jaguar_jwt 3.0.0
jaguar_jwt: ^3.0.0 copied to clipboard
Provides JWT utilities for Dart including issuing a token, verifing a token and parsing a token.
import 'dart:math';
import 'package:jaguar_jwt/jaguar_jwt.dart';
const String sharedSecret = 's3cr3t';
void main() {
final jwt = senderCreatesJwt();
String senderCreatesJwt() {
// Create a claim set
final claimSet = JwtClaim(
issuer: 'teja',
subject: 'kleak',
audience: <String>['', ''],
jwtId: _randomString(32),
otherClaims: <String, dynamic>{
'typ': 'authnresponse',
'pld': {'k': 'v'}
maxAge: const Duration(minutes: 5),
// Generate a JWT from the claim set
final token = issueJwtHS256(claimSet, sharedSecret);
print('JWT: "$token"\n');
return token;
void receiverProcessesJwt(String token) {
try {
// Verify the signature in the JWT and extract its claim set
final decClaimSet = verifyJwtHS256Signature(token, sharedSecret);
print('JwtClaim: $decClaimSet\n');
// Validate the claim set
decClaimSet.validate(issuer: 'teja', audience: '');
// Use values from claim set
if (decClaimSet.jwtId != null) {
print('JWT ID: "${decClaimSet.jwtId}"');
if (decClaimSet.subject != null) {
print('Subject: "${decClaimSet.subject}"');
if (decClaimSet.issuedAt != null) {
print('Issued At: ${decClaimSet.issuedAt}');
if (decClaimSet.containsKey('typ')) {
final dynamic v = decClaimSet['typ'];
if (v is String) {
print('typ: "$v"');
} else {
print('Error: unexpected type for "typ" claim');
} on JwtException catch (e) {
print('Error: bad JWT: $e');
String _randomString(int length) {
const chars =
final rnd = Random(;
final buf = StringBuffer();
for (var x = 0; x < length; x++) {
return buf.toString();