ExtensionSnackbar extension
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{String? title, String? message, Widget? titleText, Widget? messageText, Widget? icon, bool instantInit = true, bool shouldIconPulse = true, double? maxWidth, EdgeInsets margin = const EdgeInsets.all(0.0), EdgeInsets padding = const EdgeInsets.all(16), double borderRadius = 0.0, Color? borderColor, double borderWidth = 1.0, Color backgroundColor = const Color(0xFF303030), Color? leftBarIndicatorColor, List< BoxShadow> ? boxShadows, Gradient? backgroundGradient, Widget? mainButton, OnTap? onTap, Duration? duration = const Duration(seconds: 3), bool isDismissible = true, DismissDirection? dismissDirection, bool showProgressIndicator = false, AnimationController? progressIndicatorController, Color? progressIndicatorBackgroundColor, Animation<Color> ? progressIndicatorValueColor, SnackPosition snackPosition = SnackPosition.BOTTOM, SnackStyle snackStyle = SnackStyle.FLOATING, Curve forwardAnimationCurve = Curves.easeOutCirc, Curve reverseAnimationCurve = Curves.easeOutCirc, Duration animationDuration = const Duration(seconds: 1), SnackbarStatusCallback? snackbarStatus, double barBlur = 0.0, double overlayBlur = 0.0, Color? overlayColor, Form? userInputForm}) → SnackbarController -
Available on GetInterface, provided by the ExtensionSnackbar extension
GetSnackBar snackbar) → SnackbarController -
Available on GetInterface, provided by the ExtensionSnackbar extension
String title, String message, {Color? colorText, Duration? duration = const Duration(seconds: 3), bool instantInit = true, SnackPosition? snackPosition, Widget? titleText, Widget? messageText, Widget? icon, bool? shouldIconPulse, double? maxWidth, EdgeInsets? margin, EdgeInsets? padding, double? borderRadius, Color? borderColor, double? borderWidth, Color? backgroundColor, Color? leftBarIndicatorColor, List< BoxShadow> ? boxShadows, Gradient? backgroundGradient, TextButton? mainButton, OnTap? onTap, bool? isDismissible, bool? showProgressIndicator, DismissDirection? dismissDirection, AnimationController? progressIndicatorController, Color? progressIndicatorBackgroundColor, Animation<Color> ? progressIndicatorValueColor, SnackStyle? snackStyle, Curve? forwardAnimationCurve, Curve? reverseAnimationCurve, Duration? animationDuration, double? barBlur, double? overlayBlur, SnackbarStatusCallback? snackbarStatus, Color? overlayColor, Form? userInputForm}) → SnackbarController -
Available on GetInterface, provided by the ExtensionSnackbar extension