mason 0.0.1-dev.49 copy "mason: ^0.0.1-dev.49" to clipboard
mason: ^0.0.1-dev.49 copied to clipboard


A Dart template generator which helps teams generate files quickly and consistently.

mason logo

Pub mason License: MIT

Mason allows developers to create and consume reusable templates called bricks.

Quick Start #

Installing #

# Activate from
$ dart pub global activate mason

# Or install using Homebrew
$ brew tap felangel/mason
$ brew install mason

Initializing #

$ mason init

mason init initializes the Mason CLI in the current directory.

Running mason init generates a mason.yaml and an example brick so that you can get started immediately.

    path: bricks/hello

To get all bricks registered in mason.yaml run:

$ mason get

Then you can use mason make to generate your first file:

$ mason make hello

Command Line Variables #

Any variables can be passed as command line args.

$ mason make hello --name Felix

Variable Prompts #

Any variables which aren't specified as command line args will be prompted.

$ mason make hello
name: Felix

Config File for Input Variables #

Any variables can be passed via a config file:

$ mason make hello -c config.json

where config.json is:

  "name": "Felix"

The above commands will all generate in the current directory with the following content:

Hello Felix!

Custom Output Directory #

By default mason make will generate the template in the current working directory but a custom output directory can be specified via the -o option:

$ mason make hello --name Felix -o ./path/to/directory

File Conflict Resolution #

By default, mason make will prompt on each file conflict and will allow users to specify how the conflict should be resolved via Yyna:

y - yes, overwrite (default)
Y - yes, overwrite this and all others
n - no, do not overwrite
a - append to existing file

A custom file conflict resolution strategy can be specified via the --on-conflict option:

# Always prompt when there is a file conflict (default)
$ mason make hello --name Felix --on-conflict prompt

# Always overwrite when there is a file conflict
$ mason make hello --name Felix --on-conflict overwrite

# Always skip when there is a file conflict
$ mason make hello --name Felix --on-conflict skip

# Always append when there is a file conflict
$ mason make hello --name Felix --on-conflict append

Creating New Bricks #

Create a new brick using the mason new command.

$ mason new <BRICK_NAME>

The above command will generate a new brick in the bricks directory with a brick.yaml and __brick__ template directory.

Brick YAML #

The brick.yaml contains metadata for a brick template.

name: example
description: An example brick
  - name

Brick Template #

Write your brick template in the __brick__ directory using mustache templates. See the mustache manual for detailed usage information.


# Hello {{name}}!

Note: __brick__ can contain multiple files and subdirectories

Note: use {{{variable}}} instead of {{variable}} when you want the value of variable to be unescaped

Nested Templates (partials)

It is possible to have templates nested within other templates. For example, given the follow structure:

├── {{~ }}
└── {{~ }}

The {{~ }} and {{~ }} are partials (partial brick templates). Partials will not be generated but can be included as part of an existing template.

For example given the contents of {{~ }} and {{~ }} respectively

# 🧱 {{name}}
_made with 💖 by mason_

we can include the partials as part of a template via {{> }} and {{> }}.

In this example, given

{{> }}

Hello {{name}}!

{{> }}

We can use mason make hello --name Felix to generate

# 🧱 Felix

Hello Felix!

_made with 💖 by mason_

Note: Partials can contain variables just like regular templates

File Resolution

It is possible to resolve files based on path input variables using the {{% %}} tag.

For example, given the following brick.yaml:

name: app_icon
description: Create an app_icon file from a URL
  - url

And the following brick template:

__brick__/{{% url %}}

Running mason make app_icon --url path/to/icon.png will generate icon.png with the contents of path/to/icon.png where the path/to/icon.png can be either a local or remote path. Check out the app icon example brick to try it out.

