native topic

Libraries related to accessing SQLite functions via dart:ffi on native platforms.


open native
Utils to open a DynamicLibrary on platforms that aren't supported by default.
sqlite3 native
Dart bindings to sqlite3.


Database native
An opened sqlite3 database with dart:ffi.
OpenDynamicLibrary native
Manages functions that define how to load the DynamicLibrary for sqlite.
PreparedStatement native
A prepared statement.
Sqlite3 native
Provides access to sqlite3 functions, such as opening new databases.
SqliteExtension native
Information used to load an extension through sqlite3_auto_extension, exposed by Sqlite3.ensureExtensionLoaded.


open OpenDynamicLibrary native
The instance managing different approaches to load the DynamicLibrary for sqlite when needed. See the documentation for OpenDynamicLibrary to learn how the default opening behavior can be overridden.
sqlite3 Sqlite3 native
Provides access to sqlite3 functions, such as opening new databases.
no setter


OperatingSystem native
An operating system supported by package:sqlite3 when opening SQLite libraries.


OpenLibrary = DynamicLibrary Function() native
Signature responsible for loading the dynamic sqlite3 library to use.