dxva2 topic
DirectX Video Acceleration API
DirectX Video Acceleration (DXVA) is an API and a corresponding DDI for using hardware acceleration to speed up video processing. Software codecs and software video processors can use DXVA to offload certain CPU-intensive operations to the GPU. For example, a software decoder can offload the inverse discrete cosine transform (iDCT) to the GPU.
int hMonitor) → int dxva2 - Closes a handle to a physical monitor. Call this function to close a monitor handle obtained from the GetPhysicalMonitorsFromHMONITOR or GetPhysicalMonitorsFromIDirect3DDevice9 function.
int dwPhysicalMonitorArraySize, Pointer< dxva2PHYSICAL_MONITOR> pPhysicalMonitorArray) → int - Closes an array of physical monitor handles. Call this function to close an array of monitor handles obtained from the GetPhysicalMonitorsFromHMONITOR or GetPhysicalMonitorsFromIDirect3DDevice9 function.
int hMonitor, Pointer< dxva2Uint32> pdwMinimumBrightness, Pointer<Uint32> pdwCurrentBrightness, Pointer<Uint32> pdwMaximumBrightness) → int - Retrieves a monitor's minimum, maximum, and current brightness settings.
int hMonitor, Pointer< dxva2Uint32> pdwMonitorCapabilities, Pointer<Uint32> pdwSupportedColorTemperatures) → int - Retrieves the configuration capabilities of a monitor. Call this function to find out which high-level monitor configuration functions are supported by the monitor.
int hMonitor, Pointer< dxva2Int32> pctCurrentColorTemperature) → int - Retrieves a monitor's current color temperature.
int hMonitor, Pointer< dxva2Uint32> pdwMinimumContrast, Pointer<Uint32> pdwCurrentContrast, Pointer<Uint32> pdwMaximumContrast) → int - Retrieves a monitor's minimum, maximum, and current contrast settings.
int hMonitor, int ptPositionType, Pointer< dxva2Uint32> pdwMinimumPosition, Pointer<Uint32> pdwCurrentPosition, Pointer<Uint32> pdwMaximumPosition) → int - Retrieves a monitor's minimum, maximum, and current horizontal or vertical position.
int hMonitor, int stSizeType, Pointer< dxva2Uint32> pdwMinimumWidthOrHeight, Pointer<Uint32> pdwCurrentWidthOrHeight, Pointer<Uint32> pdwMaximumWidthOrHeight) → int - Retrieves a monitor's minimum, maximum, and current width or height.
int hMonitor, int dtDriveType, Pointer< dxva2Uint32> pdwMinimumDrive, Pointer<Uint32> pdwCurrentDrive, Pointer<Uint32> pdwMaximumDrive) → int - Retrieves a monitor's red, green, or blue drive value.
int hMonitor, int gtGainType, Pointer< dxva2Uint32> pdwMinimumGain, Pointer<Uint32> pdwCurrentGain, Pointer<Uint32> pdwMaximumGain) → int - Retrieves a monitor's red, green, or blue gain value.
int hMonitor, Pointer< dxva2Int32> pdtyDisplayTechnologyType) → int - Retrieves the type of technology used by a monitor.
int hMonitor, Pointer< dxva2Uint32> pdwNumberOfPhysicalMonitors) → int - Retrieves the number of physical monitors associated with an HMONITOR monitor handle. Call this function before calling GetPhysicalMonitorsFromHMONITOR.
int hMonitor, int dwPhysicalMonitorArraySize, Pointer< dxva2PHYSICAL_MONITOR> pPhysicalMonitorArray) → int - Retrieves the physical monitors associated with an HMONITOR monitor handle.
int hMonitor) → int dxva2 - Saves the current monitor settings to the display's nonvolatile storage.
int hMonitor, int dwNewBrightness) → int dxva2 - Sets a monitor's brightness value. Increasing the brightness value makes the display on the monitor brighter, and decreasing it makes the display dimmer.
int hMonitor, int ctCurrentColorTemperature) → int dxva2 - Sets a monitor's color temperature.
int hMonitor, int dwNewContrast) → int dxva2 - Sets a monitor's contrast value.
int hMonitor, int ptPositionType, int dwNewPosition) → int dxva2 - Sets the horizontal or vertical position of a monitor's display area. Increasing the horizontal position moves the display area toward the right side of the screen; decreasing it moves the display area toward the left. Increasing the vertical position moves the display area toward the top of the screen; decreasing it moves the display area toward the bottom.
int hMonitor, int stSizeType, int dwNewDisplayAreaWidthOrHeight) → int dxva2 - Sets the width or height of a monitor's display area.
int hMonitor, int dtDriveType, int dwNewDrive) → int dxva2 - Sets a monitor's red, green, or blue drive value.
int hMonitor, int gtGainType, int dwNewGain) → int dxva2 - Sets a monitor's red, green, or blue gain value.