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Windows Print Spooler APIs
The Print Spooler API provides an interface to the print spooler for applications to manage printers and print jobs.
int hPrinter) → int winspool - The AbortPrinter function deletes a printer's spool file if the printer is configured for spooling.
int hPrinter, int Level, Pointer< winspoolUint8> pForm) → int - The AddForm function adds a form to the list of available forms that can be selected for the specified printer.
int hPrinter, int Level, Pointer< winspoolUint8> pData, int cbBuf, Pointer<Uint32> pcbNeeded) → int - The AddJob function adds a print job to the list of print jobs that can be scheduled by the print spooler. The function retrieves the name of the file you can use to store the job.
Pointer< winspoolUtf16> pName, int Level, Pointer<Uint8> pPrinter) → int - The AddPrinter function adds a printer to the list of supported printers for a specified server.
Pointer< winspoolUtf16> pName) → int - The AddPrinterConnection function adds a connection to the specified printer for the current user.
int hWnd, Pointer< winspoolUtf16> pszName, int dwLevel, Pointer<NativeType> pConnectionInfo) → int - Adds a connection to the specified printer for the current user and specifies connection details.
int hWnd, int hPrinter, Pointer< winspoolUtf16> pDeviceName, Pointer<DEVMODE> pDevModeOutput, Pointer<DEVMODE> pDevModeInput) → int - The AdvancedDocumentProperties function displays a printer-configuration dialog box for the specified printer, allowing the user to configure that printer.
int hPrinter) → int winspool - The ClosePrinter function closes the specified printer object.
int hPrinter, int hSpoolFile) → int winspool - The CloseSpoolFileHandle function closes a handle to a spool file associated with the print job currently submitted by the application.
int hPrinter, int hSpoolFile, int cbCommit) → int winspool - The CommitSpoolData function notifies the print spooler that a specified amount of data has been written to a specified spool file and is ready to be rendered.
Pointer< winspoolUtf16> pName, int hWnd, Pointer<Utf16> pPortName) → int - The ConfigurePort function displays the port-configuration dialog box for a port on the specified server.
int hwnd, int Flags) → int winspool - The ConnectToPrinterDlg function displays a dialog box that lets users browse and connect to printers on a network. If the user selects a printer, the function attempts to create a connection to it; if a suitable driver is not installed on the server, the user is given the option of creating a printer locally.
int hPrinter, Pointer< winspoolUtf16> pFormName) → int - The DeleteForm function removes a form name from the list of supported forms.
int hPrinter) → int winspool - The DeletePrinter function deletes the specified printer object.
Pointer< winspoolUtf16> pName) → int - The DeletePrinterConnection function deletes a connection to a printer that was established by a call to AddPrinterConnection or ConnectToPrinterDlg.
int hPrinter, Pointer< winspoolUtf16> pValueName) → int - The DeletePrinterData function deletes specified configuration data for a printer. A printer's configuration data consists of a set of named and typed values. The DeletePrinterData function deletes one of these values, specified by its value name.
int hPrinter, Pointer< winspoolUtf16> pKeyName, Pointer<Utf16> pValueName) → int - The DeletePrinterDataEx function deletes a specified value from the configuration data for a printer. A printer's configuration data consists of a set of named and typed values stored in a hierarchy of registry keys. The function deletes a specified value under a specified key.
int hPrinter, Pointer< winspoolUtf16> pKeyName) → int - The DeletePrinterKey function deletes a specified key and all its subkeys for a specified printer.
int hWnd, int hPrinter, Pointer< winspoolUtf16> pDeviceName, Pointer<DEVMODE> pDevModeOutput, Pointer<DEVMODE> pDevModeInput, int fMode) → int - The DocumentProperties function retrieves or modifies printer initialization information or displays a printer-configuration property sheet for the specified printer.
int hPrinter) → int winspool - The EndDocPrinter function ends a print job for the specified printer.
int hPrinter) → int winspool - The EndPagePrinter function notifies the print spooler that the application is at the end of a page in a print job.
int hPrinter, int Level, Pointer< winspoolUint8> pForm, int cbBuf, Pointer<Uint32> pcbNeeded, Pointer<Uint32> pcReturned) → int - The EnumForms function enumerates the forms supported by the specified printer.
