runZonedGuarded<R> static method

dynamic runZonedGuarded<R>(
  1. R body(),
  2. void onError(
    1. Object error,
    2. StackTrace stack
    )?, {
  3. Map<Object?, Object?>? zoneValues,
  4. ZoneSpecification? zoneSpecification,

Creates a new error handling zone with Sentry integration using runZonedGuarded.

This method provides automatic error reporting and breadcrumb tracking while allowing you to define a custom error handling zone. It wraps Dart's native runZonedGuarded function with Sentry-specific functionality.

This function automatically records calls to print() as Breadcrumbs and can be configured using SentryOptions.enablePrintBreadcrumbs.

Sentry.runZonedGuarded(() {

  // Errors before init will not be handled by Sentry

    (options) {
    appRunner: () => runApp(MyApp()),
} (error, stackTrace) {
  // Automatically sends errors to Sentry, no need to do any
  // captureException calls on your part.
  // On top of that, you can do your own custom stuff in this callback.


static runZonedGuarded<R>(
  R Function() body,
  void Function(Object error, StackTrace stack)? onError, {
  Map<Object?, Object?>? zoneValues,
  ZoneSpecification? zoneSpecification,
}) =>
      zoneValues: zoneValues,
      zoneSpecification: zoneSpecification,