Folder class abstract

Folders are Resources which may contain files and/or other folders.

Implemented types
Available extensions



changes Stream<WatchEvent>
Watch for changes to the files inside this folder (and in any nested folders, including folders reachable via links).
no setter
exists bool
Return true if this resource exists.
no setterinherited
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
isRoot bool
Return true if this folder is a file system root.
no setter
parent Folder
Return the Folder that contains this resource, possibly itself if this resource is a root folder.
no setterinherited
parent2 Folder
Return the Folder that contains this resource, possibly itself if this resource is a root folder.
no setterinherited
path String
Return the full path to this resource.
no setterinherited
provider ResourceProvider
Return the ResourceProvider that owns this resource.
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
shortName String
Return a short version of the name that can be displayed to the user to denote this resource.
no setterinherited
withAncestors Iterable<Folder>

Available on Folder, provided by the FolderExtension extension

Return this folder and all its ancestors.
no setter


canonicalizePath(String path) String
If the path path is a relative path, convert it to an absolute path by interpreting it relative to this folder. If it is already an absolute path, then don't change it.
contains(String path) bool
Return true if the path references a resource in this folder.
copyTo(Folder parentFolder) Folder
Copy this resource to a child of the parentFolder with the same kind and shortName as this resource. If this resource is a folder, then all of the contents of the folder will be recursively copied.
create() → void
If this folder does not already exist, create it.
delete() → void
Synchronously deletes this resource and its children.
getChild(String relPath) Resource
Return an existing child Resource with the given relPath. Return a not existing File if no such child exist.
getChildAssumingFile(String relPath) File
Return a File representing a child Resource with the given relPath. This call does not check whether a file with the given name exists on the filesystem - client must call the File's exists getter to determine whether the folder actually exists.
getChildAssumingFolder(String relPath) Folder
Return a Folder representing a child Resource with the given relPath. This call does not check whether a folder with the given name exists on the filesystem--client must call the Folder's exists getter to determine whether the folder actually exists.
getChildren() List<Resource>
Return a list of existing direct children Resources (folders and files) in this folder, in no particular order.
isOrContains(String path) bool
Return true if absolute path references this resource or a resource in this folder.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
resolveSymbolicLinksSync() Resource
Return a resource that refers to the same resource as this resource, but whose path does not contain any symbolic links.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
toUri() Uri
Return a Uri representing this resource.
watch() ResourceWatcher
Watch for changes to the files inside this folder (and in any nested folders, including folders reachable via links).


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.