bluetooth topic
Bluetooth Library
Bluetooth is an industry-standard protocol that enables wireless connectivity for computers, handheld devices, mobile phones, and other devices. The Bluetooth application programming interface enables developers to use existing network programming knowledge to quickly develop or port applications.
int hwndParent, Pointer< bluetoothBLUETOOTH_DEVICE_INFO> pbtdi) → int - The BluetoothDisplayDeviceProperties function opens the Control Panel device information property sheet.
int hRadio, int fEnabled) → int bluetooth - The BluetoothEnableDiscovery function changes the discovery state of a local Bluetooth radio or radios.
int hRadio, int fEnabled) → int bluetooth - The BluetoothEnableIncomingConnections function modifies whether a local Bluetooth radio accepts incoming connections.
int hRadio, Pointer< bluetoothBLUETOOTH_DEVICE_INFO> pbtdi, Pointer<Uint32> pcServiceInout, Pointer<GUID> pGuidServices) → int - The BluetoothEnumerateInstalledServices function enumerates the services GUIDs (Globally Unique Identifiers) enabled on a Bluetooth device.
int hFind) → int bluetooth - The BluetoothFindDeviceClose function closes an enumeration handle associated with a device query.
Pointer< bluetoothBLUETOOTH_DEVICE_SEARCH_PARAMS> pbtsp, Pointer<BLUETOOTH_DEVICE_INFO> pbtdi) → int - The BluetoothFindFirstDevice function begins the enumeration Bluetooth devices.
Pointer< bluetoothBLUETOOTH_FIND_RADIO_PARAMS> pbtfrp, Pointer<IntPtr> phRadio) → int - The BluetoothFindFirstRadio function begins the enumeration of local Bluetooth radios.
int hFind, Pointer< bluetoothBLUETOOTH_DEVICE_INFO> pbtdi) → int - The BluetoothFindNextDevice function finds the next Bluetooth device.
int hFind, Pointer< bluetoothIntPtr> phRadio) → int - The BluetoothFindNextRadio function finds the next Bluetooth radio.
int hFind) → int bluetooth - The BluetoothFindRadioClose function closes the enumeration handle associated with finding Bluetooth radios.
int hDevice, int ReliableWriteContext, int Flags) → int bluetooth - Specifies the end of reliable write procedures, and the writes should be aborted.
int hDevice, Pointer< bluetoothUint64> ReliableWriteContext, int Flags) → int - The BluetoothGATTBeginReliableWrite function specifies that reliable writes are about to begin.
int hDevice, int ReliableWriteContext, int Flags) → int bluetooth - Specifies the end of reliable writes, and the writes should be committed.
int hDevice, Pointer< bluetoothBTH_LE_GATT_SERVICE> Service, int CharacteristicsBufferCount, Pointer<BTH_LE_GATT_CHARACTERISTIC> CharacteristicsBuffer, Pointer<Uint16> CharacteristicsBufferActual, int Flags) → int - Gets all the characteristics available for the specified service.
int hDevice, Pointer< bluetoothBTH_LE_GATT_CHARACTERISTIC> Characteristic, int CharacteristicValueDataSize, Pointer<BTH_LE_GATT_CHARACTERISTIC_VALUE> CharacteristicValue, Pointer<Uint16> CharacteristicValueSizeRequired, int Flags) → int - Gets the value of the specified characteristic.
int hDevice, Pointer< bluetoothBTH_LE_GATT_CHARACTERISTIC> Characteristic, int DescriptorsBufferCount, Pointer<BTH_LE_GATT_DESCRIPTOR> DescriptorsBuffer, Pointer<Uint16> DescriptorsBufferActual, int Flags) → int - Gets all the descriptors available for the specified characteristic.
int hDevice, Pointer< bluetoothBTH_LE_GATT_DESCRIPTOR> Descriptor, int DescriptorValueDataSize, Pointer<BTH_LE_GATT_DESCRIPTOR_VALUE> DescriptorValue, Pointer<Uint16> DescriptorValueSizeRequired, int Flags) → int - Gets the value of the specified descriptor.
int hDevice, Pointer< bluetoothBTH_LE_GATT_SERVICE> ParentService, int IncludedServicesBufferCount, Pointer<BTH_LE_GATT_SERVICE> IncludedServicesBuffer, Pointer<Uint16> IncludedServicesBufferActual, int Flags) → int - Gets all the included services available for a given service.
int hDevice, int ServicesBufferCount, Pointer< bluetoothBTH_LE_GATT_SERVICE> ServicesBuffer, Pointer<Uint16> ServicesBufferActual, int Flags) → int - The BluetoothGATTGetServices function gets all the primary services available for a server.
int hService, int EventType, Pointer< bluetoothNativeType> EventParameterIn, Pointer<NativeFunction< Callback, Pointer<PFNBLUETOOTH_GATT_EVENT_CALLBACK> >NativeType> CallbackContext, Pointer<IntPtr> pEventHandle, int Flags) → int - Registers a routine to be called back during a characteristic value change event on the given characteristic identified by its characteristic handle.
