GetNumUtils extension



days Duration

Available on num, provided by the GetNumUtils extension

no setter
hours Duration

Available on num, provided by the GetNumUtils extension

no setter
milliseconds Duration

Available on num, provided by the GetNumUtils extension

Easy way to make Durations from numbers.
no setter
minutes Duration

Available on num, provided by the GetNumUtils extension

no setter
seconds Duration

Available on num, provided by the GetNumUtils extension

no setter


delay([FutureOr callback()?]) Future

Available on num, provided by the GetNumUtils extension

Utility to delay some callback (or code execution). TODO: Add a separated implementation of delay() with the ability to stop it.
isEqual(num b) bool

Available on num, provided by the GetNumUtils extension

isGreaterThan(num b) bool

Available on num, provided by the GetNumUtils extension

isLowerThan(num b) bool

Available on num, provided by the GetNumUtils extension