winmm topic

Windows Multimedia API

Microsoft Windows multimedia support enables applications to use sound and video.


mciGetDeviceID(Pointer<Utf16> pszDevice) int winmm
The mciGetDeviceID function retrieves the device identifier corresponding to the name of an open device.
mciGetDeviceIDFromElementID(int dwElementID, Pointer<Utf16> lpstrType) int winmm
The mciGetDeviceIDFromElementID function retrieves the MCI device identifier corresponding to an element identifier.
mciGetErrorString(int mcierr, Pointer<Utf16> pszText, int cchText) int winmm
The mciGetErrorString function retrieves a string that describes the specified MCI error code.
mciSendCommand(int mciId, int uMsg, int dwParam1, int dwParam2) int winmm
The mciSendCommand function sends a command message to the specified MCI device.
mciSendString(Pointer<Utf16> lpstrCommand, Pointer<Utf16> lpstrReturnString, int uReturnLength, int hwndCallback) int winmm
The mciSendString function sends a command string to an MCI device. The device that the command is sent to is specified in the command string.
midiConnect(int hmi, int hmo, Pointer<NativeType> pReserved) int winmm
The midiConnect function connects a MIDI input device to a MIDI thru or output device, or connects a MIDI thru device to a MIDI output device.
midiDisconnect(int hmi, int hmo, Pointer<NativeType> pReserved) int winmm
The midiDisconnect function disconnects a MIDI input device from a MIDI thru or output device, or disconnects a MIDI thru device from a MIDI output device.
midiInAddBuffer(int hmi, Pointer<MIDIHDR> pmh, int cbmh) int winmm
The midiInAddBuffer function sends an input buffer to a specified opened MIDI input device. This function is used for system-exclusive messages.
midiInClose(int hmi) int winmm
The midiInClose function closes the specified MIDI input device.
midiInGetDevCaps(int uDeviceID, Pointer<MIDIINCAPS> pmic, int cbmic) int winmm
The midiInGetDevCaps function determines the capabilities of a specified MIDI input device.
midiInGetErrorText(int mmrError, Pointer<Utf16> pszText, int cchText) int winmm
The midiInGetErrorText function retrieves a textual description for an error identified by the specified error code.
midiInGetID(int hmi, Pointer<Uint32> puDeviceID) int winmm
The midiInGetID function gets the device identifier for the given MIDI input device.
midiInGetNumDevs() int winmm
The midiInGetNumDevs function retrieves the number of MIDI input devices in the system.
midiInMessage(int hmi, int uMsg, int dw1, int dw2) int winmm
The midiInMessage function sends a message to the MIDI device driver.
midiInOpen(Pointer<IntPtr> phmi, int uDeviceID, int dwCallback, int dwInstance, int fdwOpen) int winmm
The midiInOpen function opens a specified MIDI input device.
midiInPrepareHeader(int hmi, Pointer<MIDIHDR> pmh, int cbmh) int winmm
The midiInPrepareHeader function prepares a buffer for MIDI input.
midiInReset(int hmi) int winmm
The midiInReset function stops input on a given MIDI input device.
midiInStart(int hmi) int winmm
The midiInStart function starts MIDI input on the specified MIDI input device.
midiInStop(int hmi) int winmm
The midiInStop function stops MIDI input on the specified MIDI input device.
midiInUnprepareHeader(int hmi, Pointer<MIDIHDR> pmh, int cbmh) int winmm
The midiInUnprepareHeader function cleans up the preparation performed by the midiInPrepareHeader function.
midiOutCacheDrumPatches(int hmo, int uPatch, Pointer<Uint16> pwkya, int fuCache) int winmm
The midiOutCacheDrumPatches function requests that an internal MIDI synthesizer device preload and cache a specified set of key-based percussion patches.
midiOutCachePatches(int hmo, int uBank, Pointer<Uint16> pwpa, int fuCache) int winmm
The midiOutCachePatches function requests that an internal MIDI synthesizer device preload and cache a specified set of patches.
midiOutClose(int hmo) int winmm
The midiOutClose function closes the specified MIDI output device.