int hDevice, Pointer< bluetoothBTH_LE_GATT_CHARACTERISTIC> Characteristic, Pointer<BTH_LE_GATT_CHARACTERISTIC_VALUE> CharacteristicValue, int ReliableWriteContext, int Flags) → int - Writes the specified characteristic value to the Bluetooth device.
int hDevice, Pointer< bluetoothBTH_LE_GATT_DESCRIPTOR> Descriptor, Pointer<BTH_LE_GATT_DESCRIPTOR_VALUE> DescriptorValue, int Flags) → int - Writes the specified descriptor value to the Bluetooth device.
int EventHandle, int Flags) → int bluetooth - Unregisters the given characteristic value change event.
int hRadio, Pointer< bluetoothBLUETOOTH_DEVICE_INFO> pbtdi) → int - TThe BluetoothGetDeviceInfo function retrieves information about a remote Bluetooth device. The Bluetooth device must have been previously identified through a successful device inquiry function call.
int hRadio, Pointer< bluetoothBLUETOOTH_RADIO_INFO> pRadioInfo) → int - The BluetoothGetRadioInfo function obtains information about a Bluetooth radio.
int hRadio) → int bluetooth - The BluetoothIsConnectable function determines whether a Bluetooth radio or radios is connectable.
int hRadio) → int bluetooth - The BluetoothIsDiscoverable function determines whether a Bluetooth radio or radios is discoverable.
int MajorVersion, int MinorVersion) → int bluetooth - The BluetoothIsVersionAvailable function indicates if the installed Bluetooth binary set supports the requested version.
Pointer< bluetoothBLUETOOTH_DEVICE_INFO> pbtdiIn, Pointer<IntPtr> phRegHandleOut, Pointer<NativeFunction< pfnCallbackIn, Pointer<PFN_AUTHENTICATION_CALLBACK_EX> >NativeType> pvParam) → int - The BluetoothRegisterForAuthenticationEx function registers an application for a pin request, numeric comparison and callback function.
Pointer< bluetoothBLUETOOTH_ADDRESS> pAddress) → int - The BluetoothRemoveDevice function removes authentication between a Bluetooth device and the computer and clears cached service information for the device.
Pointer< bluetoothUint8> pSDPStream, int cbStreamSize, Pointer<NativeFunction< pfnCallback, Pointer<PFN_BLUETOOTH_ENUM_ATTRIBUTES_CALLBACK> >NativeType> pvParam) → int - The BluetoothSdpEnumAttributes function enumerates through the SDP record stream, and calls the callback function for each attribute in the record.
Pointer< bluetoothUint8> pRecordStream, int cbRecordLength, int usAttributeId, Pointer<SDP_ELEMENT_DATA> pAttributeData) → int - The BluetoothSdpGetAttributeValue function retrieves the attribute value for an attribute identifier.
Pointer< bluetoothUint8> pContainerStream, int cbContainerLength, Pointer<IntPtr> pElement, Pointer<SDP_ELEMENT_DATA> pData) → int - The BluetoothSdpGetContainerElementData function iterates a container stream and returns each element contained within the container element.
Pointer< bluetoothUint8> pSdpStream, int cbSdpStreamLength, Pointer<SDP_ELEMENT_DATA> pData) → int - The BluetoothSdpGetElementData function retrieves and parses a single element from an SDP stream.
Pointer< bluetoothUint8> pRecordStream, int cbRecordLength, Pointer<SDP_STRING_TYPE_DATA> pStringData, int usStringOffset, Pointer<Utf16> pszString, Pointer<Uint32> pcchStringLength) → int - The BluetoothSdpGetString function converts a raw string embedded in the SDP record into a Unicode string.
Pointer< bluetoothBLUETOOTH_SELECT_DEVICE_PARAMS> pbtsdp) → int - The BluetoothSelectDevices function enables Bluetooth device selection.
Pointer< bluetoothBLUETOOTH_SELECT_DEVICE_PARAMS> pbtsdp) → int - The BluetoothSelectDevicesFree function frees resources associated with a previous call to BluetoothSelectDevices.
int hRadioIn, Pointer< bluetoothBLUETOOTH_AUTHENTICATE_RESPONSE> pauthResponse) → int - The BluetoothSendAuthenticationResponseEx function is called when an authentication request to send the passkey or a Numeric Comparison response is made.
int hRadio, Pointer< bluetoothBLUETOOTH_DEVICE_INFO> pbtdi, Pointer<GUID> pGuidService, int dwServiceFlags) → int - The BluetoothSetServiceState function enables or disables services for a Bluetooth device.
int hRegHandle) → int bluetooth - The BluetoothUnregisterAuthentication function removes registration for a callback routine that was previously registered with a call to the BluetoothRegisterForAuthentication function.
Pointer< bluetoothBLUETOOTH_DEVICE_INFO> pbtdi) → int - The BluetoothUpdateDeviceRecord function updates the local computer cache about a Bluetooth device.