGlideModule. You should include an annotationProcessor complie dependency on com.github.bumptech.glide:compiler in you application ana a @GlideModule annotated AppGlideModule implementation or LibraryGlideModules will be silently ignored.

Glide needs annotation to keep singleton, prevent conflict between instances and versions, so while the photo manager uses Glide to implement image features, the project which import this should define its own AppGlideModule. See Android section for implementation.

pub points


verified publisherfluttercandies.com

An assets' picker written in pure Dart which looks like the one in WeChat, support multi asset pick from the device.

Repository (GitHub)
View/report issues


unknown (license)


extended_image, flutter, flutter_common_exports, photo_manager, provider, video_player


Packages that depend on wechat_assets_picker