midiOutGetDevCaps(int uDeviceID, Pointer<MIDIOUTCAPS> pmoc, int cbmoc) int winmm
The midiOutGetDevCaps function queries a specified MIDI output device to determine its capabilities.
midiOutGetErrorText(int mmrError, Pointer<Utf16> pszText, int cchText) int winmm
The midiOutGetErrorText function retrieves a textual description for an error identified by the specified error code.
midiOutGetID(int hmo, Pointer<Uint32> puDeviceID) int winmm
The midiOutGetID function retrieves the device identifier for the given MIDI output device.
midiOutGetNumDevs() int winmm
The midiOutGetNumDevs function retrieves the number of MIDI output devices present in the system.
midiOutGetVolume(int hmo, Pointer<Uint32> pdwVolume) int winmm
The midiOutGetVolume function retrieves the current volume setting of a MIDI output device.
midiOutLongMsg(int hmo, Pointer<MIDIHDR> pmh, int cbmh) int winmm
The midiOutLongMsg function sends a system-exclusive MIDI message to the specified MIDI output device.
midiOutMessage(int hmo, int uMsg, int dw1, int dw2) int winmm
The midiOutMessage function sends a message to the MIDI device drivers. This function is used only for driver-specific messages that are not supported by the MIDI API.
midiOutOpen(Pointer<IntPtr> phmo, int uDeviceID, int dwCallback, int dwInstance, int fdwOpen) int winmm
The midiOutOpen function opens a MIDI output device for playback.
midiOutPrepareHeader(int hmo, Pointer<MIDIHDR> pmh, int cbmh) int winmm
The midiOutPrepareHeader function prepares a MIDI system-exclusive or stream buffer for output.
midiOutReset(int hmo) int winmm
The midiOutReset function turns off all notes on all MIDI channels for the specified MIDI output device.
midiOutSetVolume(int hmo, int dwVolume) int winmm
The midiOutSetVolume function sets the volume of a MIDI output device.
midiOutShortMsg(int hmo, int dwMsg) int winmm
The midiOutShortMsg function sends a short MIDI message to the specified MIDI output device.
midiOutUnprepareHeader(int hmo, Pointer<MIDIHDR> pmh, int cbmh) int winmm
The midiOutUnprepareHeader function cleans up the preparation performed by the midiOutPrepareHeader function.
PlaySound(Pointer<Utf16> pszSound, int hmod, int fdwSound) int winmm
The PlaySound function plays a sound specified by the given file name, resource, or system event.
waveInAddBuffer(int hwi, Pointer<WAVEHDR> pwh, int cbwh) int winmm
The waveInAddBuffer function sends an input buffer to the given waveform-audio input device. When the buffer is filled, the application is notified.
waveInClose(int hwi) int winmm
The waveInClose function closes the given waveform-audio input device.
waveInGetDevCaps(int uDeviceID, Pointer<WAVEINCAPS> pwic, int cbwic) int winmm
The waveInGetDevCaps function retrieves the capabilities of a given waveform-audio input device.
waveInGetErrorText(int mmrError, Pointer<Utf16> pszText, int cchText) int winmm
The waveInGetErrorText function retrieves a textual description of the error identified by the given error number.
waveInGetID(int hwi, Pointer<Uint32> puDeviceID) int winmm
The waveInGetID function gets the device identifier for the given waveform-audio input device.
waveInGetNumDevs() int winmm
The waveInGetNumDevs function returns the number of waveform-audio input devices present in the system.
waveInGetPosition(int hwi, Pointer<MMTIME> pmmt, int cbmmt) int winmm
The waveInGetPosition function retrieves the current input position of the given waveform-audio input device.
waveInMessage(int hwi, int uMsg, int dw1, int dw2) int winmm
The waveInMessage function sends messages to the waveform-audio input device drivers.
waveInOpen(Pointer<IntPtr> phwi, int uDeviceID, Pointer<WAVEFORMATEX> pwfx, int dwCallback, int dwInstance, int fdwOpen) int winmm
The waveInOpen function opens the given waveform-audio input device for recording.
waveInPrepareHeader(int hwi, Pointer<WAVEHDR> pwh, int cbwh) int winmm
The waveInPrepareHeader function prepares a buffer for waveform-audio input.
