Hsla class

Hsl class support to interact with a color as a hsl with hue, saturation, and lightness with optional alpha blending. The hue is a ratio of 360 degrees 360° = 1 or 0, (1° == (1/360)), saturation and lightness is a 0..1 fraction (1 == 100%) and alpha is a 0..1 fraction.

Implemented types


Hsla.new(num hue, num saturation, num lightness, [num? alpha])
hue is a 0..1 fraction of 360 degrees (360 == 0). saturation is a 0..1 fraction (100% == 1). lightness is a 0..1 fraction (100% == 1). alpha is a 0..1 fraction, alpha blending between 0..1, 1 == 100% opaque.
Hsla.fromArgbValue(num value)
Hsla.fromColor(Color color)
Hsla.fromRgba(Rgba rgba)
Hsla.fromString(String hexValue)


alpha num?
Returns number as 0..1
no setter
argbValue int
Return argb as a value (int).
no setteroverride
color Color
no setter
cssExpression String
Returns the expression part of a CSS declaration. Declaration is:
no setter
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setteroverride
hue num
Returns 0..1 fraction (ratio of 360°, e.g. 1° == 1/360).
no setter
hueDegrees num
Returns number as degrees 0..360.
no setter
lightness num
Returns 0..1 fraction (1 == 100%).
no setter
lightnessPercentage num
Returns number as percentage 0..100.
no setter
rgba Rgba
no setter
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
saturation num
Returns 0..1 fraction (1 == 100%)
no setter
saturationPercentage num
Returns number as percentage 0..100
no setter


darker(num amount) Hsla
lighter(num amount) Hsla
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
toHexArgbString() String
Canonical form for color #rrggbb with alpha blending (0.0 == full transparency and 1.0 == fully opaque). If _argb length is 6 it's an rrggbb otherwise it's aarrggbb.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.