int hPrinter, int FirstJob, int NoJobs, int Level, Pointer< winspoolUint8> pJob, int cbBuf, Pointer<Uint32> pcbNeeded, Pointer<Uint32> pcReturned) → int - The EnumJobs function retrieves information about a specified set of print jobs for a specified printer.
int hPrinter, int dwIndex, Pointer< winspoolUtf16> pValueName, int cbValueName, Pointer<Uint32> pcbValueName, Pointer<Uint32> pType, Pointer<Uint8> pData, int cbData, Pointer<Uint32> pcbData) → int - The EnumPrinterData function enumerates configuration data for a specified printer.
int hPrinter, Pointer< winspoolUtf16> pKeyName, Pointer<Uint8> pEnumValues, int cbEnumValues, Pointer<Uint32> pcbEnumValues, Pointer<Uint32> pnEnumValues) → int - The EnumPrinterDataEx function enumerates all value names and data for a specified printer and key.
int hPrinter, Pointer< winspoolUtf16> pKeyName, Pointer<Utf16> pSubkey, int cbSubkey, Pointer<Uint32> pcbSubkey) → int - The EnumPrinterKey function enumerates the subkeys of a specified key for a specified printer.
int Flags, Pointer< winspoolUtf16> Name, int Level, Pointer<Uint8> pPrinterEnum, int cbBuf, Pointer<Uint32> pcbNeeded, Pointer<Uint32> pcReturned) → int - The EnumPrinters function enumerates available printers, print servers, domains, or print providers.
int hChange) → int winspool - The FindClosePrinterChangeNotification function closes a change notification object created by calling the FindFirstPrinterChangeNotification function. The printer or print server associated with the change notification object will no longer be monitored by that object.
int hPrinter, int fdwFilter, int fdwOptions, Pointer< winspoolNativeType> pPrinterNotifyOptions) → int - The FindFirstPrinterChangeNotification function creates a change notification object and returns a handle to the object. You can then use this handle in a call to one of the wait functions to monitor changes to the printer or print server.
int hChange, Pointer< winspoolUint32> pdwChange, Pointer<NativeType> pvReserved, Pointer<Pointer< ppPrinterNotifyInfo) → intNativeType> > - The FindNextPrinterChangeNotification function retrieves information about the most recent change notification for a change notification object associated with a printer or print server. Call this function when a wait operation on the change notification object is satisfied.
int hPrinter, Pointer< winspoolNativeType> pBuf, int cbBuf, Pointer<Uint32> pcWritten, int cSleep) → int - The FlushPrinter function sends a buffer to the printer in order to clear it from a transient state.
Pointer< winspoolPRINTER_NOTIFY_INFO> pPrinterNotifyInfo) → int - The FreePrinterNotifyInfo function frees a system-allocated buffer created by the FindNextPrinterChangeNotification function.
Pointer< winspoolUtf16> pszBuffer, Pointer<Uint32> pcchBuffer) → int - The GetDefaultPrinter function retrieves the printer name of the default printer for the current user on the local computer.
int hPrinter, Pointer< winspoolUtf16> pFormName, int Level, Pointer<Uint8> pForm, int cbBuf, Pointer<Uint32> pcbNeeded) → int - The GetForm function retrieves information about a specified form.
int hPrinter, int JobId, int Level, Pointer< winspoolUint8> pJob, int cbBuf, Pointer<Uint32> pcbNeeded) → int - The GetJob function retrieves information about a specified print job.
int hPrinter, int Level, Pointer< winspoolUint8> pPrinter, int cbBuf, Pointer<Uint32> pcbNeeded) → int - The GetPrinter function retrieves information about a specified printer.
int hPrinter, Pointer< winspoolUtf16> pValueName, Pointer<Uint32> pType, Pointer<Uint8> pData, int nSize, Pointer<Uint32> pcbNeeded) → int - The GetPrinterData function retrieves configuration data for the specified printer or print server.
int hPrinter, Pointer< winspoolUtf16> pKeyName, Pointer<Utf16> pValueName, Pointer<Uint32> pType, Pointer<Uint8> pData, int nSize, Pointer<Uint32> pcbNeeded) → int - The GetPrinterDataEx function retrieves configuration data for the specified printer or print server. GetPrinterDataEx can retrieve values that the SetPrinterData function stored. In addition, GetPrinterDataEx can retrieve values that the SetPrinterDataEx function stored under a specified key.