waveInReset(int hwi) int winmm
The waveInReset function stops input on the given waveform-audio input device and resets the current position to zero.
waveInStart(int hwi) int winmm
The waveInStart function starts input on the given waveform-audio input device.
waveInStop(int hwi) int winmm
The waveInStop function stops waveform-audio input.
waveInUnprepareHeader(int hwi, Pointer<WAVEHDR> pwh, int cbwh) int winmm
The waveInUnprepareHeader function cleans up the preparation performed by the waveInPrepareHeader function. This function must be called after the device driver fills a buffer and returns it to the application. You must call this function before freeing the buffer.
waveOutClose(int hwo) int winmm
The waveOutClose function closes the given waveform-audio output device.
waveOutGetDevCaps(int uDeviceID, Pointer<WAVEOUTCAPS> pwoc, int cbwoc) int winmm
The waveOutGetDevCaps function retrieves the capabilities of a given waveform-audio output device.
waveOutGetErrorText(int mmrError, Pointer<Utf16> pszText, int cchText) int winmm
The waveOutGetErrorText function retrieves a textual description of the error identified by the given error number.
waveOutGetID(int hwo, Pointer<Uint32> puDeviceID) int winmm
The waveOutGetID function retrieves the device identifier for the given waveform-audio output device.
waveOutGetNumDevs() int winmm
The waveOutGetNumDevs function retrieves the number of waveform-audio output devices present in the system.
waveOutGetPitch(int hwo, Pointer<Uint32> pdwPitch) int winmm
The waveOutGetPitch function retrieves the current pitch setting for the specified waveform-audio output device.
waveOutGetPlaybackRate(int hwo, Pointer<Uint32> pdwRate) int winmm
The waveOutGetPlaybackRate function retrieves the current playback rate for the specified waveform-audio output device.
waveOutGetPosition(int hwo, Pointer<MMTIME> pmmt, int cbmmt) int winmm
The waveOutGetPosition function retrieves the current playback position of the given waveform-audio output device.
waveOutGetVolume(int hwo, Pointer<Uint32> pdwVolume) int winmm
The waveOutGetVolume function retrieves the current volume level of the specified waveform-audio output device.
waveOutMessage(int hwo, int uMsg, int dw1, int dw2) int winmm
The waveOutMessage function sends messages to the waveform-audio output device drivers.
waveOutOpen(Pointer<IntPtr> phwo, int uDeviceID, Pointer<WAVEFORMATEX> pwfx, int dwCallback, int dwInstance, int fdwOpen) int winmm
The waveOutOpen function opens the given waveform-audio output device for playback.
waveOutPause(int hwo) int winmm
The waveOutPause function pauses playback on the given waveform-audio output device. The current position is saved. Use the waveOutRestart function to resume playback from the current position.
waveOutPrepareHeader(int hwo, Pointer<WAVEHDR> pwh, int cbwh) int winmm
The waveOutPrepareHeader function prepares a waveform-audio data block for playback.
waveOutReset(int hwo) int winmm
The waveOutReset function stops playback on the given waveform-audio output device and resets the current position to zero. All pending playback buffers are marked as done (WHDR_DONE) and returned to the application.
waveOutRestart(int hwo) int winmm
The waveOutRestart function resumes playback on a paused waveform-audio output device.
waveOutSetPitch(int hwo, int dwPitch) int winmm
The waveOutSetPitch function sets the pitch for the specified waveform-audio output device.
waveOutSetPlaybackRate(int hwo, int dwRate) int winmm
The waveOutSetPlaybackRate function sets the playback rate for the specified waveform-audio output device.
waveOutSetVolume(int hwo, int dwVolume) int winmm
The waveOutSetVolume function sets the volume level of the specified waveform-audio output device.
waveOutUnprepareHeader(int hwo, Pointer<WAVEHDR> pwh, int cbwh) int winmm
The waveOutUnprepareHeader function cleans up the preparation performed by the waveOutPrepareHeader function. This function must be called after the device driver is finished with a data block. You must call this function before freeing the buffer.
waveOutWrite(int hwo, Pointer<WAVEHDR> pwh, int cbwh) int winmm
The waveOutWrite function sends a data block to the given waveform-audio output device.