Built-in Lambdas

Mason supports a handful of built-in lambdas that can help with customizing generated code:

Name Example Usage
camelCase helloWorld {{#camelCase}}{{variable}}{{/camelCase}}
constantCase HELLO_WORLD {{#constantCase}}{{variable}}{{/constantCase}}
dotCase {{#dotCase}}{{variable}}{{/dotCase}}
headerCase Hello-World {{#headerCase}}{{variable}}{{/headerCase}}
lowerCase hello world {{#lowerCase}}{{variable}}{{/lowerCase}}
pascalCase HelloWorld {{#pascalCase}}{{variable}}{{/pascalCase}}
paramCase hello-world {{#paramCase}}{{variable}}{{/paramCase}}
pathCase hello/world {{#pathCase}}{{variable}}{{/pathCase}}
sentenceCase Hello world {{#sentenceCase}}{{variable}}{{/sentenceCase}}
snakeCase hello_world {{#snakeCase}}{{variable}}{{/snakeCase}}
titleCase Hello World {{#titleCase}}{{variable}}{{/titleCase}}
upperCase HELLO WORLD {{#upperCase}}{{variable}}{{/upperCase}}

Example Usage

Given the following example brick:

  ├── {{#snakeCase}}{{name}}{{/snakeCase}}.md
  └── {{#pascalCase}}{{name}}{{/pascalCase}}.java


name: example
description: An example brick.
  - name

We can generate code via:

$ mason make example --name my-name

The output will be:


Install Brick Templates Globally #

The install command allows developers to install brick templates globally on their machines from either a local path or git url. Then developers can use globally installed brick templates anywhere (regardless of whether there is an existing mason.yaml).

Install Usage #

# install from path
$ mason install --source path ./path/to/brick

# install from git url
$ mason install --source git

# install from git url with path
$ mason install --source git --path path/to/brick

# install from git url with path and ref
$ mason install --source git --path path/to/brick --ref tag-name

# use alias "i" instead of "install" for a shorthand syntax
# since git is the default source we don't need to specify a source.
$ mason i

Once a brick is installed globally it can be used from anywhere via the mason make command:

$ mason make <BRICK_NAME>

Uninstall Brick Templates #

Bricks can be uninstalled by using the uninstall (un for short) command.

Uninstall Usage #

# uninstall brick
$ mason uninstall <BRICK_NAME>

# use alias "un" instead of "uninstall" for a shorthand syntax
$ mason un <BRICK_NAME>

List all available Brick Templates #

All available brick templates (local and global) can be seen via the list (ls for short) command.

# list all available bricks
$ mason list

# use alias "ls" instead of "list" for a shorthand syntax
$ mason ls

Bundling #

You can use mason to generate a bundle for an existing template. Bundles are convenient for cases where you want to include your template as part of a standalone CLI. Very Good CLI is a great example.

There are currently two types of bundles:

  1. Universal - a platform-agnostic bundle
  2. Dart - a Dart specific bundle

To generate a bundle:

# Universal Bundle
mason bundle ./path/to/brick -o ./path/to/destination

# Dart Bundle
mason bundle ./path/to/brick -t dart -o ./path/to/destination

A bundle can then be used to generate code from a brick programmatically:

// Create a MasonGenerator from the existing bundle.
final generator = MasonGenerator.fromBundle(...);

// Generate code based on the bundled brick.
await generator.generate(...);

Usage #

$ mason
⛏️  mason • lay the foundation!

Usage: mason <command> [arguments]

Global options:
-h, --help       Print this usage information.
    --version    Print the current version.

Available commands:
  bundle      Generates a bundle from a brick template.
  cache       Interact with mason cache.
  get         Gets all bricks.
  init        Initialize mason in the current directory.
  install     Installs a brick globally.
  list        Lists all available bricks.
  make        Generate code using an existing brick template.
  new         Creates a new brick template.
  uninstall   Uninstalls a brick globally.

Run "mason help <command>" for more information about a command.

Video Tutorial #

Mason Video Tutorial

Say HI to Mason Package! - The Top Tier Code Generation Tool | Complete Tutorial by Flutterly

pub points



A Dart template generator which helps teams generate files quickly and consistently.

Repository (GitHub)
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unknown (license)


args, checked_yaml, collection, crypto, http, json_annotation, mustache_template, path, recase, universal_io, yaml


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