File class abstract

Files are leaf Resources which contain data.

Implemented types



changes Stream<WatchEvent>
Watch for changes to this file.
no setter
exists bool
Return true if this resource exists.
no setterinherited
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
lengthSync int
Synchronously get the length of the file. Throws a FileSystemException if the operation fails.
no setter
modificationStamp int
Return the last-modified stamp of the file. Throws a FileSystemException if the file does not exist.
no setter
parent Folder
Return the Folder that contains this resource, possibly itself if this resource is a root folder.
no setterinherited
parent2 Folder
Return the Folder that contains this resource, possibly itself if this resource is a root folder.
no setterinherited
path String
Return the full path to this resource.
no setterinherited
provider ResourceProvider
Return the ResourceProvider that owns this resource.
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
shortName String
Return a short version of the name that can be displayed to the user to denote this resource.
no setterinherited


copyTo(Folder parentFolder) File
Copy this resource to a child of the parentFolder with the same kind and shortName as this resource. If this resource is a folder, then all of the contents of the folder will be recursively copied.
createSource([Uri? uri]) → Source
Create a new Source instance that serves this file.
delete() → void
Synchronously deletes this resource and its children.
isOrContains(String path) bool
Return true if absolute path references this resource or a resource in this folder.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
readAsBytesSync() Uint8List
Synchronously read the entire file contents as a list of bytes. Throws a FileSystemException if the operation fails.
readAsStringSync() String
Synchronously read the entire file contents as a String. Throws FileSystemException if the file does not exist.
renameSync(String newPath) File
Synchronously rename this file. Return a File instance for the renamed file.
resolveSymbolicLinksSync() Resource
Return a resource that refers to the same resource as this resource, but whose path does not contain any symbolic links.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
toUri() Uri
Return a Uri representing this resource.
watch() ResourceWatcher
Watch for changes to this file.
writeAsBytesSync(List<int> bytes) → void
Synchronously write the given bytes to the file. The new content will replace any existing content.
writeAsStringSync(String content) → void
Synchronously write the given content to the file. The new content will replace any existing content.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.