Pointer< winspoolPRINT_EXECUTION_DATA> pData) → int - The GetPrintExecutionData retrieves the current print context.
int hPrinter) → int winspool - The GetSpoolFileHandle function retrieves a handle for the spool file associated with the job currently submitted by the application.
Pointer< winspoolDEVMODE> pDevmode, int DevmodeSize) → int - The IsValidDevmode function verifies that the contents of a DEVMODE structure are valid.
Pointer< winspoolUtf16> pPrinterName, Pointer<IntPtr> phPrinter, Pointer<PRINTER_DEFAULTS> pDefault) → int - The OpenPrinter function retrieves a handle to the specified printer or print server or other types of handles in the print subsystem.
Pointer< winspoolUtf16> pPrinterName, Pointer<IntPtr> phPrinter, Pointer<PRINTER_DEFAULTS> pDefault, Pointer<PRINTER_OPTIONS> pOptions) → int - Retrieves a handle to the specified printer, print server, or other types of handles in the print subsystem, while setting some of the printer options.
int hWnd, int hPrinter) → int winspool - The PrinterProperties function displays a printer-properties property sheet for the specified printer.
int hPrinter, Pointer< winspoolNativeType> pBuf, int cbBuf, Pointer<Uint32> pNoBytesRead) → int - The ReadPrinter function retrieves data from the specified printer.
int printerHandle, int jobId, int jobOperation, int jobProgress) → int winspool - Reports to the Print Spooler service whether an XPS print job is in the spooling or the rendering phase and what part of the processing is currently underway.
int hPrinter, Pointer< winspoolPRINTER_DEFAULTS> pDefault) → int - The ResetPrinter function specifies the data type and device mode values to be used for printing documents submitted by the StartDocPrinter function. These values can be overridden by using the SetJob function after document printing has started.
int hPrinter, int JobId) → int winspool - The ScheduleJob function requests that the print spooler schedule a specified print job for printing.
Pointer< winspoolUtf16> pszPrinter) → int - The SetDefaultPrinter function sets the printer name of the default printer for the current user on the local computer.
int hPrinter, Pointer< winspoolUtf16> pFormName, int Level, Pointer<Uint8> pForm) → int - The SetForm function sets the form information for the specified printer.
int hPrinter, int JobId, int Level, Pointer< winspoolUint8> pJob, int Command) → int - The SetJob function pauses, resumes, cancels, or restarts a print job on a specified printer. You can also use the SetJob function to set print job parameters, such as the print job priority and the document name.
Pointer< winspoolUtf16> pName, Pointer<Utf16> pPortName, int dwLevel, Pointer<Uint8> pPortInfo) → int - The SetPort function sets the status associated with a printer port.
int hPrinter, int Level, Pointer< winspoolUint8> pPrinter, int Command) → int - The SetPrinter function sets the data for a specified printer or sets the state of the specified printer by pausing printing, resuming printing, or clearing all print jobs.
int hPrinter, Pointer< winspoolUtf16> pValueName, int Type, Pointer<Uint8> pData, int cbData) → int - The SetPrinterData function sets the configuration data for a printer or print server.
int hPrinter, Pointer< winspoolUtf16> pKeyName, Pointer<Utf16> pValueName, int Type, Pointer<Uint8> pData, int cbData) → int - The SetPrinterDataEx function sets the configuration data for a printer or print server. The function stores the configuration data under the printer's registry key.
int hPrinter, int Level, Pointer< winspoolDOC_INFO_1> pDocInfo) → int - The StartDocPrinter function notifies the print spooler that a document is to be spooled for printing.
int hPrinter) → int winspool - The StartPagePrinter function notifies the spooler that a page is about to be printed on the specified printer.
int hPrinter, Pointer< winspoolNativeType> pBuf, int cbBuf, Pointer<Uint32> pcWritten) → int - The WritePrinter function notifies the print spooler that data should be written to the specified printer.