SourceRange class

A source range defines a range of characters within source code.

Constructors offset, int length)
Initialize a newly created source range using the given offset and length.


end int
Return the 0-based index of the character immediately after this source range.
no setter
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setteroverride
length int
The number of characters in the source range.
offset int
The 0-based index of the first character of the source range.
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited


contains(int x) bool
Return true if x is in the interval [offset, offset + length].
containsExclusive(int x) bool
Return true if x is in the interval (offset, offset + length).
coveredBy(SourceRange otherRange) bool
Return true if the otherRange covers this source range.
covers(SourceRange otherRange) bool
Return true if this source range covers the otherRange.
endsIn(SourceRange otherRange) bool
Return true if this source range ends inside the otherRange.
getExpanded(int delta) SourceRange
Return a source range covering delta characters before the start of this source range and delta characters after the end of this source range.
getMoveEnd(int delta) SourceRange
Return a source range with the same offset as this source range but whose length is delta characters longer than this source range.
getTranslated(int delta) SourceRange
Return a source range with the same length as this source range but whose offset is delta characters after the offset of this source range.
getUnion(SourceRange otherRange) SourceRange
Return the minimal source range that covers both this and the otherRange.
intersects(SourceRange? otherRange) bool
Return true if this source range intersects the otherRange.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
startsIn(SourceRange otherRange) bool
Return true if this source range starts in the otherRange.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.


EMPTY → const SourceRange
An empty source range (a range with offset 0 and length 0).